
mǔ ài
  • mother love;maternal love;motherliness
母爱 [mǔ ài]
  • (1) [maternal love]∶母亲对子女的爱

  • (2) [motherliness]∶属于母亲的或母亲应有的温柔、热情或慈爱

母爱[mǔ ài]
  1. 哦,母爱难言,母爱难言!

    Oh , mother love unspeakable , maternal love unspeakable !

  2. 母爱不像其他的爱,需要那么多的歇息。

    Mother love doesn 't need as much sleep as other sorts .

  3. 她是一位善良的充满母爱的女人。

    She was a kind , motherly woman .

  4. 或许唯一持久无私的爱就是母爱。

    Perhaps the only all-enduring and selfless love was that of a mother for her child .

  5. 母爱是世界上最伟大的爱。

    Mother 's love is the greatest love in the world .

  6. 母爱永无止境。

    A mother 's love is boundless .

  7. 也许没有哪个母亲是完美的,但有母爱就可以解决任何问题。

    There might not be a perfect mom , but there is mom 's love , which can fix anything .

  8. 中枢IL-1β在母爱剥夺所致海马神经损伤中的作用与机制

    Effect of Brain IL-1 β in Hippocampal Neural Lesion Induced by Maternal Deprivation in Early Life

  9. 母爱剥夺对子代鼠前额叶皮质c-fos蛋白表达的影响

    Effect of Early Maternal Deprivation on Expression of c-fos in Prefrontal Cortex of Offspring Rats

  10. 母爱剥夺对雄性成年大鼠行为及纹状体DAT基因表达的影响

    The Effect of Maternal Deprivation on the Behavior of Male Adult Rats and the Expression of Dopamine Transporter in Striatum

  11. 应用于啮齿类动物的母爱剥夺(MaternalDeprivation,MD)模型,因其符合人类生命早期母子分离的特征,得到了广泛应用。

    The most popular one is maternal deprivation ( MD ) model that is employed in rodents , since it is closed to the feature of mother-infant separation in human .

  12. 61日龄:母爱剥夺组大鼠自发活动的总活动时间较对照组显著延长(P0.01),而其他指标差别均无统计学意义。

    On postnatal day 61 : The time of activities of rats in maternal deprivation group was significantly increased , compared with rats in control group ( P0.01 ), while there were no difference in distance of activity between two groups .

  13. 母爱对于孩子犹如阳光对于小草。

    Motherly love is to children what sunshine is to grass .

  14. 我是幸福的,我拥有伟大的母爱。

    I was happy , I have a great maternal love .

  15. 没有母爱,我们将难以生存。

    Without that love , it would be difficult to survive .

  16. 没有东西可以和母爱相比。

    Nothing approaches the love of a mother for her child .

  17. 动物与人一样母爱至高无上,无与伦比。

    Animals have the greatest maternal love the same as human .

  18. 父爱同母爱一样的无私,他不求回报;

    With the same father , his mother never requiting selfless ;

  19. 这母爱,是多么的伟大,多么的让人感动!

    This maternal love , how great , how people move !

  20. 琦君以真挚的情感对母爱进行了颂扬。

    Qi Jun sings high praise for the maternal love sincerely .

  21. 我第一次体验到无条件的母爱,这是一种多么强烈的感情啊!

    My first experience wITh uncondITional love . What a powerful feeling .

  22. 妈,少跟我来母爱那一套。

    Don 't pull that maternal crap with me now , mom .

  23. 母爱的真谛岁月如梭,朋友已经老大不小了。

    What Motherhood Really Means Time is running out for my friend .

  24. 论《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的母爱救世

    On Salvation Through Motherly Love in Uncle Tom 's Cabin

  25. 每一个人都会相信他们的母爱是绝对的。

    Everyone wants to believe that their mother 's love is absolute .

  26. 海伦心里充满着强烈的母爱,其强烈的程度远远超越她的任何其它爱心。

    In Helen maternal love was stronger beyond comparison than any other .

  27. 最令拉欣感动的是《母爱》一信。

    What moves Rahim most is the letter on'Mother 's Love ' .

  28. 牛奶是一种母亲本能、培育和母爱的象征。

    Milk is symbolic of maternal instincts , nurturance and motherly love .

  29. 当我们感受母爱亲情时,是否觉得理所当然?

    When we feel the motherly love , affection , does feel natural ?

  30. 她不知不觉中感受到你们失去母爱的共同点。

    She unconsciously senses that you both share a similarity of maternal abandonment .