
  • 网络modern educational media;modern education media
  1. 论现代教育媒体下的师生关系及教学原则

    Teacher-Student Relation and Teaching Principles through Modern Educational Media

  2. 现代教育媒体下优秀教师的再定位

    Re-orientation of Good Teachers with the Modern Educational Media

  3. 计算机辅助教学(CAI)是以现代教育媒体为核心的一种教学手段。

    Computer-aided instruction ( CAI ), a teaching method taken the modern education media as the core , obtains the vigorous promotion of the current vocational educational circles .

  4. 现代教育媒体运用与教师培训

    The Application of Modern Education Media and Teachers ' Training

  5. 现代教育媒体在课堂教学中的作用

    The Function of Modern Education Media Applied in Classroom Teaching

  6. 基于现代教育媒体的网上教学模式

    The Network Teaching Modes Based on Modern Teaching Media

  7. 充分发挥现代教育媒体的交互性、先进性和实用性;

    Exerting the capability of intermediary and advanced , practicability of modern educational medium ;

  8. 现代教育媒体与现代远程教育

    Modern Educational Media and Distance Education

  9. 高校教师现代教育媒体的使用培训课件开发的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of the Courseware on " The Use of Modern Instructional Media of College Teachers "

  10. 本文简述教育技术的内涵并对现代教育媒体进行分类,论述了现代教育技术在教育改革中的作用。

    The connotation of education technology is simply stated and the modern education medium are classied in this paper .

  11. 本文论述了现代教育媒体的主要特点,并阐述了在此基础上建构的几种网上教学模式。

    The article discusses about the main characteristics of modern teaching media , and expoundes several network teaching modes based on it .

  12. 现代教育媒体是运用现代科技成果发展来的,在教育过程中传递和存储教育信息的载体。

    Based on the usage of modern technological achievements , modern teaching media is a carrier of transmitting and storing teaching information during teaching process .

  13. 那么,在教育、教学中如何正确处理现代教育媒体和传统教育媒体、人与机器、班级授课与个别化学习、认知发展与情感发展等矛盾关系?

    How do we treat with those relationships between modern and conventional educational media , human and machine , classroom instruction and individualized learning , cognitive and emo-tional development properly ?

  14. 近几年随着计算机的普及,课堂教学中以多媒体计算机系统为代表的现代教育媒体的推广和运用对传统教育媒体提出了挑战。

    With computer becoming widely used , the applications of modern teaching approaches in classroom , which are symbolized by CAI , have made a great challenge to the traditional teaching approaches .

  15. 功能完善、特点各异的现代教育媒体组合起来融入到物理教学中去中是当前和未来物理课堂教学发展的一个重要趋势。

    It is one of the important tend in the development of physical teaching at present and in the future putting many powerful functions and different characters of the modern educational media into physical classroom .

  16. 文章从实际应用出发,结合机械基础课程的课堂教学,阐述了现代教育媒体在提高课堂教学质量上的应用。

    Based on the introduction of modern education media concept and the application in the teaching of mechanical foundation curriculum , this article elaborates the application of the modern education media in improving the teaching quality of the classroom .

  17. 根据笔者的教学实践,运用实例展现了现代教育媒体辅助音乐教学的优势,提出运用这些方法不仅可以使学生更好地学习,也有利综合能力的培养。

    According to the writer 's teaching experience , the article uses examples to show the superiority of modern education media in supporting music teaching . These methods can mot only enable students to learn better , but also conducive to the development of integrated capabilities .

  18. 为了加强对教师进行现代教育媒体的培训,我们制作了一个多媒体课件,目的是希望通过对该培训课件的开发,加快教师应用现代教育媒体进行教学的进程,为教师提供行之有效的培训手段。

    In order to strength the training of teachers to use modern instructional media , we design a multimedia courseware . By designing the courseware , we expect to quicken the step of the teachers ' using modern instructional media and to offer an effective means of teachers ' training .

  19. 系统论视野下的现代教育技术媒体之当代教育作用

    The Role of Modern Education Technology Medium in the Contemporary Education

  20. 后现代文化与教育媒体开发原则

    Postmodern Culture and Principles of Developing Educational Media

  21. 运用现代教育技术各种媒体实施教育,有利于促进大学生综合素质的提高。

    With the application of all kinds of modern education technological media , the comprehensive quality of the students is improved greatly and these methods are also proved optimization .

  22. 现代远程教育;流媒体技术;多媒体数据;协议。

    Modern long range education ; Flow a medium technique ; Multimedia data ; Agreement .

  23. 注重现代教育与现代教育媒体的整合,集教学、科研、开发于一体,资源共享;

    Tendering the integration of the modern education and modern educational medium , gathering the teaching , science researching and developing in the integral whole , the resources shared ;

  24. 本文以国家级精品课程现代教育技术公共课媒体实验中的视频展示台的使用为例,围绕基于网络的虚拟实验系统的开发与应用,展开了相关研究与实践。

    The paper develops practice and research , centering on development and application of Virtual Experiment System based on Web , which getting a Media experiment & the use of Video Presenter as an example .