
  • 网络In the mouth;The Magic School Bus Inside Your Mouth;colicoli
口里 [kǒu lǐ]
  • [south of the Great Wall] 长城以内的地方

  • 口里人

  1. 她只能点点头,因为她口里塞满了东西。

    She could only nod , because her mouth was full .

  2. 我们最后从她口里探听出了秘密。

    We eventually wormed the secret out of her .

  3. 伤天害理的畜牲!你们从我口里半个字也掏不出来!

    Lawless beasts ! You 'll never get even half a word out of me !

  4. 集团军部的命令是从被打开得突破口里继续向Order发起进攻。夺取河左岸的一个桥头堡。

    The brigade and army 's orders were to enter the breakthrough and continuing the offensive toward Order , capture a bridgehead on the river 's left bank .

  5. 安全出口标志灯距地高度不低于2m,且安装在疏散出口和楼梯口里侧的上方;

    Height of exit light is no less than2m and should be installed at escaping exit and upper parts of staircase .

  6. 不仅因为这些虫住在海下2500米(8000英尺)的火山口里,四周水温高达80°C(176°F),还因为它们离开水面就会死亡,这很难办。

    Not only do these worms live 2500 meters ( 8000 ft ) below the ocean 's surface on volcanic vents that heat the surrounding water to 80 ° C ( 176 ° F ) , they also have an annoying tendency to die when brought to the surface .

  7. 我都不能相信是从我口里说出来的。

    I can 't believe are coming out of my mouth .

  8. 因为心里所充满的,口里就说出来。

    For out of the overflow ofthe heart the mouth speaks .

  9. 警方无法从她口里审讯出真实情况。

    The police couldn 't dig the truth out of her .

  10. 我们口里说道自己知道钱买不来快乐。

    We say we know that money can 't buy happiness .

  11. 请不要让我从他口里听到那些。

    Please don 't let me hear those words out of him .

  12. 你在他口里是问不到什么的。

    You 're not gonna get anything out of him .

  13. 口里吃东西时跟人讲话是不礼貌的。

    It 's rude to speak with your mouth full .

  14. “我不想从你口里再得到什么劝告了。”林惇先生回答。

    I desire no further advice from you , 'answered Mr Linton .

  15. 他把口里的酒全吐到胖子身上。

    He gobs out a mouthful of booze covering fatty .

  16. 我也从狮子口里被救出来。

    And I was delivered from the lion 's mouth .

  17. 他口里叼着烟斗,坐在那里沉思。

    Pipe in mouth , he sat deep in thought .

  18. 这是从她的口里说出来的第一句尖刻的话。

    It was the first cutting remark that had come from her .

  19. 然后我会从山上跑下来,跳进你的口里。

    Then I will run down the hill and jump into your mouth .

  20. 我很抱歉你最初没从我口里得知。

    I 'm sorry you didn 't hear about it from me first .

  21. 我很抱歉如果我口里的大蒜味儿熏着你了。

    I 'm sorry if I 'm breathing garlic fumes all over you !

  22. 她的心情仍然很好,口里滔滔不绝,满怀心花怒放。

    Still , she was in good heart , chatty and highly affectionate .

  23. 蜜蜂的口里有糖,尾巴有刺。

    Bees that have honey in their mouths have stings in their tails .

  24. 彼得完全让神来掌管他口里所说的话。

    Peter was letting God control his words now !

  25. 你是不是把手臂堵在他的口里防止他叫出声?

    Did you shove your arm in his mouth to quiet his screams ?

  26. 我讨厌人们说话时口里含着食物。

    I hated it when a man spoke with his mouth full of food .

  27. 他口里有怪味。

    His breath smells bad and he has a foul taste in his mouth .

  28. 他虽然口里说他自己又怕又急,可是表情上却是一副万无一失的样子。

    He spoke of apprehension and anxiety , but his countenance expressed real security .

  29. 我们迟早是会从囚犯口里逼出真情的。

    Sooner or later , they will wring the truth out of the prisoner .

  30. 做完这个祷告,你心里相信,口里承认,你就是基督徒了。

    Finish this prayer , your heart believe , mouth confession , you are christians .