
  • 网络oral history
  1. UCLA的口述史研究中心收集口述历史主要涉及到南加州洛杉矶大都会地区的历史访谈。

    UCLA 's Center for Oral History Research collects oral history interviews related primarily to the history of Southern California and the Los Angeles metropolitan region .

  2. 口述史及其在流行音乐研究中的应用

    Oral History and Its Application in the Research of Pop Music

  3. 由此形成的专辑中不仅有《走运》这首华美的迪斯科,还有73岁的意大利制作人乔吉奥?莫罗德尔(GiorgioMoroder)概括其从艺生涯的一段口述史,一段有保罗?

    The resulting album features not only the lushly produced disco of ' Get Lucky , ' but also a career-recapping spoken-word history lesson from 73-year-old Italian producer Giorgio Moroder ;

  4. 文学口述史的理论、方法与实践初探

    Briefly on Theory , Method and Practice of Literary Dictation History

  5. 当代中国的口述史研究

    The Research on the Oral History in the Contemporary China

  6. 口述史是社会史研究的重要依据。

    Word-of-mouth history is very important to the study of social history .

  7. 做口述史对她的历史观产生了重大影响,或者说是从根本上改变了她的历史观。

    Her historical idea is changed thoroughly through doing the oral history .

  8. 口述史:新闻史研究的一种新路径

    Oral History : A New Approach to Journalism History Research

  9. 口述史以某种方式扩展、延伸了历史的定义和界限。

    The dictation history enlarges and extends the historical definition .

  10. 后现代文化语境中的电影口述史叙事

    The Narration of Film Orally Narrative History in the Postmodern Cultural Context

  11. 口述史在推动清华大学校史研究方面起到了积极作用。

    Journal of Tsinghua University the foundation for history of mathematics laying ;

  12. 清代评话类小说与口述史

    Storytelling Novels in Qing Dynasty and Oral Accounting History

  13. 口述史的田野作业和文献

    Fieldwork and Literature in the Research of Oral History

  14. 口述史二题:记忆与诠释

    Two Issues of Oral History : Recollection and Annotation

  15. 采集口述史时,问题预设宜细,价值预设宜宽;

    In collecting word-of-mouth history , problems and their values should be clear ;

  16. 口述史在高中历史教学中运用的理论依据主要是建构主义理论和人本主义学习观。

    The main theoretical bases are the theory of constructivism and humanistic learning theory .

  17. 定宜庄博士是一个做满族口述史成果丰富的学者。

    Doctor Ding Yi-zhuang is the famous scholar in the filed of oral history .

  18. 同时涉及到口述史理论和实践的新进展。

    The new improvement in the theory and practice in oral history was involved .

  19. 口述史与高中历史教学可以从不同维度进行结合。

    Oral history can be combined with senior high school history teaching from different dimensions .

  20. 壮族女性与民歌传承&歌手黄榆婷口述史

    On Zhuang Female and Folk Song Inheritance : The Oral History of Singer Huang Yuting

  21. 但与国际化标准相比,中国当代口述史仍存在诸多差距,呈弱势状态;

    But compared with the international standards , the Chinese contemporary oral history still lags behind .

  22. 温迪·里卡德,《破碎的梦想?南非艾滋病的口述史》。

    Wendy Rickard , Shattered Dreams ? an Oral History of the South African Aids Epidemic .

  23. 现代口述史的产生及相关几个概念的辨析

    Modern Oral History and its Concepts

  24. 口述史是一门既古老又年轻的学科,已经广泛运用于历史研究中。

    Oral history is both an old and young subject , it is widely used in history study .

  25. 它用口述史的方法研究新时期文学,为文学史写作模式提供了新的借鉴。

    It is a new perspective for literary history writing mode by means of oral history research way .

  26. 口述史的应用价值、工作规范及采访程序之讨论

    The Study on the Using Values , the Working Rules and the Covering Procedure of the Oral History

  27. 年画传承人口述史田野作业的方法与思考

    Methods and Reflections on the Field Work of the Oral Account History of Inheritors of New Year Pictures

  28. 本文结合口述史研究理论,主要讨论了以下几个问题。

    With the application of the theory of Oral-history , this paper mainly deals with the following problems .

  29. 访谈者在研读有关文献的基础上,设计了口述史访谈问题。

    Based on relevant litera - ture , the interviewer designs the questions of oral history for the interview .

  30. 引领潮流培育人才&《历史研究》口述史的一个侧面

    Direction of Trend , Cultivation of Talents & A Profile Study of Oral Record of History in Historical Studies