
  • 网络elderly primipara;elderly primigravida
  1. 高龄初产妇护理干预的临床效果观察

    Clinical result of nursing intervention for the elderly primipara

  2. 高龄初产妇的心理护理分析

    Analysis on psychological care for elderly primipara

  3. 高龄初产妇血清C肽及胰岛素水平测定

    Measurement of serum level of C - peptid and insulin of old age pregnant women

  4. 方法:对正常年龄孕妇及高龄初产妇分别在孕中期、孕晚期测定孕妇静脉血及新生儿出生后脐血血清的胰岛素及C肽值。

    Methods : The contents of C-peptid and insulin in maternal and umbilical cored vein of the old and young age pregnant women in the second and third trimester were measured .

  5. 高龄初产妇在胎儿双顶径方面显著低于对照组,而新生儿体重、Apgar评分、围生儿病死率、羊水平段(MVP)等方面差异均无显著意义。

    BDP of fetus in elderly primipara were lower evidently , Apgar score , perinatal death rate and so on was not different to compare with the control group .

  6. 目的探讨高龄初产妇的心理健康状况及其个性特征。

    Objective To study the mental heath status of high-aged primiparous women and the characteristics of their personality .

  7. 目的:探讨高龄初产妇的合并症和并发症发生率及其处理对策。

    Objective : To study the incidences of pregnancy coexisted diseases , complication of delivery of elder primiparas .