
wú yì
  • have no intention;not be inclined to;have no intention of (doing sth.);by chance;unexpectedly
无意 [wú yì]
  • (1) [have no intention of (doing sth.)]∶没有做某件事的愿望

  • 对此无意深究

  • (2) [by chance]∶不是有意的

  • 无意中说出了心里话

无意[wú yì]
  1. 我无意去参加婚礼。

    I have no intention of going to the wedding .

  2. 我们无意卷入一场政治困境。

    We have no intention of being drawn into a political quagmire .

  3. 父母自己的恐惧有可能在无意中感染了孩子。

    Parents can unwittingly transmit their own fears to their children .

  4. 我们似乎无意中积存了大量的盒子。

    We seem to have collected an enormous number of boxes .

  5. 他无意中看见地平线上有一条小船。

    His eye lit upon a small boat on the horizon .

  6. 我在公共汽车上无意中听到两个男孩的谈话。

    I overheard a conversation between two boys on the bus .

  7. 我也许无意中做了什么得罪她的事。

    Perhaps , unconsciously , I 've done something to offend her .

  8. 他天性不喜交际,且自己也无意于此。

    He was a loner by nature and by inclination .

  9. 他无意中引起了这一切误会。

    He was the unknowing cause of all the misunderstanding .

  10. 我们无意之中未付账就离开了。

    We had inadvertently left without paying the bill .

  11. 我们无意接受这些条件。

    We are not prepared to accept these conditions .

  12. 他无意挑衅。

    He had no wish to start a fight .

  13. 我们回家早,无意中发现一个窃贼正要入室行窃。

    We arrived home early and surprised a burglar trying to break in .

  14. 必须把资料保存起来,这样才不至于无意中删除。

    Information must be stored so that it is secure from accidental deletion .

  15. 我从大学出来后无意间进了演艺界。

    I stumbled into acting when I left college .

  16. 警方无意中发现一个庞大的贩毒集团。

    Police have stumbled across a huge drugs ring .

  17. 不管是有意还是无意,你已作出了选择。

    Consciously or unconsciously , you made a choice .

  18. 她无意中引起了这场争执。

    She was the unwitting cause of the argument .

  19. 本书无意标榜为那个时期的全史。

    The book does not purport to be a complete history of the period .

  20. 很显然,不管是有意还是无意,他反正得罪了她。

    It was clear that , wittingly or unwittingly , he had offended her .

  21. 她似乎无意中又说出了一个明显的提示。

    She let fall a further heavy hint .

  22. 我无意冒犯,但我确实想自己一个人。

    No offence , but I 'd really like to be on my own .

  23. 我无意告诉你如何经营你自己的事业。

    I wouldn 't presume to tell you how to run your own business .

  24. 我无意中听到他们谈话的只言片语。

    I overheard a fragment of their conversation .

  25. 他们无意中提供了错误的信息。

    They had unintentionally provided wrong information .

  26. 我无意争论。

    I 'm not disposed to argue .

  27. 我无意深入调查这一情况的来龙去脉。

    I had no intention of going into the whys and the wherefores of the situation .

  28. 他无意伤害她。

    He intended her no harm .

  29. 我无意让别人替我工作。

    I 'm not in the business of getting other people to do my work for me .

  30. 她无意跟你离婚,不过是骗着你玩的。

    She has no intention of giving you a divorce ; she 's just stringing you along .