
yǐ guǎ dí zhòng
  • fight against heavy odds;pit the few against the many;fight against odds
以寡敌众[yǐ guǎ dí zhòng]
  1. 我们不能指望以寡敌众;

    We can 't hope to prevail against such overwhelming odds .

  2. 他们以寡敌众。

    They battled against heavy odds .

  3. 是利比亚的战士经常在缺乏弹药、以寡敌众的劣势条件下,一个城镇一个城镇、一个街区一个街区地展开争夺战。

    It was Libyan fighters , often outgunned and outnumbered , who fought pitched battles , town-by-town , block-by-block .