
  • 网络Safe motherhood
  1. 结论:1.产科联合ICU救治危重孕产妇是现代产科重症抢救的一个新的理念和重大举措,对于保证母婴安全,降低其死亡率具有重要意义。

    Obstetric treatment combined with ICU co-treatment of severe maternal complications is one of the major measures of modern obstetrics intensive rescue effectiveness . Ensuring safe motherhood and reducing mortality rates is very important .

  2. 结论:PCEA行分娩镇痛时母婴安全,镇痛效果确切。

    Conclusion : PCEA used during labor is effective and safe .

  3. 广西母婴安全工程对孕产妇死亡的影响评价

    Evaluation of effect of safety policy of mothers and infants on maternal mortality

  4. 罗哌卡因蛛网膜下腔&硬膜外腔联合分娩镇痛对母婴安全性的探讨

    Study of subarachnoid-epidural combined anesthesia of ropivacaine for labor analgesia on the safety of mother and infant

  5. 目的应用氧化亚氮减轻分娩疼痛,确保母婴安全。

    Objective To discuss the relive of pain for delivery and ensure the safety for mother and baby .

  6. 结论:对有病理基础的严重心律失常宜采取各种积极措施,以保障母婴安全。

    Conclusion : Effective treatment should be carried out in pregnancy with pathological arrhythmia to ensure mother and infant .

  7. 在过去,母婴安全是人们关注分娩过程的首要甚至是唯一的焦点。

    In the past ," maternal and infant safety " is the first and even only focus during the delivery process .

  8. 目的规范护理行为,加强产科母婴安全管理,科学观察新生儿黄疸发生情况。

    Objective To standardize nursing actions , strengthen the management of maternal-baby safety , and observe the status of newborn jaundice scientifically .

  9. 前言:目的探讨重度子痫前期时应用剖宫产术结束分娩为最佳分娩方式,以利母婴安全。

    Objective : To investigate the best childbearing that is cesarean delivery in severe preeclampsia ( S-PE ) for safe mother and infant .

  10. 目的:为政府采取有效措施取缔非法接生,保证母婴安全提供依据。

    Objective : To provide basis for effective measurements took by government to ban illegal delivery and ensure safety of mother and infants .

  11. 结论加强心脏病孕产妇妊娠、分娩及产褥期护理,是确保母婴安全的有效措施。

    Conclusion Strengthening the heart of maternal pregnancy , childbirth and postpartum nursing , maternal and child safety is to ensure that effective measures .

  12. 卫生Ⅷ项目地区77例孕产妇死亡地点与死因分析及母婴安全模型研究

    Analysis of death address and death cause of 77 pregnant women in the health ⅷ project areas and model research of maternal and child safety

  13. 实施母婴安全工程对降低孕产妇及5岁以下儿童死亡率的观察

    The effect of implementation of mother-infant safety project on the decrease of mortality of pregnant and lying-in women and children aged less than 5 years old

  14. 目的加强分娩室的医院感染管理,减少污染源,保证母婴安全。

    OBJECTIVE To reduce the infection and make sure babies and mothers safe by strengthening the hospital management of nosocomial infection ( NI ) in childbirth rooms .

  15. 结论加强心脏病孕妇围产期护理,是确保母婴安全的有效方法。

    Conclusion : Nursing enhancement in perinatal period is one of the most effective methods to ensure the safety of pregnant woman with heart diseases and survival of newborns .

  16. 结论:1.怀化市城区在职助产专业人员整体学历偏低,对继续教育有需求强烈,迫切需要完善的助产专业继续教育和职业体系,以促进助产专业的发展和保证母婴安全。

    The midwifery professionals overall educational level is low in Huaihua City , they have strong demand for continuing education to ensure the safety of the mother-and-child . 2 .

  17. 目的产前应用B超确定胎方位,查清臀位类型,预测胎儿体重,了解有无脐带绕颈及脱垂,了解胎儿成熟度及羊水量以便计划分娩,保证母婴安全。

    Objective To determine the fetal position , if the cord around neck or prolapse estimated the fetal weight , position and maturity of placenta and the quantity of amniotic fluid with B-ultrasounic detector .

  18. 目的对传统的产房助产模式进行改革,建立一套全新的产房责任制助产模式,保证分娩过程中母婴安全,提高医疗质量。

    Objective To reform the traditional delivery modes and set up a set of new ones in order to ensure the safety of the mother and the infant and to increase the quality of delivery .

  19. 目的:研究分析与产后出血的相关因素,分析可能导致产后出血的高危因素,加强产后出血预防的针对性,以期改善妊娠结局,降低产后出血及产妇死亡率,减少产后病率,保障母婴安全。

    Objective : Research and analysis of postpartum hemorrhage relevant factors , prevention postpartum hemorrhage , so as to improve the pregnancy outcome , reducing maternal mortality rate , reduce postpartum disease rate , safeguard mother-to-child safety .

  20. 长沙地区男性在妻子孕期性满意度较低,提示我们在关心母婴安全、健康的同时,也应该关注一下男性的性福。

    Changsha area male in his wife sexual satisfaction is relatively low , suggesting we are concerned about the safety of mother and infant health , at the same time , should also be concerned about the male sex . 3 .

  21. 结论:①流动人口的母婴安全应列为政府的工作职责之一,各部门对流动孕产妇进行联合有效管理,加强健康教育,坚决打击非法接生;

    Conclusion : ① The safety of mother and infant in floating population should be listed at one of works of governmental responsibility , every department should make united efficient management for floating pregnant and lying-in women and enhance health education and resolutely defeat illegal delivery .

  22. 鉴于过期妊娠、难产、高危妊娠等病症仍是目前严重威胁母婴安全的重要因素,积极采取促分娩措施以保证分娩顺利进行和母婴安全显得十分重要。

    As the diseases of prolonged pregnancy , difficult labor and high risk pregnancy were still the main factors affected security of mother and baby at the present , promoting labor has become very important to guarantee the smooth conduction of delivery and improve the puerperal security .

  23. 华盛顿最近召开的一次会议展示了《保障母婴生命安全》这一竞赛的获奖创意,这次大赛收到了600多份参赛作品。

    A recent conference in Washington presented winning ideas in a competition called " Saving Lives at Birth . " There were more than six hundred entries .

  24. 定名为“保障母婴生命安全:一项艰巨的发展挑战”的伙伴关系计划3月份发出呼吁,要求解决造成产妇和新生儿死亡的问题。

    A partnership named " Saving Lives at Birth : A Grand Challenge for Development " issued a call for innovations in March to address the causes of mother and newborn deaths .

  25. 妊娠期缺钙严重影响母婴的安全健康,其原因是由于妊娠期母体钙代谢发生变化,使母体血清游离钙离子浓度降低,血清铅浓度增高。

    Calcium deficiency during pregnancy can seriously affect maternal and fetal safety and health . This is because that maternal calcium metabolism changes during pregnancy , which causes serum calcium level to decrease and serum lead level to increase .

  26. 结果:我院通过5年来的高危妊娠管理、控制了高危因素的发展,提高了产科质量、保障母婴健康和安全分娩。

    Results : High-risk pregnant management was performed in the 5 years in our hospital , in the result the development of high-risk factors was controlled . It was effective to improve obstetrics quality and secure women and infant in health .