
  1. 由北向南分为前缘挤压滑脱构造带、斜歪倒转褶皱&逆冲断层带和逆冲推覆岩席及叠瓦状逆冲断层带。

    From north to south , several tectonic belts can be distinguished : front compressive detachment belt , overturned thrusting belt , sheeted thrusting belt and imbricate thrusting belt .

  2. 利用变形场与应力场的分析结果,给出了推覆构造在拆离时推覆席体的推移距离及作用推力的简捷计算公式。

    On the bases of the analytical results of deformation and stress fields , some concise formulae to calculate the thrust distance of the overlying thrust sheet and the force existing on the trailing edge of the sheet while decoupling are given .