
bù gào
  • notice;bulletin;announcement;proclamation;publish
布告 [bù gào]
  • (1) [notice;bulletin]∶书面的或印刷的通告或公告

  • 在报纸上登载一个布告

  • (2) [announcement]∶正式声明

  • 学院关于暑期课程的布告

  • (3) [publish]∶当众宣布

  • 布告周知

布告[bù gào]
  1. 他们把一张布告贴在墙上。

    They have pasted up a notice on the wall .

  2. 他把布告揭了下来。

    He tore down the notice .

  3. 布告牌上张贴了这封信的内容。

    A copy of the letter was posted on the noticeboard .

  4. 布告牌上有一则通知说这堂课取消了。

    There was a notice on the board saying the class had been cancelled .

  5. 你能不能把这个贴到布告牌上?

    Can you stick this on the noticeboard ?

  6. 她把自己的名字加在了布告栏上的名单里。

    She added her name to the list on the noticeboard .

  7. 最新的数据将发布在布告板上。

    The latest statistics will be displayed on the billboard .

  8. 你抹糨糊,我来贴布告。

    You apply the paste and I 'll stick the notice .

  9. 人们聚集在布告栏周围。

    People clustered round the notice board .

  10. 林的眼睛顺着布告板往下看,布告板上列出了所有的课程。

    Lin 's eyes moved down the noticeboard that listed all the courses on offer .

  11. 我们读了贴在布告板上的声明。

    We read the declaration posted on the bulletin board .

  12. NT布告栏(一)MicrosoftWindowsNT操作系统介绍

    NT BBS ( 1 ): Introduction of Microsoft Windows NT Operating System

  13. NT布告栏(二):WINDOWSnt与系统的关系

    NT BBS ( 2 ) : Relations Between Windows NT and System

  14. 所选视觉媒体包括广告牌、LED招牌,电子布告板和宣传海报。

    Video media are chosen for collection of data including billboards , LED signs , electronic bulletin boards and posters .

  15. 建议您订阅您使用的产品的支持布告栏,对于WebSphereApplicationServer,要监视推荐更新支持页面。

    It is advisable that you subscribe to support bulletins for the products you use , and in the case of WebSphere Application Server , monitor the recommended updates support page .

  16. 经验欠缺的ClearQuest用户试图在每一次状态变更时发送提交布告。

    Inexperienced ClearQuest users are tempted to send the submitter notification upon every state change .

  17. 公共卫生中的统计数据推论II,藉由上课、实习和布告栏讨论的方式,介绍我们所挑选的关于生物统计概念方面的重点主题。

    Statistical Reasoning in Public Health II provides an introduction to selected important topics in biostatistical concepts and reasoning through lectures , exercises , and bulletin board discussions .

  18. 当你在求职布告栏比如Monster或者Indeed发布你的简历时,你现在的雇主是可有机会看到你的简历的。

    When you post your r é sum é to a job board , such as Monster or Indeed , there 's a chance your current employer could see it .

  19. 本文针对树木建模中广泛应用的布告板(Billboard)树木模型的特点,提出了Billboard树木模型阴影快速生成与真实感绘制算法。

    A tree shadow generation and rendering algorithm is proposed in the paper , which especially fits to the widely used Billboard tree model .

  20. 可是有一天,她看到布告栏写着“想参加摇滚乐团吗?欢迎加入SOS社团”,那吸引了爱博尼的注意。

    However , one day she saw a sign that read , " Want to be in a Rock Band ? Come to the SOS club . " That caught Ebony 's attention .

  21. 该公司已称作是“大布告”,但这些原来是改称现有GT200系列GPU的版本,只有在新的个人电脑上,而不是在零售外接板。

    The company had billed this as a " major announcement ," but these turned out to be renamed versions of existing GT200 series GPUs , and available only in new PCs , not in retail add-in-boards .

  22. 当时找科技类工作的地方是Usenet,一款早期网络布告栏。其中包括9个主要类别的帖子,如rec.(代表休闲娱乐)和sci.(代表科学类主题)。

    And the place to look for tech jobs was the Usenet , an early online bulletin board that organized posts along nine major categories like rec. ( for recreation and entertainment ) and sci .

  23. 当时找科技类工作的地方是Usenet,一款早期网络布告栏。其中包括9个主要类别的帖子,如“rec.”(代表休闲娱乐)和“sci.”(代表科学类主题)。

    And the place to look for tech jobs was the Usenet , an early online bulletin board that organized posts along nine major categories like " rec. " ( for recreation and entertainment ) and " sci . " ( for scientific topics ) .

  24. 于是他翻阅了一些老的通缉布告。

    So he started poking through some real old wanted posters .

  25. 布告栏:发布最新消息的专栏。

    Bulletin board : a board on which notices are posted .

  26. 当布告发表时,我们完全茫然不知所措。

    When the announcement came , we were completely knocked over .

  27. 这块布告板上有全部美式足球的信息。

    The poster board has all the football information on it .

  28. 他张贴一则有关价格变动的布告。

    He put up a notice about the change in price .

  29. Mr.Field:那怎么会仍然没有布告在那里呢?

    Mr. Field : Then why isn 't there a notice ?

  30. 教会礼拜仪式的时间写在布告栏里。

    The times of the church services were on the noticeboard .