
  1. 詹姆斯·乔伊斯(JamesJoyce,1882-1941)是20世纪举世公认的文坛巨匠。

    James Joyce ( 1882-1941 ) was considered the most important writer in the 20th century .

  2. 威廉·福克纳是公认的20世纪美国文坛巨匠。

    William Faulkner is a preeminent master in American literature in the 20th century .

  3. 巴金是一位文坛巨匠。

    Ba Jin is a literary giant .

  4. 漫步于中世纪风格的旧城那些鹅卵石铺成的街道,你会想起也曾行于此道上的历代君王、宗教信徒和文坛巨匠。

    Stroll though the cobbled streets of the medieval Old Town and remember the monarchs , religious zealots and literary giants who walked this way before you .

  5. 但实际上,当时文坛巨匠王安石、苏轼以及后人对司马光的诗文都有很高赞誉。

    In fact , his poems were highly praised by Wang Anshi and Su Shi , the literary masters at that time , and also by the descendants .

  6. 蔡邕是东汉后期的文坛巨匠。他对于骈俪化的追求和探索,对六朝时的骈文创作有直接的启发意义。

    Cai Yong is an important writer in the Late Eastern Han Dynasty , whose pursuit of " Pian Li " had direct influence on literary style in the Six Dynasties .

  7. 日本明治维新时期的一批文坛巨匠对梁启超文学观念的更新有催化助长之功,而且经过梁氏之文影响了当时和以后的中国文坛。

    A group of literary giants in the period of Japanese Meiji Restoration tremendously promoted the renewal of Liang Qichao 's Literary conception and with the influence of Liang Qichao 's Literature , the Chinese literary circles had been affected greatly at that time and had been since then .

  8. 夏衍:现代革命文坛的巨匠&纪念夏衍105周年诞辰

    Xia Yan , Giant of Modern Revolutionary Literature

  9. 作为美国文坛的巨匠,威廉.福克纳以及他的文学杰作长期以来一直是评论界关注的焦点。

    As a representative of the southern American literature , William Faulkner has been a focus for a long time .

  10. 威廉·萨默赛特·毛姆(1874&1965)是二十世纪英国文坛,乃至世界文坛上的文学巨匠之一。

    William Somerset Maugham ( 1874 & 1965 ) was a miracle of the British literature and even that of the world literature in the 20th century .