
  • 网络mind wandering
  1. 通过分析发现,个体意愿的投入程度决定着心智游移频率的高低。

    The analysis found that the individual will determine the level of mind wandering frequency .

  2. 心智游移的频率作为一种特质,具有稳定性,而内容也会出现某种倾向性。

    The frequency of mind wandering as a characteristic is stable , and the content will be a certain tendency .

  3. 心智游移是一种类似于走神的心理活动,即注意偏离当前任务目标转而加工内源性信息的心理现象。

    Mind-wandering refers to a ubiquitous experience during which the attention drifts away from the current task to the internal information processing .

  4. 心智游移是清醒状态下,能被意识觉知却不受意识控制的内源性心智活动过程。

    Mind Wandering is a endogenous process of mental activity in awake state that can only be aware of , but out of our control by consciousness .

  5. 自由联想和听音乐与心智游移有相似之处:两者都是和当前任务无关,并且都占用了一定的认知资源。

    The task-irrelevant mental activity is similar to the mind wandering ( MW ): both are irrelevant to the current task , and consume a certain amount of cognitive resources .

  6. 本研究主要包含四个部分,首先通过经验取样研究对自然情境和实验室静息态情境下的心智游移进行取样分析,得到心智游移的主要成分和相应特征。

    First , we sample the experience of mind wandering in nature circumstance and resting state by experience-sampled method , and obtain the main components and its corresponding feature of mind wandering .

  7. 人类个体的意识经常被一些看似自发产生、与当前即时环境刺激和当前任务无关的内部表征过程占据,我们将这个过程称为心智游移。

    We individuals ' mind are always occupied with some internal representations , which generate involuntarily and unrelated to the immediate environment and the task we are doing . We call this process Mind Wandering .

  8. 心智游移与情绪的关系研究,不仅有助于我们深入理解情绪是如何影响个体这种自发组织的意识体验而且也助于为情绪障碍和认知功能损伤的干预研究提供一个新的切入角度。

    The researches of the relationship between mind-wandering and emotion give us a better understanding of how emotion affects such involuntary conscious experience and a new direction of the therapy of emotion disorders and cognitive impairment .

  9. 基于此,研究中将四种任务类型按卷入度高低设计3+1模型,将趋向性任务因素作为独立因素评估高卷入度任务状态下的心智游移频率。

    Based on this , " 3 + 1 " model was designed with four types of tasks according to the degree of involvement , tend task factor as an independent factor was uesd to assess the mind wandering frequency in tasks with high involvement .

  10. 研究发现,心智游移的内容表征形式可以细化为情景性表征、声音表征和非声的语义表征三种类型,后两者分别为语义表征中听觉表征和视觉表征,问卷以此构成了三因素模型。

    Study found that the content representation of the mind wandering can be subdivided into situational representation , voice representation and non-voice semantic represention , the latter two , respectively , in accordance with auditory and visual representation representation , this constitutes a three-factor questionnaire Model .