
  1. IAIS保险公司治理结构监管核心原则及对我国的启示

    IAIS Core Regulatory Principles on Insurance Company Governance Structure

  2. 我国关于保险公司治理结构的立法已基本达到了IAIS监管核心原则的要求,但也有一些地方未达到IAIS的要求。

    Though China 's legislation on insurer 's corporate governance has basically met the standards of ICP , there are some points where full compliance remains to be attained .

  3. 基于数据包络分析法的中国保险公司治理研究

    A DEA-based study on corporate governance of China 's insurance companies

  4. 论当前市场条件下保险公司治理结构建设

    Governance Structure of Insurance Companies in Today 's Market Situation

  5. 中国保险公司治理研究:基于知识和创新的视角

    Research on Chinese Insurance Corporate Governance : from the Perspective of Knowledge and Innovation

  6. 第三部分是保险公司治理监管制度的一般分析。

    Chapter ⅲ is the general analysis of supervision on insurers ' corporate governance .

  7. 这一部分就保险公司治理及其监管的演进路径、监管的特殊性和核心内容进行了分析。

    This part consists its evolution , characteristics , core elements of the supervision .

  8. 该部分首先介绍了保险公司治理结构研究的国际、国内背景及其现实意义;

    First , it introduces the domestic and international background and explains the practical significance .

  9. 第一章保险公司治理结构概述。

    The first chapter is a summary of the corporate governance structure of insurance companies .

  10. 论保险公司治理的特殊性&一个数理模型的分析

    Studies on Special Features of Insurer 's Corporate Governance & An Analysis of a Mathematical Model

  11. 最后,对我国保险公司治理结构的特殊性进行了分析。

    After that , it analyzes the particularity of the corporate governance structure of China 's insurance company .

  12. 保险公司治理结构逐步完善,经营管理更加科学,公司竞争力不断增强。

    Coming with these reforms were better cooperate governance , more scientific operation and management and greater competitiveness .

  13. 通过理论推导和国外实践,本文指出中国保险公司治理发展只能走利益相关者内部治理主导模式。

    Finally , the paper points out that Chinese insurance corporate governance should orient toward the model of interested parties internal governance .

  14. 比较研究认为,我国保险公司治理的出路是股权重构,完善委托代理制度,并推进公司上市。

    Comparison research believes , to our state-own insurance corporation , that the stock should be rebuilt , agent institution be perfected and the corporation be listed .

  15. 保险公司治理结构是保险公司竞争力的重要体现,它是一种风险制度安排,还表现为对风险文化的认同。

    Management structure is one of the critical expressions to the advantages of an insurance company . It comprises of the risk system arrangements and the risk cultures acknowledgements .

  16. 在以风险作为经营对象的保险公司治理中,内部治理结构对于规范公司经营行为、确保公司业务经营的可持续发展有着重要意义。

    Object in the risk management of insurance companies as governance , internal governance structure for standardizing business practices to ensure the sustainable development of the company business has an important significance .

  17. 按照保险公司治理的特点和利益相关者共同治理的要求,以中资财产保险公司2009年的公司治理数据和财务数据,利用逐步回归法进行了实证研究。

    At the request of the characteristics of the insurance company and stakeholders ' common governance , the data of Chinese property insurance company in 2009 is empirical processed using the method of stepwise regression .

  18. 股权结构、董事会特征与业绩研究&中国保险公司的治理结构分析

    Ownership structure , board characteristics and insurers'performance & A study on the corporate governance of Chinese insurers

  19. 董事会作用不能充分发挥已经成为制约我国保险企业公司治理结构改革的一个深层次问题。

    The inability of the board of directors to fully play its role has become a deeper-level question plaguing the reform of insurance company 's corporate governance structure .

  20. 保险公司分支机构治理存在的问题及改进建议

    The Problems and Proposals for Corporate Governance of the Insurance Company Branches and Sub-branches

  21. 过去长时间所实行的增量式制度改良被实践证明难以根本解决我国国有保险公司经营和治理绩效低下的问题,因此必须对保险公司制度的核心&产权制度进行根本性的变革。

    Practice has proved that the incremental improving of old institution employed in a long period previously can not solve the problem of state-owned insurance companies ' low efficiency and poor performance in operation and governance completely .

  22. 董事责任保险制度是完善公司治理结构的重要制度,所以,应针对董事责任保险存在的问题采取相应的对策,以推进董事责任保险的发展,进而完善公司治理结构。

    Director 's liability insurance system is an important system of perfecting company 's administration structure , therefore , it could adopt the corresponding countermeasure for problems existing in director 's liability insurance to advance the development of director 's liability insurance and perfect the company 's administration structure .

  23. 但是,由于业务规模、股东背景和发展基础不同等多种因素,国有保险公司和股份制保险公司的治理结构仍存在不少问题。

    But , there are still many problems on corporate governance of some stated and shared insurance companies .

  24. 在继续推进我国保险业改革进程和对外开放的背景下,保险公司治理制度建设成为建立和完善现代保险企业制度,提高我国保险业整体竞争实力,确保其健康持续发展的迫切要求。

    As the reform and opening up going into depth , establishing and improving modern insurance enterprise system as well as enhancing the competitiveness of China insurance industry is pushing for the development of insurers ' coporate governance system .

  25. 充分发挥保险企业董事会作用,应加快完善保险企业的公司治理结构,提高董事会的独立性,健全董事会的组织体系。

    Therefore , in order to fully display the role of the board of directors , we should take prompt measures to improve the governance structure of insurance enterprises , increase the independence of the board of directors , and complete the organizational system of it .

  26. DO保险作为西方资本市场发展的历史产物,学术界对于DO保险在公司治理中的作用以及对董事高管心理效应产生的影响褒贬不一。

    D O insurance is a historical product of western capital market . There are several mixed opinion of the role of D O insurance in corporate governance and its psychological impact on managers among academia .

  27. 这一部分回顾了公司治理和保险监管的相关理论,着重讨论了利益相关者理论和公共利益理论对保险公司治理监管研究的重要意义,并以此为基础论证了保险公司治理监管的逻辑起点。

    Reviewing the related theories of corporate governance and insurance regulation , this part gives attention to the significance of public interest theory and stakeholders theory , and demonstrates the logic starting point of supervision on insurers ' corporate governance .

  28. 二是较早的专门针对保险业的独立董事治理机制进行系统完善的实证研究,并提出保险公司独立董事治理机制优化对策,为相关部门提供决策参考。

    Second , early aims at the insurance business specially the independent director governs the mechanism to conduct the system perfect empirical study , and proposed that the Insurance company independent directors govern the mechanism optimization countermeasure , provides the policy-making reference for the related department .

  29. 要发展保险经纪市场,除了改善外部发展环境,更重要的是需要完善保险经纪公司的内部治理结构,提高内部管理水平。

    To develop the insurance brokerage market , in addition to improving external environment , more importantly is to improve the internal management structure of insurance brokerage company .

  30. 保险公司经营目标、产品性质、资本结构和监管机制的特殊性,决定了保险公司治理对于企业绩效影响具有特别的作用机制和影响程度。

    It is due to the particularity of objectives , products , capital structure and the supervision mechanism that the corporate governance has a special mechanism of action and influence on the firm performance .