
  • 网络Family History
  1. 其中年轻者、男性、文化程度高、有DM家庭史的患者DM知识知晓率较高。

    The awareness rates of DM knowledge were better for young people , the degree of higher education , male , the diabetic family history .

  2. 我一直在对我的家庭史作一些档案性研究。

    I 've been doing some archival research on my family history .

  3. 环境因素中食盐、香肠和熟食的过多摄入以及肿瘤家庭史和c1等位基因作为胃癌的危险因素进入回归模型,而经常喝茶作为保护性因子可能降低胃癌的发生危险。

    Multi-variable stepwise logistic regression showed that high intake of salt , sausage and fried food were the risk factors for gastric cancer , while consumption of tea was the protective factors for gastric cancer .

  4. 本文属于家庭史研究范畴。

    This paper belongs to family history research category .

  5. 中国家庭史研究刍议

    Opinions on Historical Studies of the Chinese Family

  6. 帕金的这篇文章发表在一月份的《家庭史》期刊上。

    Parkin 's article was published in the January issue of the journal Family History .

  7. 历史研究运用社会调查的方法,古已有之,但将之用于历史教学尚不多见。历史教学中社会调查的主要内容有家庭史、社区史、学校史,访问亲历者或知情人以及历史考察等。

    In history teaching , the social investigations mainly include family history , community history and school history etc.

  8. 33.2%的患者有瘢痕,好发部位为颊部,男性,阳性家庭史,重度痤疮患者更易留下瘢痕。

    33.2 % patients had scar on cheek , which correlate with gender , severity of acne and family history .

  9. 痤疮严重度与性别、年龄、皮肤类型、伴发脂溢性皮炎、家庭史阳性、睡眠不足、吸烟和女性月经不调有关;

    The severity of acne is associated with gender , age , skin types , seborrheic dermatitis , deficient sleep , smoking and irregular menstruation .

  10. 佩兴斯表示查询了她自己的家庭史,但并未在家族中找到白人血统,尽管有专家称她女儿的白皮肤可能是受此影响。

    Patience said that she has traced her ancestry but found no white heritage in her family , despite experts saying this could be behind her daughter 's creamy complexion .

  11. 对系谱学家和家庭史专家来说,公布上世纪40年代的普查结果是十年来最重要的上代信息披露,可能会动摇很多家谱的分支。

    For genealogists and family historians , the 1940 census release is the most important disclosure of ancestral secrets in a decade and could shake the branches of many family trees .

  12. 20世纪下半叶以来,西方家庭史研究的重心经历了从家庭结构到家庭关系的转变,并一度形成了近代早期家庭亲属关系的松散说和淡漠说。

    Since the second part of the 20th century , there has been a shift in the research field of western family history , concerning from the family structure to the family relationship .

  13. 结论年龄、受教育程度、糖尿病家庭史、高血压病史、血脂异常史、肥胖和体力活动程度是糖尿病的独立危险因素。

    Conclusion : age , level of education , family history of diabetes , hypertension medication , blood lipid unusual history , obesity and physical activity level is an independent risk factor for diabetes .

  14. 康奈尔健康问卷分18个部分,195个问题,涉及4个方面内容:躯体症状,既往史和家庭史,一般健康和习惯,精神症状。

    Cornell health questionnaire is composed of 18 sections , including 195 questions , involving 4 aspects , named somatic symptoms , medial and family history , general health and habit and mental symptoms .

  15. 休斯博士的自杀给这部痛苦的家庭史和他的父母关系问题又添上了一章,他的父母都被认为是上个世纪最为杰出的文学天才。

    Dr Hughes 's suicide adds a further chapter to the tormented family history and relationship between the parents , both of whom are regarded as among the finest literary talents of the past century .

  16. 他的全部体系所依据的外婚制“部落”与内婚制“部落”的对立,不仅没有被动摇,而且甚至被公认为全部家庭史的基石。

    The opposition of exogamous and endogamous " tribes " on which his whole system rested not only remained unshaken , but was even universally acknowledged as the keystone of the whole history of the family .

