
  1. 例如,Maryland大学SuzanneBianchi的研究发现,2003年和1965年母亲花在照顾孩子上的平均时间相同。

    For instance , a study by Suzanne Bianchi at Maryland University finds that mothers spent the same time , on average , on childcare in2003 as in1965 .

  2. 我母亲花了一天时间调转家具。

    My mother spent the day turning all the furniture .

  3. 而我国的母亲花是萱草花,又叫忘忧草。

    In China , mother lily flower flower , also known as Wang Youcao .

  4. 一位母亲花了十年的时间让她的儿子变得聪明;却又被一个女生用十秒钟点成了傻瓜。

    A mother used ten years to make her son cleer ; while a girl make him a stupid in ten seconds .

  5. 康乃馨被认为是世界上最适合母亲的花,但很少有人知道中国也有自己的母亲花——虎百合。

    Carnations are considered as the perfect flowers for mothers around the world , but few know that China has its own for mothers --- the tiger lily .

  6. 在国外,康乃馨被视为献给母亲的花。

    Overseas , the carnation flower is regarded as dedicated to his mother .

  7. 母亲喜欢花,可自从我的腿瘫痪后,她侍弄的那些花都死了。

    Mother loves flowers , but since my legs broken , the flowers grown by her all withered .

  8. 约翰订好送给母亲的花,然后跟店员确定递送的花里要有表达自己有多爱他母亲的贺卡。

    John ordered his own flowers and had the clerk to be sure that delivery would include a note telling his mother how much he loved her .

  9. 母亲将花接了过去,用两张纸巾将它压平,夹在了一本字典里。她一边忙碌着,一边笑,想到也许只有我们俩会珍藏这么一朵打了蔫的野草花。

    My mother pressed it between two sheets of paper toweling in a dictionary , laughing as she did it that we were perhaps the only people who would press such a sorry-looking weed .

  10. Sunny给强子送了母亲节的花。

    Sunny sent Jack flowers for Mother 's Day .

  11. 他穿衣服喜欢赶时髦,逼着母亲为他花200美元买了件皮夹克。

    He likes to dress sharp and pressed his mother until she bought him a $ 200 bomber jacket .

  12. 凯兹说她是在父亲去世后母亲需要钱花时,才开始对理财和投资感兴趣的。

    Katz says she only got interested in money and investments when her father died and her mother needed help in financial matters .

  13. 一个男人在一个花店前停了下来,准备给住在百里之外的母亲电邮一些花。

    A man stopped at a flower shop to order some flowers to be wired to his mother who lived two hundred miles away .

  14. 我给我母亲带了一些花去,她非常高兴。

    My mother was pleased as punch when I took her some flowers .

  15. 康乃馨是她的母亲最喜欢的花和安娜认为,他们象征着纯洁的爱母亲。

    Carnations were her mothers favorite flower and Anna felt that they symbolised a mothers pure love .

  16. 最近,布兰妮疏远她的母亲林恩,但花了时间与杰米林恩。

    Recently , Britney was estranged from her mother Lynne , but has spent time with Jamie Lynn .

  17. 安娜贾维斯之所以选择康乃馨,是因为这是她母亲最喜欢的花。

    The founder , Anna Jarvis , chose the carnation because it was the favorite flower of her mother .

  18. 上午,你用零花钱给母亲买了一些花,放在花瓶内。

    On the morning , you used your pocket money to buy your mother some flowers , and steak them in the vase .

  19. 第一个母亲节于1908年5月10日在西弗吉尼亚州和宾夕法尼亚州举行,在这次节日里,康乃磬被选中为献给母亲的花,并以此流传下来。

    The first Mother 's Day on May10,1908 in West Virginia and Pennsylvania , During the festival , dedicated to mothers Carnation selected flowers and thus the passage of time .