
  • 网络booth;John Wilkes Booth
  1. 谢丽∙布思作为被告的辩护律师出庭。

    Cherie Booth is the lawyer appearing for the defendant .

  2. 杰夫•布思是建材零售企业BuildDirect的首席执行官,该公司共有63名员工。尽管他每周工作时间多达60小时,但是他的妻子凯丽在Facebook上发贴,称赞他是一位伟大的父亲。

    Jeff Booth , CEO of BuildDirect , a 63-employee building materials retailer , has a wife , Kelly , who posts what a great dad he is on Facebook , though he spends 60 hours a week working .

  3. 布思表示,未来的道路还很漫长。

    Mr Booth says there is still a long way to go .

  4. 他在这呢,房间(布思)里的人

    Hey , there he is -- the man in the booth ,

  5. 美国人民恨透了布思。

    The American people hated booth with intense emotion .

  6. 出了这件丑闻以后,布思先生被上流社会所摈弃。

    After the scandal , Mr Booth was cast out of the best society .

  7. 析布思的小说伦理学

    On W. C. Booth 's Ethics of Fiction

  8. 传闻是真的吗,阿布思?

    Are the rumors true , Albus ?

  9. 由于布思先生偶染微恙,卡特先生将代替他参加会议。

    Because of Mr booth 's indisposition , Mr Carter will be attending the meeting instead .

  10. 他们让你非常难以离开,出生于英国约克郡的布思表示。

    They make it very difficult for you to leave , says Yorkshire-born , Mr Booth .

  11. 在洛杉矶,女演员布伦达·伊萨克斯一布思看到玛丽·安妮的信息,立刻主动提供服务。

    In Los Angeles actress Brenda Isaacs-Booth read Mary Anne 's message and offered her services .

  12. 你觉得把孩子交给这些人安全吗,阿布思?

    Albus , do you really think it 's safe , leaving him with these people ?

  13. 被判处绞刑的布思阴谋犯罪人,是否是更高层人士们煞费苦心用来掩盖真相的替罪羊?

    Were the convicted and hanged Booth co-conspirators scapegoats for higher figures in a massive cover-up ?

  14. 为什么华盛顿城外的所有逃跑路线全都被封闭,惟独布思逃跑的路线没有封闭?

    Why were all the escape routes out of Washington closed except the route Booth used ?

  15. 布思把这种手段或技巧看作是获得某种效果的修辞。

    According to Booth , the means or technique is viewed as rhetoric to achieve certain effects .

  16. 布思预计,全球新兴债券市场未来两年将出现显著增长。

    Mr Booth expects the global emerging debt market to grow significantly in the next two years .

  17. 布思说:如果我是中国央行,我恐怕会问:欧洲央行在干什么?

    If I were the Chinese central bank I would be saying : what is the ECB doing ?

  18. 布思估计,本币债务约80%的回报来自汇率波动。

    Mr Booth estimates about 80 per cent of returns from local currency debt come from currency movement .

  19. 滚轴涂布:用滚轴把涂层涂上纸面的情况。还可用来在凹版印刷机上作涂布思及在装订生产线上作施胶器。

    It is used as coating roller in a gravure press and glue applicator in a binding line .

  20. 布思喜欢这两者,理由是这些经济体资源丰富、违约风险相对较低。

    Mr Booth likes both on the basis of the economy being resource-rich and risk of default relatively low .

  21. 达布思太太:因为我把你们家大明星关禁闭了你就气急败坏,那么现在我们扯平了。

    Ms Darbus : You 're tweaked because I put your stars in detention and now you 're getting even .

  22. 教练艾德里安。布思罗伊德知道他的球队面临很大的困难,但仍渴望他的球员不会畏惧比他们有名气得多的对手。

    Manager Adrian Boothroyd knows his side is up against it , but isdesperate for his players not to be overawed by their more illustriousopponents .

  23. 拓宽对新兴市场的风险敞口是有道理的,但投资者必须克服在风险和腐败问题上的偏见,新兴市场的此类现象可能比发达国家更为普遍,布思表示。

    Broadening exposure to emerging markets makes sense but investors have to overcome some prejudiced perceptions on risk and corruption , which can be more prevalent than in the developed world , says Mr Booth .

  24. 第二部分主要分析了《百年孤独》中布思地亚家族的基督化过程以及宗教文化影响下的混血后代的人物性格,阐述文化殖民对拉美本土文化的冲击和影响。

    The second part discusses in detail the Christianization process of Buendia & clan and the characteristic of " mix blood " under the influence of religion and culture in order to expatiate the impact and influence of cultural colonization to Latin native culture .

  25. 还可用来在凹版印刷机上作涂布思及在装订生产线上作施胶器。活版:典型的凸版印刷方法。用活字粒排版,在其凸起的表面涂布油墨,然后压向纸张的印刷方法。

    It is used as coating roller in a gravure press and glue applicator in a binding line . Letterpress : A typical form of relief printing . Movable types are composed into pages . Ink were applied to the raised surface and then impressed on the paper .