
  1. 那孩子抓住他的布衫领,推他。

    The child grasped him by the collar of his blouse .

  2. 她把马吕斯的手放在她布衫的口袋里。

    She put Marius'hand in the pocket of her blouse .

  3. 他没有提囊,但在布衫下面显然有些大口袋。

    He had no sack , but evidently he had large pockets under his coat .

  4. 她提起她的布衫,把它紧紧地咬着,两腿僵直地伸在铺路的石块上。

    She caught up her blouse and bit it , and her limbs stiffened on the pavement .

  5. 那件绿花布衫的腰围是17英寸,但嬷嬷却按照那析羽缎衣服把她的腰身作为18英寸来束了。

    The green muslin measured seventeen inches about the waist , and Mammy had laced her for the eighteen-inch bombazine .

  6. 一件破旧褴褛的老灰布衫,左右两肘上都已用麻线缝上了一块绿呢布;

    An old gray , tattered blouse , patched on one of the elbows with a bit of green cloth sewed on with twine ;

  7. 那两个人的面孔是他从没见过的。一个生一脸络腮胡子,穿件布衫,一个留一头长发,衣服破烂。

    These two persons were strangers to him ; one was a bearded man in a blouse , and the other a long-haired individual in rags .

  8. 她比陈月娥高些,穿着短到腰际的白洋布衫和黑洋布大脚管裤子,像一个丝厂女工。

    She was taller than Chen Yueh-ngo , and , like her , she wore a short white calico jacket and a pair of baggy Black slacks .

  9. 他重新把他的鸭舌帽压紧在额头上,机械地动手去把他的布衫拉拢,扣上,走了一步。

    He settled his cap more firmly on his brow , sought mechanically to cross and button his blouse , advanced a step and stopped to pick up his cudgel .

  10. “招白眼”悄悄地捡起田埂边的一件白小布衫,走过去披在雪液子的身上,一面也登上水车。

    Black-browed Zhao gently picked up the white shirt at the ridge of the field and put it on Xue 's bare back , while joining him in the pedalling .

  11. 月光下,他俩挨得很近,她见白小布衫的领口破了,她想:“明天该给他补一补。”

    In the moonlight , the two kept close to each other . She saw the collar of his white shirt was worn out and said to herself , " I must mend it for him tomorrow . "

  12. 但是刚刚走了四英里,他已开始意识到他还有多么长的路要走。他停下脚步,想了想这件事。他身边有一块面包、一件粗布衫、两双袜子和一便士。

    But after only four miles he began to realize just how far he would have to walk . He stopped to think about it . He had a piece of bread , a rough shirt , two pairs of socks and a penny .