
  • 网络Educational Communication
  1. 本文认为,信息技术与语文课程整合的理论基础主要有:系统理论、语文教学理论、建构主义学习理论、教育传播学理论、教学设计理论与思维科学理论;

    The theory basis of the integration of IT and Chinese subject are as follows : System theory , Chinese Teaching theory , Constructivism Learning theory , Educational Communication theory , Instruction Design theory and Thinking Science theory .

  2. 课堂传播效果是教育传播学研究的一个核心课题。

    Classroom communication effect is a core topic of education communication study .

  3. 教育传播学课程研究性教学探究

    On the Research-Oriented Teaching of the Course of " Education and Communication "

  4. 从教育传播学看《大学语文》的困境与出路

    Puzzlement and way out of College Chinese from the perspective of education media studies

  5. 教育传播学的地位与作用

    Position and function of education dissemination

  6. 本文的理论基础是教育传播学、教育文化学以及美学。

    This article is based on the theory of education communication , education , and aesthetic culture .

  7. 教育传播学研究30年:现状、瓶颈与对策

    A Review of Thirty Years ' Education Communication Studies : the Status Quo , Bottleneck and Countermeasures

  8. 在设计与编写球类运动项目教材时至少有五个方面的理论基础,这就是教与学理论、课程理论、教学目标分类理论、教育传播学理论、教育技术学理论等。

    Theory of curriculum , theory of teaching targets classified , theory of education propaganda , theory of education technology .

  9. 高校思想政治教育的传播学思考与策略

    On Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities From the Perspective of Communication

  10. 1998年,中国教育部将传播学列入新闻教育的领域。

    Noticeably , Chinese 's ministry of education brought communication studies in the field of journalism education in1998 .

  11. 大学生传媒素养教育作为传播学与教育学的交叉领域,在国外其研究及实践已有70余年的历史,取得了可观的成绩,十分值得我们学习和借鉴。

    As a cross-research field , media literacy education has got considerable achievement in its history of 70 years .

  12. 本文正是从思想政治教育与传播学的交叉与关联研究这一新的视角,对提高思想政治教育传播效果问题做一初步探索。

    This thesis sets out from the view of the cross and connection subjects of ideological - political education and communication , trying to make an initial research to the improvement of the effect of ideological - political education communication .

  13. 值得注意的是,在美国,一个普通心理学学位和教育学、传播学学位一样,能让学生找到社会工作、市场营销和人力资源方面的工作。

    Notably5 , in the US , a general psychology degree will open doors for students to find jobs in social work , marketing6 and human resources , similar to Education and Communications .

  14. 思想政治教育过程的传播学原理分析

    The Communicative Principles Analysis on the Process of IPE

  15. 媒介素质和媒介素质教育是国际传播学界和教育界的一个新的研究课题和实践领域。

    Media quality and media quality education is a new research and practice field for the international communication and education sectors .

  16. 本研究将大学生思想政治教育学、传播学和社会学交叉学科知识相融合,将大学生网络意见领袖作为研究目标,通过意见领袖的引导策略解决传统思想政治教育中难以解决的难题。

    Through the guiding strategy of opinion leaders of university students network to solve the difficult problems in the traditional ideological and political education .

  17. 对于非异性恋的研究从最初的社会学、心理学、医学,逐渐延伸到法律、历史、哲学、人口学、教育学、传播学等领域。

    For non-heterosexual the initial sociology , psychology , medicine , and gradually extended to the field of law , history , philosophy , demography , education . communication studies .

  18. 把高校的思想政治教育放在传播学语境下考察,就是一种典型的传播活动,而高校内部舆论直接关系到这种传播活动效果的好坏。

    If discussed under the context of communication studies , college ideological and political education is a typical communication activity , and the public opinion in college directly relate to its effect .

  19. 试把宣传学、思想政治教育学、传播学、心理学、伦理学等学科知识融入宣传思想工作中,以增强宣传思想工作的长期性、有效性和针对性。

    Try incorporating propagating such discipline knowledge as studying , ideology and politics pedagogy , dissemination , psychology , ethics , etc. while propagating ideological work , in order to strengthen the long period of time , validity and pertinence which propagate ideological work .

  20. 在国外传播学研究中,教育传播已成为传播学下的一个独立的分支学科,教师的非语言符号传播研究作为其三大研究主题之一,已具有一定的成熟性。

    Instructional Communication research abroad has three separate branches , and teachers ' nonverbal immediacy as one of them already has become mature .

  21. 目前,已经有一些学者用传播的视角来观察教育领域的现象,产生了教育传播学这门学科,但却较少深入研究课堂传播效果。

    Presently , there are some scholars observed a phenomenon of education field from the perspective of communication , therefore , the science of education communication is developed , however , they make so few study on " classroom communication effect " .

  22. 朱子在书院教育的目的、教学方法、教学内容等方面提出新的思想,并以此区别于官方的科举应试教育,体现了书院教育以传播理学思想为宗旨的特征。

    He puts up new concept of the teaching purpose , methods , contents , etc , and discriminates against the imperial examinations , which embodies the features of Teachings of Order broadcasted by college education .