
  • 网络Endocardial Cushion Defects;ECd
  1. 手术证实18例均为心内膜垫缺损,其中部分型11例(1例并法鲁四联征),完全型2例,单心房腔型5例。

    Surgical results confirmed ECD in all 18 cases , of which 11 cases were of partial type , 2 were of whole type and 5 were of single atrium type .

  2. 对1985年11月至1992年1月治疗的13例小儿不完全性心内膜垫缺损进行了随访。

    Thirteen children with incomplete endocardial cushion defects were operated and followed up .

  3. 完全型心内膜垫缺损的MRI诊断

    Magnetic resonance imaging in complete type endocardial cushion defect

  4. 目的评价MRI对完全型心内膜垫缺损的诊断价值和限度。

    Objective To evaluate the value and limitation of magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) in complete type endocardial cushion defect ( CTECD ) .

  5. 目的评价超声心动图对心内膜垫缺损(ECD)的诊断价值并分析部分合并畸形漏诊的原因;

    Objective To evaluate the value of ultrasound in endocardial cushion defect ( ECD ) diagnosis and to analyse the misdiagnosis reason of some cases .

  6. 方法对经EBCT检查,手术或心血管造影证实、不合并完全性心内膜垫缺损的右室双出口病例14例行回顾性分析。

    Methods Retrospective analysis of EBCT findings in 14 patients with double outlet right ventricle confirmed by operation or angiocardiography was done . The double outlet right ventricle patients complicated with complete endocardial cushion defect were not included in our research .

  7. HCY2基因可引起心脏结构紊乱、心内膜垫缺损和抑制心室心房发育,并可损害心肌细胞的超微结构。

    Under light and electron microscope , it was seen that HCY 2 gene resulted in structure disturbance , endocardial cushion defect and hypoplasia of heart .

  8. 15例完全性心内膜垫缺损的医学影像诊断和临床

    The Medieal Photograph Diagnosis and Clinic of Complete Endocardial Cushion Defect

  9. 总共发现单心室、心内膜垫缺损及三尖瓣闭锁并大动脉转位等严重的胎儿先天性心脏病16例。

    16 cases with severe congenital heart diseases were discovered and confirmed .

  10. 完全型心内膜垫缺损并肺动脉高压产妇1例

    One case : complete endocardial cushion defect and pulmonary hypertension in parturient

  11. 超声显像亚型分类诊断完全性心内膜垫缺损

    The Diagnosis of Ultrasonic Imaging Subtype Classification : Complete Endocardial Cushion Defect

  12. 小儿不完全性心内膜垫缺损外科治疗随访观察

    Follow-up Observation from Surgical Correction of Incomplete Endocardial Cushion Defect in Children

  13. 先天性心脏病心内膜垫缺损的超声心动图分型诊断

    Classification Diagnosis in Endocardial Cushion Defects by Echocardiography

  14. 连续缝合法治疗部分型心内膜垫缺损

    Repair of partial A-V canal with continuous suture

  15. 彩色多普勒血流显像诊断先天性心内膜垫缺损的探讨

    Study on the Diagnosis of Congenital Endocardial Cushion Defects by Color Doppler Flow Imaging

  16. 心内膜垫缺损,心房间和心室间左右血流交通。

    Endocardial cushion defect and the blood transferred between the atriums and the ventricles .

  17. 房间隔缺损和心内膜垫缺损75例临床及X线分析

    Clinical and X-Ray Analysis of 75 Cases of Atrial Septal Defect and Endocardial Cushion Defect

  18. 心内膜垫缺损的超声诊断分析

    Echocardiographic value in diagnosing endocardial cushion defect

  19. 部分性心内膜垫缺损的外科治疗

    Surgical Treatment of Incomplete Endocardial Cushion Defect

  20. 目的:总结外科治疗部分型心内膜垫缺损的安全性和有效方法。

    Objective : To summarize safety and efficacy of surgical treatment of partial endocardial cushion defect .

  21. 结论:外科手术治疗部分型心内膜垫缺损方法可靠,疗效满意。

    Conclusion : Surgical intervention is an effective and feasible method for treating partial endocardial cushion defect .

  22. 方法:回顾性分析37例部分型心内膜垫缺损病例的诊治情况及手术方法与效果;

    Methods : The clinical data of 37 patients with partial endocardial cushion defect were analyzed retrospectively .

  23. 心内膜垫缺损造影诊断中漏、误诊造影表现与其手术病理对比研究

    Endocardial Cushion Defects : An Analysis of Missed diagnosis and Misdiagnosis and A Comparison of Angiographic with Pathologic Findings

  24. 主要合并的心血管畸形有室间隔缺损、房间隔缺损、完全性心内膜垫缺损等。

    The main accompanied cardiovascular abnormalities included ventricular septum defect , atrial septum defect , complete endocardial cushion defect , and so on .

  25. 结果74例中,部分型心内膜垫缺损38例,过渡型心内膜垫缺损11例,完全型心内膜垫缺损25例。

    Results Among the 74 cases , 38 cases were diagnosed as partial Endocardial Cushion Defect ( PECD ) , 11 cases as Transitional Endocardial Cushion Defect ( TECD ) and 25 cases as Complete Endocardial Cushion Defect ( CECD ) .