
wú lǜ
  • approximately;about
  • worry about nothing;be free from care
无虑 [wú lǜ]
  • (1) [more or less]∶不计虑,指大约,大概

  • 无虑百十人。--清. 徐珂《清稗类钞.战事类》

  • 无虑五六万。--清. 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》

  • 无虑十来人

  • (2) [worry about nothing; think about nothing]∶无所顾忌,没有挂念

  • 无忧无虑

  • (3) [consider about nothing]∶不用考虑,不值得重视

  • 无虑甲兵十万,老夫自有破敌妙计

  1. 我们学校的学生在安全无虑的环境中接受教育。

    Pupils in our schools are taught in a safe , secure environment

  2. 此事可以无虑。

    There is no need to worry about this .

  3. 让每个人都感到安全无虑。

    To let everyone feel safe and secure .

  4. 我们正在操作自由盾中拿的行动正在使这个国家更无虑。

    The actions we 're taking in Operation Liberty Shield are making this nation more secure .

  5. 它是一个像是使宝贝感觉快乐的和无虑的正常婴儿活动。

    It is a normal infant activity that seems to make the baby feel happy and secure .

  6. 他们是完全无虑的。

    They were secured perfectly .

  7. 真正的美绝不在外表,让你变美的是善良,无虑以及快乐。

    True beautiful is never about looks . What makes you beautiful is being kind , carefree and happy .

  8. 夫惟无虑而易敌者,必擒于人。

    He who exercises no forethought but makes light of his opponents is sure to be captured by them .

  9. 安逸的妇女阿,起来听我的声音。无虑的女子阿,侧耳听我的言语。

    Give ear to my voice , you women who are living in comfort ; give attention to my words , you daughters who have no fear of danger .

  10. 《红楼梦》问世二百年以来,通过汉文原文和各种译文读过本书的人,无虑多少个亿。

    Ever since the publication of this novel some 200 years ago , hundreds of millions of people have read its Chinese original or its translations in various languages .

  11. 五人就走了,来到拉亿,见那里的民安居无虑,如同西顿人安居一样。

    So the five men left and came to Laish , where they saw that the people were living in safety , like the Sidonians , unsuspecting and secure .

  12. 他,像数以千计我们的同伴市民全部横过国家是乐意把时间献给在这帮助确定我们的故乡因素的是无虑的。

    He , like thousands of our fellow citizens all across the country are willing to dedicate time to help in this cause of making sure our homeland is secure .

  13. 不做事业,不求世荣同时又能衣食无虑者,才能遨游四方,像飘然无所系的小船。

    He , who do no cause , seek for no glory and have enough food and clothes , can roam around , like a boat , free and easy .

  14. 与此同时,作为对他们体验到的紧张情绪的响应,生活在食物无虑的环境中的儿童消费安慰食物的能力更强,而这些食物往往并不健康。

    " Children in food-secure households may have a greater ability to consume more'comfort foods , 'which are often unhealthy , in response to the ( stress ) they experience ," they wrote .

  15. 国为列国之首,人最着名,且为以色列家所归向,在锡安和撒玛利亚山安逸无虑的,有祸了。

    Woe to them that are at ease in zion , and trust in the mountain of samaria , which are named chief of the nations , to whom the house of Israel came !

  16. 到那日必有使者坐船、从我面前出去、使安逸无虑的古实人惊惧.必有痛苦临到他们、好像埃及遭灾的日子一样.看哪、这事临近了。

    In that day shall messengers go forth from me in ships to make the careless Ethiopians afraid , and great pain shall come upon them , as in the day of Egypt : for , lo , it cometh .

  17. 你们到了那里,必看见安居无虑的民,地也宽阔。神已将那地交在你们手中。

    When ye go , ye shall come unto a people secure , and to a large land : for God hath given it into your hands ; a place where there is no want of any thing that is in the earth .

  18. 无需多虑她身处何处

    Without wondering where she 's been

  19. 你在经济上没有后顾之忧,所以无愁无虑,缺少应有的体验。

    You are independent of economic considerations and so you 're without fear , without the proper understanding .

  20. 事实上如果中国政府能忍受市场竞争,中国有巨大的过剩生产力,无需多虑:过剩的供给会把价格压制下来。

    If , as China bears contend , the economy had massive overcapacity , there would be little to worry about : excess supply would hold down prices .

  21. 然而,要开发出这种通过改变光速以获得足够完成银行劫案时间的材料,仍路漫漫其修远兮。警方暂且无需多虑。

    Still , it may be a long while before police have anything to worry about & the materials needed for speeding and slowing light precisely enough for a bank heist have yet to be invented .

  22. 3M软极板具有高导电性和高安全性的优点,操作简便,无交叉感染之虑。

    3M soft polar plates have advantages of high electric conductivity and high safety , easily operated and had no chance to get cross infection .

  23. 很回忆那段美好的时光,尽管缓慢但无忧也无虑,单纯而快乐。

    Very good memories of that period of time , in spite of a slow but worry no worry , simple and fun .

  24. 我祈望无仇恨、无异念、无嫉妒、无艳羡、无忧也无虑地生活;

    I wish to live without hate , whim , jealousy , envy , fear .