
kǒu qi
  • tone;note;implication;manner of speaking;what is actually implied;the way one speaks
口气 [kǒu qì]
  • (1) [the way one speaks;manner of speaking]∶说话中所带的感情色彩

  • 他说话总是一副温和的口气

  • (2) [tone;note]∶说话时人的精神状态和气势

  • 说话口气大不见得就有理

  • (3) [what is actually implied;implication]∶蕴含在语言形式中的意思

  • 听口气局长不同意这么干,咱就别去碰钉子了

口气[kǒu qi]
  1. 他说话的口气简直像个教授。

    His tone was almost professorial .

  2. 面试官的口气让人觉得受了他多大恩惠似的,实在没有必要。

    The tone of the interview was unnecessarily patronizing .

  3. 她深深地吸了口气,想使急速跳动的脉搏平静下来。

    She took a deep breath to calm her racing pulse .

  4. 他深深地吸了几口气,让自己平静下来。

    He took a few deep breaths to steady his nerves .

  5. 他声音里含有一种烦人的扬扬得意的口气。

    There was a jarring note of triumph in his voice .

  6. 我跑过之后需要时间喘口气。

    I need time to get my wind back after that run .

  7. 听他的口气,是觉得很有意思。

    There was a note of amusement in his voice .

  8. 他深深地吸了口气,竭尽全力保持镇定。

    He took a deep breath , desperately trying to keep calm .

  9. “我就等呗。”他叹口气说。

    ‘ I 'll wait , ’ he said with a sigh .

  10. 他的口气听上去对前景并不十分担忧。

    He did not sound unduly worried at the prospect .

  11. 我们不得不喘口气,然后再登山顶。

    We had to stop for breath before we got to the top .

  12. 她的声音里带有公然反抗的口气。

    A note of defiance entered her voice .

  13. 他用权威的口气讲话,引起了整个人群的注意。

    He spoke with an authority that compelled the attention of the whole crowd .

  14. 使用漱口液可以使口气清新。

    Using a mouthwash freshens the breath .

  15. 听你这口气,你自己也不大肯定。

    You don 't sound very sure .

  16. 听他的口气,他真的感兴趣。

    He sounded genuinely interested .

  17. 他懊丧地叹了口气。

    He sighed regretfully .

  18. 她叹了口气,然后继续用温柔、平静的声音说下去。

    She sighed , then continued in a soft , calm voice

  19. 梅布尔喘了口气,把身体重心移到脚上。

    Puffing a little , Mabel shifted her weight onto her feet

  20. 他的胸脯上下起伏,然后他深深地吸了口气。

    His chest heaved , and he took a deep breath .

  21. 她喘了口气,吸入了一大口水。

    She gasped for air and drew in a lungful of water

  22. 她叹了口气,身体向后倚靠,闭上了眼睛。

    With a sigh , she leant back and closed her eyes

  23. “他们是神圣的,”她神情恍惚地叹了口气。

    ' They were divine , ' she sighs , dreamily

  24. 杰茜卡微微松了口气,坐到了椅子上。

    Jessica settled into her chair with a small sigh of relief .

  25. 他一连说了两个小时,都没有停顿一下喘口气。

    He talked for two hours without pausing for breath .

  26. 特蕾西双手叉腰叹了口气。

    Tracey put her hands on her hips and sighed .

  27. 他从紧咬的牙缝间慢慢地舒了口气。

    Slowly , he released his breath through clenched teeth .

  28. 她的母亲叹了口气,擦去了纵横填字游戏里另一个填错的地方。

    Her mother sighed and rubbed out another mistake in the crossword puzzle .

  29. 看到他脸上现出孩子气的笑容,她总算松了口气。

    She was relieved to see his face light up with a boyish grin

  30. 该国的政界人士均已松了口气。

    The country 's politicians are already heaving a collective sigh of relief .