
  • 网络Restrict power with power;to check power by power
  1. 政治文明建设的核心是以权力制约权力。

    The core of the political civilization construction lies in the restriction of power .

  2. 对权力制约有三种基本方式:以权力制约权力、以权利制约权力和以道德制约权力。

    This paper compared and expounded three basic approaches of power constraints and pointed out the logical correlation between them .

  3. 第二,优化实行以权力制约权力、以权利制约权力和以道德制约权力的监督机制;

    Second , we should set up supervision mechanism of power with power , right and morals to restrain power ;

  4. 近年来,随着法治的不断完善,以权力制约权力的观念深入人心,建立权力监督机制已成为学界和实务界的共识。

    With the perfection of the legislation in recent years , the conception of power control is popular among the people .

  5. 经历无数次的尝试与失败,分权制衡,以权力制约权力成为现实世界中最不坏的选择。

    After hundreds and thousands attempts and fails , the separation and restriction of power became the best choice in real world .

  6. 明初的审计和审计立法相结合,成为在君主集权过程中以权力制约权力的重要手段。

    The combination of the Audit and Auditing Legislation of Early Ming Dynasty had become an important instrumentality in the process centralism .

  7. 以权力制约权力和以权利制约权力是近代西方规控行政权的传统模式,具有机械性和消极性;

    There are two traditional models of controlling executive power in modern times in the west : power checking power and rights checking power .

  8. 公共权力监督制度安排以权力制约权力、以权利制约权力、以道德制约权力三种模式。

    The supervision of public power is based on three supervision models : restriction of power by powers , by rights and by morality .

  9. 迄今为止,权力制约途径主要有二:一是“以权力制约权力”,二是“以社会制约权力”。

    The way of power checking in the West so far has principally two aspects : " power checks power ", and " society checks power " .

  10. 我国公司法遵循以权力制约权力的理念,坚持分权制衡的原则,力求实现企业的高效运营。

    The Company Law of our country adheres to the idea of " Power constraining Power ", and the principle of power assignment and power check and balance .

  11. 对于制约权力,在历史上曾形成了以权力制约权力、以道德制约权力、以法律制约权力等形式。

    In history , as for the restriction on power , it has formed restrain power from power , restrain power by morals , restrain power by law , etc.

  12. 它是防止立法权和行政权滥用的重要手段,也是以权力制约权力的重要表现。

    It is the important instrumentality that prevents the legislative power and political power is abused , and it is the important embodiment that the power restricts the power also .

  13. 公司法人治理结构体现了分权制衡的机理,其设计的目的都是以权力制约权力,确保公司作不背离股东目标的有效率的运转。

    Administer structure of artificial person of corporation reflects the theory of decentralization , their purpose of design depends on authority restrict authority , to be sure that run well and should not depart from stockholders'aim .

  14. 其中,认为立法权、行政权与司法权的分立与制衡构成了“以权力制约权力”的核心,而“以社会权力制约国家权力”则成为现代西方权力制约途径的发展趋势。

    The article thinks that the checks and balances of the legislative , executive and judicial power constitutes the core of " power checks power ", and " social power checks state power " becomes the developing trench of power checking in the modern West .

  15. 本文详细分析了以权力制约权力、以道德制约权力、以权利制约权力、以社会制约权力四种权力制约模式,提出只有综合运用这几种模式,才能有效地制约公共权力。

    Four restriction patterns have been analyzed , they are restricting power by power , restricting power by ethic , restricting power by right , and restricting power by society . It is argued that only by exerting the four patterns synthetically , the public power can be restricted effectively .

  16. 本文认为,从政府权力与公民权利二者发展的脉络进行历史性考察,可以将制度文明划分为以权力制约权利、以权力制约权力、以权利制约权力3个重要阶段。

    By probe into the thread of history of the development of governmental and civil rights , in our opinion , system civilization may be divided into three important stages : right controlled by power , power controlled by power , and power controlled by right .