
  1. 发现Brans类型1量子化后的黑洞温度是奇异的。

    We find that the temperature of the quantum black hole of the Brans type 1 is singular .

  2. 动态黑洞温度和熵的再讨论

    Discussions again on the temperature and entropy of non-stationary black holes

  3. 黑洞温度、熵变化率和时间尺度的压缩

    The temperature , the change rate of entropy of black holes and the compression of time scale

  4. 分析了热力学中的温度、天体物理学中的黑洞温度和统计物理学中的特征温度的意义,讨论了温度概念向宇观和微观领域扩展。

    In this paper the writer analyzes the meanings of temperatures in thermodynamics , of black hole temperatures in astrophysics and of feature temperatures in statistical physics and also discusses the widened denotation of temperatures in both macro and micro fields .

  5. 介绍了计算动态黑洞温度的方法,给出了由于不可逆性而导致霍金辐射过程中信息丢失的论证,还给出了类光测地线固有加速度发散的论证。

    We introduce a method to calculate the temperature of a non-stationary black hole ; the proof on the information loss during Hawing radiation due to the irreversibility of the process , and the proof on the proper acceleration being infinity for null geodesics .

  6. 用共形平直方法研究一般球对称带电蒸发黑洞的温度

    Study on Temperature of General Spherical Symmetric and Charged Evaporating Black Hole by Conformal Flat Method

  7. 黑洞的温度和熵变化是时间尺度变换的补偿效应

    Both the entropy change and the temperature of black holes are the compensate effect under the time scale transformation

  8. 利用赵峥和戴宪新提出的方法,得到了黑洞的温度和事件视界。

    Using the method proposed by Zhao and Dai , the temperature of a black hole and event horizon are obtained .

  9. 他在管理宇宙的基本定律上有了新的突破,包括揭示了黑洞有温度、产生辐射--现在被称为霍金辐射的事实。

    He broke new ground on the basic laws which govern the universe , including the revelation that black holes have a temperature and produce radiation , now known as Hawking radiation .

  10. 研究了动态黑洞的温度、熵变化率与事件视界附近时间尺度压缩因子之间的关系。

    As an example of non-stationary black holes , the relationship between the compression factor of time scale near the event horizon and the temperature as well as the change rate of entropy of the Vaidya black hole is researched .

  11. 采用一种新的Tortoise坐标变换,约化视界附近KleinGordon方程,得到了黑洞的Hawking温度;

    Considering the Klein-Gordon equation near the event horizon , Hawking temperature is calculated under a new Tortoise coordinate transformation .

  12. 从视界附近的KleinGordon方程出发,准确地定出了一般球对称带电蒸发黑洞的Hawking温度和辐射谱,同时计算出事件视界方程。

    Starting from the Klein-Gordon equation near the event horizon , we exactly determine the Hawking temperature and radiation spectrum of a general spherically symmetric and charged evaporating black hole .

  13. 利用广义Tortoise坐标变换研究了含整体单极动态黑洞时空的温度,进而从解粒子在弯曲时空的哈密顿-雅可比方程出发研究了此黑洞的量子非热辐射。

    The temperature of black hole with an internal global monopole is studied by making use of generalized Tortoise coordinate conversion . Moreover , the quantum non-thermal radiation of the black hole is also studied from solving the Hamilton-Jacobi equation of particle in curved spacetime .

  14. 电磁加速黑洞的视界温度与宇宙监督假设

    Horizon temperature of accelerating black holes with electromagnetism and cosmic censor conjecture

  15. 给出了作变加速直线运动的蒸发黑洞的辐射温度。

    The radiative temperature of a non-uniformly rectilinearly accelerating evaporating black hole is presented .

  16. Kerr度规下黑洞吸积盘的温度分布

    The temperature profile of accretion disk around the Kerr black hole

  17. 球对称带电蒸发黑洞的视界与温度

    Event horizon and temperature of spherically charged evaporating black hole

  18. 黑洞吸积盘内区温度的分布特征和演化特征

    The Radial Temperature Profile in the inner Region of a Black-Hole Accretion Disk

  19. 计算辐射黑洞视界位置和温度的新方法

    A new method calculating location and temperature of event horizon of an evaporating black hole

  20. 结果显示黑洞的形状和温度不仅随时间变化而且随角度变化.对于加速度为零、直线加速或不带电荷磁荷等特殊情况均能回到已有结果。

    They can come back to the wellknown results when the acceleration is zero , the accelerated motion is along straight line , or there is no electric charge and magnetic charge , etc.

  21. 结果表明黑洞的辐射谱不仅与黑洞的视界温度有关,还与黑洞的质量及视界的变化率有关。

    It is proved that the radiation spectra of black hole are not only related to the temperature of event horizon , but also related to the mass and the change rate of event horizon of black hole .

  22. 虽然几乎每个理论物理学家都同意我的预测,黑洞应该像一个发热体那样发光,实验验证将是非常困难的,因为肉眼可见的黑洞温度是如此之低,他补充道。

    Although almost every theoretical physicist agrees with my prediction that a black hole should glow like a hot body , it would be very difficult to verify experimentally because the temperature of a macroscopic black hole is so low , he added .