
  • Family Hotel;【电影】Rooms for Tourists
  1. 提供住宿和早餐的家庭旅馆遍布全岛。

    There are B & Bs all over the islands .

  2. 住宿可以安排在当地提供住宿加次日早餐的家庭旅馆。

    Accommodation can be arranged at local bed and breakfasts .

  3. 法国有很多相当不错的家庭旅馆。

    France is abundantly supplied with excellent family-run hotels .

  4. 马克·霍夫曼(MarkHoffman)和他的妻子吉娅(Guia)在伊利诺伊州田园小镇肯普顿有自己的家庭旅馆。

    Mark Hoffman and his wife , Guia , own a bed-and-breakfast guesthouse in rural Kempton , Illinois .

  5. 您愿意住酒店,还是家庭旅馆?

    Would you prefer a hotel or a bed and breakfast ?

  6. 一些人会在岛上经营几家温馨的家庭旅馆。

    Some even maintain several B & Bs on the island .

  7. 基于游客体验的家庭旅馆经营策略研究

    Research on Management strategies of Home Hotels Based on Tourist Experiences

  8. 最常见的副业包括房产出租和经营家庭旅馆。

    The most common sideline involves letting property or running a bed-and-breakfast .

  9. 经济型的酒店、家庭旅馆以及带有自助厨房的公寓,都使得塞舌尔之行不再价格高昂。

    The wallet-friendly hotels , guesthouses and self-catering apartments make tours affordable .

  10. 家庭旅馆,日租房,短期租房,酒店式公寓。

    Family hotel , Holiday Inn , Interim home , Serviced apartment .

  11. 中国少数民族地区家庭旅馆的发展研究

    Study of Family Inns in the Region of Minority Nationality in China

  12. 家庭旅馆是我国大众旅游发展到一定阶段的产物。

    Home inn is the result of mass-tourism in China .

  13. 关于连云港渔家乐家庭旅馆发展的思考

    On Development of Delights-in-Fishermen 's-Families Home Hotels in Lianyungang

  14. 石城内外都有家庭旅馆。

    Shicheng both inside and outside the family hotel .

  15. 这对于国内刚刚兴起的家庭旅馆而言,既是机遇,又是挑战。

    For homestays , opportunities and challenges exist side by side in this situation .

  16. 论农村家庭旅馆的开发与经营

    On exploitation and management of rural family hotels

  17. 我们住在那个家庭旅馆真象家里一样使人觉得安适和自在。

    The small guest house we stayed in was just like home from home .

  18. 家庭旅馆业的发展&以桂林龙脊梯田风景区为例

    On Developing Family Inn Industry & A Case Study of Dragon Ridge Terrace Scenic Spot

  19. 您可以住家庭旅馆。

    You may stay in the homestay .

  20. 我们可以把它变成家庭旅馆。

    We could it into an Airbnb .

  21. 请为奥运客人广设四合院家庭旅馆&我的一个奥运带保护的建议

    My Suggestion for Protecting Olympic Belt

  22. 西部地区发展乡村家庭旅馆探析&以贵州省为例

    Research on rural household hotels'development in the west of China & A case study in Guizhou province

  23. 疲惫的旅人走来脚步沉重,总能被她的热情感染,在这温馨舒适的家庭旅馆中倦意全消。

    Her kindness and hospitality could always make exhausted tourists feel relaxed at this comfortable family hotel .

  24. 少数民族区的旅游没有发展起来,则乡村家庭旅馆的发展也受到制约。

    Because of these , the development of rural family inns of the minorities regions are also restricted .

  25. 因而,有必要从游客体验的角度,来探索家庭旅馆的经营策略。

    So , it 's necessary to explore strategies and tactics on homestays from the tourists ' experience perspective .

  26. 我国家庭旅馆业的发展现状及管理对策旅馆经理是业务负责人。

    The Development Situation and Management Countermeasure of Family Inns in China ; A hotel manager is a business executive .

  27. 以连岛为首的家庭旅馆也越办越红火,从一定程度上解决了连云港旅游住宿接待能力季节性不平衡的问题。

    Home Hotels become more and more prosperous and to certain extent have solved seasonal unbalanced accommodation capacity problems in Lianyungang .

  28. 从民族旅游开发的角度出发,在民族地区发展家庭旅馆应采取有效的办法,并解决发展中存在的问题。

    In the view of developing tourism in ethnical area , the article analyses effective ways taken to develop family inn .

  29. 在文献研究的基础上,建立了游客投宿家庭旅馆体验的理论模型,并通过实证研究,得出了研究结果。

    Through an overall review of relevant literature , the author has built a theoretical model of tourists ' experience in homestays .

  30. 家庭旅馆以其新、奇、特及价廉和个性化服务迎合了旅游者的这种需要。

    Family hotel with its new , extraordinary , special and inexpensive and personalized services to meet the tourists to this need .