
mǔ xiào
  • Alma Mater;one's old school
母校 [mǔ xiào]
  • [one's old school;one's mother school;Alma Mater] 称自己曾经从那里毕业或肄业的学校

母校[mǔ xiào]
  1. 他对自己的母校有着深厚的感情。

    He has fond feelings for his Alma Mater .

  2. 几天后,弗莱明递交了辞呈,回到他的母校耶鲁大学法学院(yalelawschool)担任教职。

    A few days later , Fleming tendered his resignation to accept a teaching position at Yale Law School , his alma mater .

  3. 我去看过母校是否依然存在。

    I went to see if my old school was still there .

  4. 我依然眷恋着母校。

    I still have affection for my old school

  5. 他们团结一致来支持母校。

    They club together to support their mother school .

  6. 临毕业时,同学们对母校都十分留恋。

    As their graduation day drew near , the students felt reluctant to leave their school .

  7. 当然,我的许多同事和竞争对手的母校比我的更有魅力。

    Sure , many of my colleagues and competitors have more glamorous alma matersthan I do .

  8. 关于P个对称点的星像函数族&谨以本文献给母校三十周年校庆

    On starlike functions with respect to p - symmetric points

  9. 长长的影子投在我的母校、三一学院(TrinityCollege)前的校园方庭上。

    Long shadows fell on the Front Quad of Trinity , my old college .

  10. 以布坎南自己为例,他在母校田纳西州立大学(MiddleTennesseeStateUniversity)设立了多项奖学金(他后来又取得了芝加哥大学博士学位)。

    Take Buchanan himself , who endowed scholarships at his alma mater , Middle Tennessee State University ( he later gained a Chicago doctorate ) .

  11. 常春藤大学的中国毕业生,如红杉中国(SequoiaChina)的沈南鹏(NeilShen),已向各自的母校慷慨捐赠。

    Chinese Ivy League graduates such as Neil Shen of Sequoia China have been generous donors to their alma maters .

  12. 2011年,谢莉尔·桑德伯格重返母校哈佛商学院(Harvardbusinessschool)发表演讲。演讲过程中,她对一位MBA学员提问给出的回答,令现场陷入了沉默。

    When Sheryl Sandberg returned to Harvard Business School for a talk in 2011 , her pointed answer to a question from an audience of MBAs drew stunned silence .

  13. 过去9个月,戴尔开始证明这一点。上世纪80年代初,他在其母校德克萨斯大学(UniversityofTexas)的宿舍里创建了戴尔公司。

    Over the past nine months , Mr Dell , who founded the company in his University of Texas dorm room in the early 1980s , has set out to prove that .

  14. Elemental公司还参与建造了许多公共建筑,包括阿拉维纳的母校,智利天主教大学。

    Elemental has also completed its share of public buildings , including several for Mr. Aravena 's alma mater , the Universidad Cat ó lica de Chile .

  15. 该校国际项目办公室执行主任戴维•卡波迪卢波(DavidCapodilupo)说,海外合作项目给分散在各地的毕业生提供一个在当地重新联系上母校的机会,从而增进校友联系。

    David Capodilupo , the executive director of the office of international programmes , says the alliances boost its alumni relationships by providing local opportunities for far-flung graduates to reconnect with the school .

  16. 女演员凯丽•华盛顿(KerryWashington)在其母校乔治•华盛顿大学(GeorgeWashingtonUniversity)在两次告诉学生她爱他们之后表示:世界需要你们的声音,需要你们中每个人的声音。

    The actress Kerry Washington told students at her alma mater George Washington University ( after telling them she loved them , twice ): The world needs your voice . Every single one of you .

  17. 我刚接到一封母校的来信,通知我老校长Reginaldpage先生将于下周退休。

    I have just received a letter from my old school informing me that my former headmaster , Mr Reginald Page , will be retiring next week .

  18. 在一位本科生的帮助下,格兰特开始研究密歇根大学(MichiganUniversity)一个电话中心的情况。这里的电话联络员负责接洽往届校友,请他们为母校捐款。

    With the help of an undergraduate , Prof Grant started to look at what was happening in a call centre at Michigan University , where callers were contacting alumni to ask them to give money to the university .

