
  • 网络higher vertebrates
  1. 而且金鱼(低等脊椎动物)PR55/B在组织中的表达模式与小鼠(高等脊椎动物)有显著的差异。

    In addition , goldfish ( lower vertebrates ) and murine ( higher vertebrates ) displayed distinct difference in the tissue-specific expression patterns of PR55 δ / β / γ .

  2. 类泛素蛋白SUMOs是泛素样蛋白家族成员之一,广泛存在于真核细胞中,SUMOs在高等脊椎动物中已有大量研究,而在无脊椎动物中研究较少。

    SUMO is a member of the family of ubiquitin-related proteins which widely found in eukaryotes . SUMOs have been extensively studied in higher vertebrates while invertebrates have received little attention .

  3. 扯根菜(PenthorumchinensePursh)是一种对人类、大鼠等高等脊椎动物具有保肝作用的中草药,但在鱼类是否存在同样的药理作用,还尚无报道。

    Penthorum chinense Pursh was proved has the hepatoprotective effect for human , rat and other vertebrates . However , weather it has the same pharmacological effects in fish , has not been reported .

  4. 以上结果表明,在从低等脊椎动物到高等脊椎动物的进化过程中nov基因的表达也从低级中枢向高级中枢扩展,提示该基因的表达与脑的种系发育、脑功能的分化平行相关。

    Our results indicated that nov gene is very conservative during the evolution of brain from lower vertebrate fish to higher vertebrate mammals , and the expression of nov gene coincided with the development and structure and function differentiation of brain .

  5. RTNs蛋白定位内质网膜上,高等脊椎动物中枢神经受损时,RTN4-A/Nogo-A起抑制神经生长的作用,RTNs蛋白家族其余成员的功能还不是很清楚,可能与胞内运输,细胞分裂和细胞凋亡等有关。

    RTNs functions might relate to those of the endoplasmic reticulum for example , intracellular trafficking , cell division and apoptosis . Nogo / RTN4-A could inhibit neurite growth from the cell surface via specific receptors .

  6. 有关辐鳍亚纲的鱼、硬骨鱼及其他高等脊椎动物之间差异的研究,在进化上有着十分重要的意义。

    The diversities between actinopterygians and the teleosts and other higher vertebrates are evolutionarily significant .

  7. 寡突胶质细胞是一类重要的神经胶质细胞,主要分布于高等脊椎动物中枢神经系统。

    Oligodendrocyte is a kind of important glial cells , existing in the central nervous system of vertebrates .

  8. 人体等高等脊椎动物的免疫系统利用克隆选择机制产生抗体的过程在本质上是一个达尔文式的选择和变异过程。

    The process of human and other higher vertebrates ' immune system produces antibodies using clonal selection mechanism is essentially a Darwinian selection and mutation process .

  9. 高等脊椎动物的宿主防御依赖于两种类型的免疫反应:天然免疫和获得性免疫。

    In high vertebrates such as mammalian , the host defense systems depend on two types of immune : the innate immunity and the acquired immunity .

  10. 性别决定和性别分化在脊椎动物系统发育史中是两个重要的过程,高等脊椎动物的性别决定占有重要地位,性别受细胞内遗传物质影响较大。

    Sex determination and sex differentiation were two important processes of the phylogeny in vertebrates . In the higher vertebrates , the genetic material plays a conclusive role of sex determination .

  11. 有趣的是,我们揭示的部分与早期头盖骨神经嵴细胞有关,仅存于那些还保留着骨和软骨形成潜力的高等脊椎动物中。

    Interestingly , the one we have uncovered is related to the early , cranial neural crest cells , the only ones in higher vertebrates that retain bone and cartilage forming potential .

  12. 因此在斑马鱼中深入研究天然免疫系统不仅可以促进我们对斑马鱼自身的免疫系统的认识,而且从进化的角度看,也为研究高等脊椎动物免疫系统提供思路和工具。

    Therefore , not promoting the understanding of innate immunity system of zebrafish , more in-depth studying on the innate immunity of zebrafish can provide study thinking and tools for the immunity research of vertebrates from the view of evolution .

  13. 从低等脊椎动物到高等脊椎动物,鱼类和哺乳类干扰素和抗病毒蛋白呈现不同水平的差异,这从一定程度上反映了它们在不同生境中遭遇不同病原的选择压力。

    From the lower fish to higher mammals , though IFN and antiviral proteins present a different level of divergence , reflecting to some extent that selection pressures from different pathogens encountered in fish and other organisms because they stay at different environments and have very different life-styles .

  14. 从低等的海绵动物到高等的脊椎动物,众多物种中都证实有CK的存在。

    CK has been shown to be present in various species ranging from sponge to vertebrates .

  15. 在较高等的脊椎动物中,据我们所知,只有两种家庭形式:多妻制和成对配偶制;

    So far as our evidence goes , the higher vertebrates know only two forms of family & polygyny or separate couples ;

  16. 提到使用工具和复杂行为这类事情,我们通常会联想到较高等的脊椎动物:人类、猴子、些许鸟类等。

    And things like tool-use and complex behavior we generally associate with the higher vertebrates : humans , monkeys , a few birds , that kind of thing .