  17. 本文试图对这一历史现象作一勾勒,以期对元朝法律史、家庭史的研究尽微薄之力。

    The writer want to give a scant help foe the studies of the history of laws and the household history in the Yuan dynasty by the way of having a brief account of this historical phenomenon .

  18. 个案分析主要是指在广泛阅读相关婚姻家庭史书籍之后,对具代表性的著作进行个别研究,分析其史学思想、史学价值、史学方法等。

    Case analysis mainly refers to the history of the Extensive Reading books related to marriage and family , the representative works of individual research , analysis of their historical thinking , historical value , and historical methods .

  19. 民国时期的离婚观念是近代婚姻家庭史的重要组成部分,迄今为止学术界对此尚未深入研究。

    The concept of divorce during the period of the Republic of China is an important component of the marriage and family history , there is no case study on this topic yet in the academia field up till now .

  20. 本文通过对各个时期主要专著的阅读,总结出各个时期婚姻家庭史研究的主要问题,进而分析各个时间段婚姻家庭史研究的特点与不足之处,旨在为进一步的研究提供借鉴。

    In this paper , various periods of major monographs assessment , summarizes the history of each period the main research marriage and family problems and then analyzing each time the characteristics of Marriage and Family History and weaknesses to provide a reference for future research .

  21. 要清楚了解你的家庭健康史,这会成为你预防诸如心脏病、乳腺癌等疾病的第一步。

    Be aware of your family 's health history , it can be the first step towards preventing many diseases such as heart disease and breast cancer .

  22. 在这些因素中,从增大患乳癌的概率来说,最危险的是家庭乳癌史和以前的乳房活检中发现过异常细胞。

    Among these factors , the most dangerous in terms of significantly increasing your risk are having a family history of breast cancer and having a finding of atypical cells on a previous breast biopsy .

  23. 在该研究中,一些因素与较高的鼻过敏罹患风险有关,比如家庭过敏史与母亲怀孕时抽菸都是证据充分的风险因子。

    A number of factors were linked to a higher risk of nasal allergies in the study . Some , like a family history of allergies and the mother smoking while pregnant , are well documented risk factors .

  24. 津巴多称,人们可以通过关注过去的美好事物来提高过去积极项目得分:创建相册,给激励过你的人写感谢信,或开始一部家庭口述史。

    A person can raise a past-positive score , Dr. Zimbardo says , by focusing on the good in your past : create photo albums , write letters of gratitude to people who inspired you , start an oral history of your family .

  25. 传染来源以家内为主,有家庭内接触史者共计631例(69.2%)。发现方式以主动发现为主。

    The main source of infection was close contact within families , accounting for 69.2 % , and majority of cases were detected through active modes .

  26. 如果你的家庭有疾病史或有慢性病史比如高血压、糖尿病,那么你本人就有更高的几率得病。

    If your family members have diseases or ongoing ( chronic ) health problems like high blood pressure or diabetes , then you may have a greater chance of having those problems yourself .

  27. 作为家庭治疗发展史上一个重要的流派,结构式家庭治疗因其理论与技术的简明、实用、有效在家庭治疗史上占有重要的地位,并带动了整个家庭治疗的发展。

    As a school of family therapy , for it is simple , practical and also effective in terms of theory and techniques , structural family therapy holds an important position in the development of Family Therapy and advances the development of this field .

  28. 这个家庭有精神错乱史。

    The family have a history of mental disorder .

  29. 第一部分,首先对我国古代家庭教育的学术史进行梳理,再对家庭教育的概念进行界定。

    The first part , first of all on family education in ancient China to sort out the academic history , and then the definition of the concept of family education .

  30. 危险因素调查内容包括:年龄、性别、教育程度、家庭结构、吸烟史,以及高血压病、高脂血症、糖尿病和冠心病等病史。

    The investigation on risk factors include age , sex , education , family organization , smoking history and some medical history including blood hypertension , hyperlipidemia , diabetes and coronary heart disease .