
  1. 他的分权学说、法治思想、有限政府理论等思想成为现代政府理论的重要内容。

    His decentralization theory , government by law thought , limited government theory and so on have become important content of the modern government theory .

  2. 政府成本问题研究是我国政府改革与政府发展的需要,也是现代政府理论的重要组成部分。

    The study of government cost is the requirement of China 's government reform and development as well as an important component of modern government theory .

  3. 国家干预理论、现代政府职能理论及劳权理论为政府介入劳资关系奠定了深厚的理论基础。

    The theory of state intervention , modern government function theory and the theory of government intervention among labor relations laid a solid theoretical foundation .

  4. 尤其重要的是,在政府失灵问题暴露出来以后,现代政府干预理论特别强调政府干预经济的法治化,并赋予了政府干预以程序化的内涵与外观。

    More importantly , modern government intervention theory attaches more emphasis on the legalization of government intervention , and endows the intension and extension of government intervention in the procedure way after the exposure of the failure of the administration .

  5. 本文根据西方自然垄断理论和现代政府规制理论,采用数理分析、实证分析和比较分析相结合的方法,提出了我国城市供水产业的重组方案和管理体制改革的具体措施。

    By the theory of natural monopoly and government regulation , adopting the method of mathematical analysis , compared analysis and objective analysis , the article raised the schemes of the restructure and reform to Chinese Unbar Water-supply Industry in detail .

  6. 本文深入系统地探讨了现代责任政府的理论和实践问题。

    The thesis thoroughly deals with the theoretical and practical issues of modern government of accountability .

  7. 现代政府采购制度:理论与创新

    The Study on the System of Modern Government Procurement : The Theory and Blazing New Trails

  8. 第2章和第3章分别概括阐述了政府采购和政府采购制度、现代政府采购制度的理论渊源及其缺陷。

    Chapters 2 and 3 defines government procurement and government procurement system and reviews the theories of modern government procurement system and its defects .