
  1. 普通高校个别化体育教学方法探索

    The Explore of Individual Education Teaching Methods of Physical Education in General Colleges

  2. 实践跟踪调查结果说明个别化教学的方法应用于大学体育教学是有效、可行的。

    The results of the investigation illustrate that the teaching methods of individual education are effective and feasible to be used in collegial physical education .

  3. 在教学过程中,充分尊重学生的主体地位,发挥学生的创造性,尊重学生的个体差异,采取与之相适应的个别化的教学方法;

    Second , during the teaching process , we should fully respect students , exert their creation , respect their individual difference and adopt individual teaching method that it can adjust to them .

  4. 通过对网络课件的设计和开发,探讨了在一定程度上实现网络个别化教学的手段和方法。

    Through the design and development of the courseware , the ways and means that to realize web-based individual instruction to a certain extent is discussed .