
wén jiàn zhǐ zhēn
  • file pointer;field name pointer
  1. 脚本首先在一个文件指针内打开对Arduino的连接,以便读取它。

    This script begins by opening the connection to the Arduino in a file pointer for reading .

  2. 整个函数将文件指针从当前位置向前或向后移动移动到一个新的位置。

    This function moves the file pointer from its current position to a new position , forward or backward , specified by the number of bytes .

  3. 在这段代码中,您首先要为标准输入声明一个文件指针,以便您能够在拼写检查过程中从键盘获得交互式信息。

    In this code , you start by declaring a file pointer to standard input so that you can get interactive information from the keyboard during the spell-check process .

  4. 在对象传输层实现了资源查找算法,设计并实现了一套基于UDP的传输协议用于客户与服务器之间,以及服务器内部之间的命令交互,同时还设计了以XML方式存放的文件存储指针格式;

    In the object transfer layer , we implemented a resource search algorithm , an UDP based transfer protocol for the interaction between a client and a server or two servers .

  5. 设置文件读指针时产生错误。文件%1

    An error occurred setting the file read pointer . File % 1

  6. 您现在可以创建一个类来对这个共享文件行指针进行安装和初始化。

    You will now create a class to set up and initialize the shared file row pointer .

  7. 这将创建一个从工作台到现有应用服务器安装或服务器配置文件的指针。

    This creates a pointer from the workbench to an existing installation of an application server or server profile .

  8. 从测试引擎(稍后就会安装它)数据区域中的全局变量获取当前最为结果储存但是当作整数使用的文件行指针。

    Gets the current file row pointer , stored as an object but used as an integer , from the global variable in the data area for the test engine ( this will be set up later )

  9. 第九章描述了本地资源管理,重点在于文件存储指针表的设计和管理,特别是保持内存和磁盘信息的同步机制,包括定时同步和补救同步。

    In chap 10 . we describe the local resources management , the emphases are the design and management of the file storage pointer table , especially keeping the information in memory and disk synchronous which include timer synchronization and remedy synchronization .

  10. fp是指向文件结构的指针。

    Fp is the pointer to the file structure .

  11. execv调用首先取得一个指向要运行的二进制文件名称的指针,然后取得一个指向您前面声明的参数数组的指针。

    The call to execv first takes a pointer to the name of the binary to be run , and then a pointer to the array of parameters that you declared earlier .

  12. 这类似于在标准C中为文件流创建FILE指针。

    This is similar to the FILE pointer for a file stream in standard C.

  13. 指向netware卷上文件系统目录的指针,它使用登录脚本指向特定应用程序。

    A pointer to a file system directory on a Netware volume and uses login scripts to point to a particular application .

  14. 无法在指定的设备或文件上设置文件指针。

    The file pointer cannot be set on the specified device or file .

  15. 首先,把mydatalist的内容写入文件,然后把文件指针重新定位到文件开头,并读入内容。

    First you write the contents of the mydata list to the file , then you reposition the file pointer to the start of the file and read the contents .

  16. 清单5的输出表明,当一个进程从该文件读取时,两个进程的文件指针都在移动。

    The output of Listing 5 shows that as one process reads from the file , and the file pointer is moved for both processes .