- 名file pointer;field name pointer

This script begins by opening the connection to the Arduino in a file pointer for reading .
This function moves the file pointer from its current position to a new position , forward or backward , specified by the number of bytes .
In this code , you start by declaring a file pointer to standard input so that you can get interactive information from the keyboard during the spell-check process .
In the object transfer layer , we implemented a resource search algorithm , an UDP based transfer protocol for the interaction between a client and a server or two servers .
An error occurred setting the file read pointer . File % 1
You will now create a class to set up and initialize the shared file row pointer .
This creates a pointer from the workbench to an existing installation of an application server or server profile .
Gets the current file row pointer , stored as an object but used as an integer , from the global variable in the data area for the test engine ( this will be set up later )
In chap 10 . we describe the local resources management , the emphases are the design and management of the file storage pointer table , especially keeping the information in memory and disk synchronous which include timer synchronization and remedy synchronization .
Fp is the pointer to the file structure .
The call to execv first takes a pointer to the name of the binary to be run , and then a pointer to the array of parameters that you declared earlier .
This is similar to the FILE pointer for a file stream in standard C.
A pointer to a file system directory on a Netware volume and uses login scripts to point to a particular application .
The file pointer cannot be set on the specified device or file .
First you write the contents of the mydata list to the file , then you reposition the file pointer to the start of the file and read the contents .
The output of Listing 5 shows that as one process reads from the file , and the file pointer is moved for both processes .