- 网络Restrict power with power;to check power by power

The core of the political civilization construction lies in the restriction of power .
This paper compared and expounded three basic approaches of power constraints and pointed out the logical correlation between them .
Second , we should set up supervision mechanism of power with power , right and morals to restrain power ;
With the perfection of the legislation in recent years , the conception of power control is popular among the people .
After hundreds and thousands attempts and fails , the separation and restriction of power became the best choice in real world .
The combination of the Audit and Auditing Legislation of Early Ming Dynasty had become an important instrumentality in the process centralism .
There are two traditional models of controlling executive power in modern times in the west : power checking power and rights checking power .
The supervision of public power is based on three supervision models : restriction of power by powers , by rights and by morality .
The way of power checking in the West so far has principally two aspects : " power checks power ", and " society checks power " .
The Company Law of our country adheres to the idea of " Power constraining Power ", and the principle of power assignment and power check and balance .
In history , as for the restriction on power , it has formed restrain power from power , restrain power by morals , restrain power by law , etc.
It is the important instrumentality that prevents the legislative power and political power is abused , and it is the important embodiment that the power restricts the power also .
Administer structure of artificial person of corporation reflects the theory of decentralization , their purpose of design depends on authority restrict authority , to be sure that run well and should not depart from stockholders'aim .
The article thinks that the checks and balances of the legislative , executive and judicial power constitutes the core of " power checks power ", and " social power checks state power " becomes the developing trench of power checking in the modern West .
Four restriction patterns have been analyzed , they are restricting power by power , restricting power by ethic , restricting power by right , and restricting power by society . It is argued that only by exerting the four patterns synthetically , the public power can be restricted effectively .
By probe into the thread of history of the development of governmental and civil rights , in our opinion , system civilization may be divided into three important stages : right controlled by power , power controlled by power , and power controlled by right .