
xīn lǐ xué shǐ
  • history of psychology
  1. 心理学史的课程与教学

    The teaching and curriculum reform of courses in the History of Psychology

  2. 心理学史上关于自我概念的沿革与发展

    Evolution and Development of Self-concept in the History of Psychology

  3. 基于网络的西方心理学史教学设计

    The Designing of the Teaching for Western Psychology History under Web-based

  4. 研究中国心理学史刍议

    Some opinions on the study of the history of Chinese psychology

  5. 运动心理学史及其发展概述

    A Review of the History and Development of Sport Psychology

  6. 论心理学史的研究意义与基本立场

    On the Significance of the Research of Psychology History and Basic Standpoints

  7. 中国古代心理学史研究的方法问题

    Problems concerning the research methods of the history of the Chinese ancient psychology

  8. 心理学史是心理学的核心课程和基础课程。

    The History of Psychology is the core and fundamental course of psychology .

  9. 心理学史教学与历史性思维的培养

    Teaching of History of Psychology and the Cultivation Of the Ability of Thinking Historically

  10. 内容抑或意动&浅析西方心理学史上第一次思想之争

    Content psychology and act psychology Review on the first controversy in the history of psychology

  11. 在科学心理学史上,冯特是一个不可或缺的奠基性人物。

    In the history of scientific psychology , Wilhelm Wundt is one of the founders .

  12. 这个实验,是社会心理学史上最有名的实验。

    This is one of the most famous experiments in the history of social psychology .

  13. 心理学史教学模式改革刍议

    Comment on The History of Psychology and the Teaching Model Reform on The History of Psychology

  14. 心理学史教学与人才培养模式的改革

    The Teaching and Learning of the History of Psychology and the Reform of the Cultivation Pattern

  15. 学习心理学史会养成学生一定的理论素养和批判性思维。

    Learning the History of Psychology can help students to form theoretical quality and critical thinking .

  16. 中国心理学史与中国的本土心理学研究之比较

    On Analyzing the Similarities and Differences between the Indigenous Psychology of China and the Chinese Psychological History

  17. 在现代心理学史上,就影响而言,弗洛伊德超过了其他任何心理学家。

    Concerning the influence on the history of contemporary psychology , Freud is one of the most distinguished psychologists .

  18. 西方心理学史有旧史与新史之分。

    There are two forms of the history of the western psychology & the traditional history and the new history .

  19. 西方心理学史上一直存在着科学主义心理学的科学观与人文主义心理学的科学观的对立。

    There having been the antithesis between the view of scientific psychology and that of humanism psychology during the western psychological history .

  20. 单一被试设计在近代心理学史上曾得到广泛的应用,艾宾浩斯、桑代克、巴甫洛夫和斯金纳等心理学家是运用该方法的主要代表。单一被试设计包括描述性单一被试设计和实验性单一被试设计。

    The Single-Participant Research Design was used broadly in modern time by psychologists such as Ebbinghaus , Thorndike , Pavlov , and Skinner .

  21. 但是,今天心理学史教学在诸如教学态度、教学方式、教学内容及教学方法等方面还存在着亟待解决的问题。

    But there are many problems in teaching The History of Psychology , such as teaching attitudes , teaching methods and teaching contexts .

  22. 它们既取得了一定的理论成就,也存在一定的思想局限,同时也在心理学史上产生了重要影响。

    The early British functional psychology got certain theoretical achievements , had some thinking limits , and made important influence on the history of psychology .

  23. 重新解读西方心理学史从旧史到新史的启示科学主义背景下的文化心理观简析心理学史中的文化研究

    Unscramble the History of the Western Psychology & The Revelation Among the Transition from the Traditional History to the New Analyzing the Cultural Research in Psychology

  24. 所以,变革传统教学模式,建立符合时代发展的新型教学模式,是今天心理学史教学必须面对的课题。

    So , teaching The History of Psychology is faced with a challenge of changing the traditional teaching model and develop a new one to fit the new century .

  25. 新开拓的一个分支学科&中国心理学史已经宣告建立。它填补了世界心理学史的一项重大空白,为国内外心理学界所瞩目。

    The history of Chinese psychology , a recent new branch discipline thatfills a gap in the world history of psychology will draw the attention ofpsychological circles at home and abroad .

  26. 中国心理学史以外在逻辑原则为主导原则,以中国心理学思想为研究对象,形成了系统的研究方法。

    On the other hand , guided on the principle of external logic , the Chinese psychological history sees the Chinese psychological ideas as research subject and formed a systematic research method .

  27. 科学观是科学发展的前提,在西方心理学史上一直存在着科学取向的心理观和人文取向的心理观。

    The view of science presupposes the development of subjects , there exists the psychological view of science - orientated and humanity-orientated all the time in the history of psychology in western countries .

  28. 主要介绍了精神分析、行为主义、人本主义、特质与因素分析等几种在人格心理学史上比较有影响的流派及我国国内学者对人格的界说。

    It mainly introduces the psychoanalysis , the behaviorism , the humanism , the special characteristic and the factor analysis , which are the influential schools and theories for Chinese scholars on the study of personality .

  29. 心理学史课程应该属于心理学专业教学的核心课程之一,在心理学专业学生的培养中应该具有十分重要的作用;

    The History of Psychology is one of the core courses in the curriculum of the specialized study of psychology , and it plays a very important role in the professional training of students majoring in this field .

  30. 中国心理学思想史范畴体系的重建

    Reconstruction of Category 's System of History of Chinese Psychological Thoughts