  19. 女演员凯丽•华盛顿(KerryWashington)在其母校乔治•华盛顿大学(GeorgeWashingtonUniversity)——在两次告诉学生她爱他们之后——表示:“世界需要你们的声音,需要你们中每个人的声音。”

    The actress Kerry Washington told students at her alma mater George Washington University ( after telling them she loved them , twice ) : " The world needs your voice . Every single one of you . "

  20. 要知道,如果有人在LinkedIn公开简历上写下的自己学校,那他们可能是更乐意为母校捐款的那类人。

    You know that if someone is listing their university on their public resume on LinkedIn , they may be more likely to be the type who will donate .

  21. 今年的比赛第一次出现“支柱母校选择奖”,获奖者DuaXiong,她先进设计的名字为Flutter。

    This year 's competition marked the first-ever Prop Mater 's Choice Award which was given to Dua Xiong for his cutting-edge design titled the Flutter .

  22. 英国女王伊丽莎白二世最近册封著名硅谷风险投资人迈克尔•莫里茨为爵士,以表彰他对英国经济和慈善事业的贡献,其中包括他为母校牛津大学(OxfordUniversity)提供的一大笔资金。

    Michael Moritz , the renowned Silicon Valley venture capitalist , recently became Sir Michael , knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for his promotion of British economic interests and his philanthropy , including a large gift to his alma mater , Oxford University .

  23. 排在奈特后面的是前纽约市长迈克尔•布隆伯格,他向他的母校约翰霍普金斯大学(JohnsHopkinsUniversity)捐款3.50亿美元,以促进跨学科工作和用于发放助学金。

    Mr Knight was followed by Michael Bloomberg , former mayor of New York , who pledged $ 350m to his alma mater , Johns Hopkins University , to promote cross-disciplinary work and for student financial aid .

  24. 他指导母校明治大学(Meijiuniversity)在箱根驿传(HakoneEkiden)大学接力赛(从东京到富士山脚下往返)中获胜。

    He coached his alma mater , Meiji university , to victory in the Hakone Ekiden university relay race , run in stages from Tokyo to the foot of Mount Fuji and back .

  25. 谷歌(GoogleInc.)因高度重视求职者的平均学分绩点、考试分数和母校而著称,但该公司在大约两年前改变了策略,因数据显示传统意义上“血统纯正”的求职者工作不一定更出色。

    Google Inc. famously fixated on job candidates ' grade-point averages , test scores and alma mater , but the company changed tactics about two years ago , when data showed that traditionally pedigreed candidates didn 't always make better hires .

  26. 据称,曾经获封国王学者(King'sScholar)、后来成为克格勃(KGB)上校的菲尔比在定居莫斯科很长时间后,仍然关注母校的消息,而他已对他原本应该服务的系统造成巨大伤害。

    The one-time Kings Scholar and later KGB colonel reportedly kept up with news from school long after he had taken up residence in Moscow , having inflicted massive damage on the system he was raised to serve .

  27. 斯坦福大学商学院的毕业生拔得头筹,他们过去3年的年均薪水为18.2万美元。哈佛商学院毕业生则捧回了17.6万美元&尽管他们的母校位列MBA排行榜第一。

    Alumni from Stanford Graduate School of Business drew the highest salary , averaging an annual $ 182,000 over three years , while Harvard Business School graduates took home $ 176,000 on the same basis – though their alma mater is the top-ranked MBA .

  28. 新加坡国立大学的前身是莱佛士学院(RafflesCollege),新加坡开国之父李光耀的母校;李光耀因推动了高效率政府和完美的公共服务而备受赞誉,这给在新加坡学习公共政策增添了吸引力。

    The campus was once home to Raffles College , the alma mater of Mr Lee , Singapore 's founding father , who is credited with driving the efficient government and faultless public services that add to the draw of studying policy in the city-state .

  29. 在我出售了STIKnowledge之后,我决定,我要把这些改变公之于众,创建一种新型的M.B.A.。我为我的母校捐钱,以将他们的执行管理M.B.A.项目改进为一个创业型的M.B.A.项目。

    After I sold STI Knowledge , I decided I wanted to address these changes by helping to create a new kind of M.B.A. I gave my alma mater money to transform its executive M.B.A. program into an entrepreneurial M.B.A. program .

  30. 本文总结1986~1996年对龙眼结果母校与产量的相关性、花芽分化及生理落果与内源激素(iPAs、GAs、ABa及LAA)的关系,以及外源激素对花芽分化及生理落果调控作用的研究结果。

    The correlation between the bearing basal branch and yield of longan , the relationship between floral bud differentiation , fruit-drop and endogenous iPAs , GAs , ABA and IAA , and the result of exogenous hormones regulation on the floral bud differentiation and physiological fruit-drop during 1986-1996 are summarized .