
  • 网络hale;hare;David Hale;Hill
  1. 南卡罗来纳州的黑尔(DavidHale)很快就升为宪兵的头目,并得到了很吃香的美国陆军犯罪调查司令部(ArmyCriminalInvestigationCommand)测谎员的职位。

    David Hale of Columbia , S.C. , quickly rose to the top of the military police force and was granted the highly sought-after position of polygraph examiner with the Army Criminal Investigation Command 。 '

  2. 戴姆勒公司驻北京发言人特雷弗?黑尔(TrevorHale)称,预计销售将保持强劲。

    ' We expect sales to continue to be strong , 'said Trevor Hale , a Daimler spokesman in Beijing .

  3. R·M·黑尔是闻名于世的当代英国道德哲学家。

    R. M. Hare is a contemporary British moral philosopher well-known for the world .

  4. 凯萨医疗机构(Kaiser)也是最早提供预防药物的组织之一,其H.I.V.部门的负责人布拉德利·C·黑尔(BradleyC.Hare)博士说:抵触情绪基本已经消退了。

    The backlash has mostly faded , said Dr. Bradley C. Hare , the director of H.I.V. for Kaiser , which also offered PrEP early .

  5. 塞琳娜(朱莉娅·路易斯-德莱弗斯[JuliaLouis-Dreyfus]饰)和助手加里(Gary,托尼·黑尔[TonyHale]饰)在洗手间里发现自己即将成为总统后,激动得失声大笑,成为2014年喜剧片中最滑稽的一幕。

    The scene in a restroom in which Selina ( Julia Louis-Dreyfus ) and her assistant , Gary ( Tony Hale ) discover that she is going to become president and dissolve into uncontrollable laughter was one of the great comic moments of 2014 .

  6. 经常造访中印两国的美国经济学家戴维•黑尔(DavidHale)预计,明年印度经济增长将从9%放缓至7%,而中国经济增速将从10%降至8%。

    David Hale , an American consultant and economist who is a frequent visitor to both countries , reckons that Indian economic growth will fall from 9 per cent to 7 per cent next year - and Chinese growth will fall from 10 per cent to 8 per cent .

  7. 西山农场,黑尔托普,纳特尔顿(在伯明翰附近)。

    West Hill Farm , Hilltop , Nettleton , near Birmingham .

  8. 黑尔夫人:不,我并没有任何意思。

    Mrs Hale : No , I don 't mean anything .

  9. 黑尔太太:我本该知道她需要帮助!

    Mrs. Hale : I might have known she needed help !

  10. 凯勒小姐,小姐沙利文博士和爱德华埃弗里特黑尔,1902年

    Miss Keller , Miss Sullivan and Dr. Edward Everett Hale , 1902

  11. 埃德温·哈勃是第一个使用黑尔望远镜的人。

    Edwin Hubble was the first person to use the Hale Telescope .

  12. 我崇敬黑尔。博格斯,我真希望那天我们睡过了头。

    I admired Hale Boggs and wished we 'd overslept that day .

  13. 1776年,内森黑尔被英国人当作间谍处决了。

    Nathan Hale was executed as a spy by the British in1776 .

  14. 米克黑尔:你杀了瑞特卡!你这个混蛋!

    Mikhail : You killed Ratka ! You bastard !

  15. 关于贾斯帕用黑尔作为姓氏&这只是为了方便。

    About Jasper using the name Hale – it 's just for convenience .

  16. 黑尔法官确实打算驳回诉讼。

    Judge Hale is serious about dismissing this case .

  17. 黑尔今天宣布从拳坛引退。

    Hale today announced his retirement from the ring .

  18. 黑尔沃斯的学校需要一个数学老师。

    The school at halesworth needs a mathematics teacher .

  19. 在体育课评分中运用黑尔指数评定法的尝试

    An Experiment of Applying " Heier Index Valuation " in Sports Class Grading

  20. 以天文学家乔治勒里黑尔的名字命名。

    It was named after astronomer George Ellery hale .

  21. 黑尔张口结舌,连翻译也停了。

    Hale quite broke up and the translation stopped .

  22. 从来没听说过,黑尔满脸不屑。

    " Never heard of them ," Hale snorted .

  23. 他在哪?黑尔紧盯着问。

    " Where is he ?" Hale insisted .

  24. 米克黑尔:你的钱令人很满意,虽然你很不礼貌。

    Mikhail : your money 's good , although your manners may not be .

  25. 于是你们换了?黑尔问到。

    " So you swapped ?" Hale asked .

  26. 该电影改编的作者戴维黑尔和导演斯蒂芬戴德利。

    The film adaptation was written by David Hare and directed by Stephen Daldry .

  27. 黑尔的偏好功利主义包含实质性的功利原则和形式化的可普遍化原则两方面内容。

    Hare'preference-utilitarianism contains the substantial principle of utility and the formal principle of universalizability .

  28. 就像他们在黑尔沃斯做的那样,恩?

    Like they did in halesworth . hmm ?

  29. 蝗灾使西非撒黑尔地区的收成遭受了严重的打击。

    The harvests in the Sahel region of West Africa have been severely damaged .

  30. 米克黑尔:你又回来了,不是吗?这次是要买东西?

    Mikhail : back again , are you ? Here to shop this time ?