
zài shěn àn jiàn
  • case of retrial instituted through adjudicatory supervision procedure
  1. 略论我国民事再审案件的改判标准

    Briefly on the Commuting Standard in Chinese Civil Re-trial Cases

  2. 笔者认为应重新界定民事再审案件的范围。

    The writer believes that the scope of civil retrial cases should be redefined .

  3. 论民事再审案件的审理对象

    Trial Object in a Civil Retried Case

  4. 人民法院审理再审案件,应当另行组成合议庭。

    The people 's court shall form another collegiate bench when hearing a retrial case .

  5. 第三部分主要分析了民事申请再审案件受理审查中存在争议的问题,及不同的处理意见。

    In the third part , it analyzes the controversial problems in the censorship and different methods .

  6. 只要遵循调解的自愿、合法原则,法院对再审案件仍然能够以调解的方式结案。

    As long as the court follows the voluntary principle and legitimate principle , the case can still end in mediation .

  7. 最后,实行再审案件的收费制度,以及再审案件有条件的中止执行制度。

    Finally , implement charge system of retrial case , as well as the retrial case has the condition to stop carrying out the system .

  8. 再审案件的诉讼标的不仅决定了再审审理的范围,而且进一步决定了不同的再审理由在诉讼中的相互关系以及重复再审的禁止等问题。

    The subject matter of the retrial case decides the bound of the retrial , and the relation of the claim cause , prohibition of repeated retrial .

  9. 审理再审案件,原来是第一审的,按照第一审程序另行组成合议庭;

    If a case for retrial was originally tried at first instance , a new collegial panel shall be formed according to the procedure of first instance ;

  10. 明晰再审案件的管辖法院,并对当事人申请再审设定不变期间与最长期间的双重时限。

    Make clear the court in charge of the case for hearing and set double time limits of invariant period and longest period for litigants to apply for rehearing .

  11. 审理再审案件,原来是第一审的,按照第一审程序另行组成合议庭,审议是该会议在财政部的一次例令。

    A case originally of first instance shall be tried de novo by a newly organized collegiate bench in accordance with the procedure of first instance , Audit was a sitting of the council in Exchequer .

  12. 法院决定再审民事案件的内部程序

    Internal Decision Procedures of Civil Cases to Be Reheard

  13. 浅谈再审民事案件改判的原则

    Remarks on the Principles of Which the Retrial Civil Cases Is Changed the Original Sentence

  14. 申请再审的案件经过再审申请审查后有两种结果:一是驳回申请,一是进入再审程序。

    There are two results for the case of retrial application though examining it : one result is rejecting the application , and another is entering into the retrial procedure .

  15. 按照审判监督程序决定再审的案件,裁定中止原判决的执行。

    Where a trial de novo of a case has been decided according to the procedure of judicial supervision , the execution of the original judgment shall be suspended by a ruling .

  16. 各级法院再审改判刑事案件1357件,纠正了一系列冤错案件。

    Chinese courts reviewed more than 1357 criminal cases and corrected a number of wrongful convictions .

  17. 它由提起再审程序和再审案件的审判程序两个部分组成。

    It makes up of raising retrial process and judgment process of retrial case .

  18. 作为补救和非正常程序,再审程序能够纠正案件中的错误。但这一程序的法律规定存在许多不足,有必要予以重构。

    As the remedial and unusual procedure it is designed to retrial the case owing to an error or errors .

  19. 再审议作重新审议,如再审议某立法机构使之已生效的条款它由提起再审程序和再审案件的审判程序两个部分组成。

    To take up for reconsideration , as a matter previously acted on by a legislature . It makes up of raising retrial process and judgment process of retrial case .

  20. 如何重构我国民事再审立案审查制度,笔者在设计之前,不得不探讨我国民事再审案件启动之主体。

    How to reestablish our country civil case 's retrial to register for the record to investigate the system , I have to inquiry into our country civil case ' retrial the subject first of all .