
mǔ nǚ
  • mother and daughter
  1. 离散二十年后,母女重又相认。

    Mother and daughter were reunited after a twenty-year separation .

  2. 从此,母女俩相依为命。

    From then on , mother and daughter have depended on each other for survival .

  3. 他总是觉得丈母娘有点烦人,然而她们母女之间的关系却非常亲密。

    He had always found his wife 's mother a bit annoying . The mother-daughter relationship , meanwhile , was close .

  4. 但是当这对母女到达那里时却没有人接待她们,尽管这次拜访是事先计划好的。

    But nobody greeted the daughter and mother when they arrived , though the visit had been planned .

  5. 以艾哈迈达巴德为例,今年前几个月,一对艺术家母女就绘制出了3D人行道。

    In Ahmedabad for instance , a mother-daughter artist duo has painted 3D crosswalks in the first few months of 2016 .

  6. 今天发去我和女儿的DV,让你也感受一下我们快乐的母女生活!

    Today , I posted DVD about my and my daughter 's living . I 'd like to let you enjoy our joyous living .

  7. 这部母女剧将于下个月在Netflix网站回归,总共四集,每集象征着春夏秋冬中的一个季节。

    The revival of the mother-daughter drama is coming to Netflix next month , with four new episodes , each representing a season of the year .

  8. 从母女咽拭子样本中检出EV71肠道病毒核酸

    Enterovirus 71 nucleic acid detected from throat swab specimens of a pair of mother-daughter

  9. 之后,就又发了个视频。这位时尚女王给她2390万粉丝分享了属于她们的母女的时间。哈珀7岁,照片上看出她非常享受spa中的按摩

    The fashion queen shared a glimmer into her mother-daughter day with her 23.9m followers via her Instagram stories.Harper , seven , was the picture of relaxation as she could be seen enjoying the very indulgent pampering session at the spa .

  10. 这对母女档上台时都穿着PYE牌白衬衫,并开玩笑称,潘楚颖从小到大,他们母女都没有机会穿相似的衣服。

    The mother-daughter duo showed up on stage in matching PYE white shirts , joking they had never had a chance to dress alike when Dee was growing up .

  11. 结论母女共患精神分裂症的患者与5-HT2A受体基因的各组基因型均有关联,但A1/A2型杂合子可能更易患精神分裂症,女性散发性精神分裂症可能与5-HT2A受体基因无关联。

    Conclusions These results indicate that there is a positive association between the variation of serotonin 2A receptor gene and schizophrenia in co-morbid mother and daughter and daughter in Jiangsu China .

  12. 这对母女生活在美国威斯康星州。在发现母亲KandaceSeyferth昏厥在自家地板上对自己的呼喊毫无反应后,女儿MadisynKestell凭借自己多年看著名医学题材电视剧《实习医生格蕾》的智慧救回了母亲。

    Madisyn Kestell drew on years of wisdom gleaned from watching the popular television medical series to save her mother , Kandace Seyferth , after finding her unresponsive on the floor of their home in Sheboygan , Wisconsin .

  13. 外婆给这对母女上了宝贵的一课

    Mother and calf have learned a valuable lesson from grandma .

  14. 为凯蒂母女准备的烟火待会上场。

    The real fireworks for Katie and Lizzy will be later .

  15. 母女俩同样怕蛇。

    Mother and daughter were alike in their fear of snakes .

  16. 在飞机抵达布鲁塞尔后母女二人被送往了医院。

    Mother and child were taken to hospital on arrival in Brussels .

  17. 你不觉得母女档很有趣吗?

    Don 't you think it 's fun to do mother-daughter stuff ?

  18. 《喜福会》中的母女失散主题读解

    On the Topic of " Mother-Daughter Separation " in the Happy Union

  19. 我不会让她们母女相认的。

    I would never want to bring those two together .

  20. 我们又要牺牲另一对母女吗?

    Are we going to sacrifice another mother and daughter ?

  21. 凯瑟琳母女在角色,人物形象方面有某些相似之处。

    Catherine and Cathy have some similarities in their roles and figures .

  22. 我们终于可以拥有正常母女关系了。

    And we can finally have a normal mother-daughter relationship .

  23. 恋爱是母女关系由远到近的契机。

    Love is the opportunity that mother-daughter relationship from far to near .

  24. 从那以后,就我们母女二人。

    That happened , and now it 's just me and lo .

  25. 母女之间非常亲密,彼此之间毫不隐瞒。

    Mother and daughter are remarkably close and hide nothing .

  26. 在婴儿期和儿童期,母女之间是一种相互依赖的共生关系。

    Between infancy and childhood , Mother-daughter relationship is interdependent and symbiotic .

  27. 母女两人不作一声的回到了自己的房间。

    They went back to their own rooms without talking to each other .

  28. 更多的教育机会以及母女之间的良好关系可以帮助预防性暴力。

    Greater educational opportunities and an improved mother-daughter relationship could help prevent it .

  29. 这个场景展现了一段相当困难的母女关系。

    The scene shows a rather difficult mother-daughter relationship .

  30. 美德和幸福犹如母女。

    Virtue and ha ine are mother and daugher .