
wú ɡuò shī zé rèn
  • No fault liability;liability without fault;responsibility without fault
  1. 其实无过失责任有相对无过失责任与绝对无过失责任之分。

    Scholars have different opinions on the application of liability without fault .

  2. 侵权法的危机来自无过失责任的复兴、债法的扩张、保险制度、社会保障等各个方面,安全保障义务制度的研究在这种背景下被提上日程。

    Tort Law faces the crisis coming from the renewal of liability without fault , the expansion of Contract Law , insurance system and social security , etc. Under this background , the duty of safety-guard is put on the agenda .

  3. 而我国现阶段无过失责任的立法并不完善,存在立法过于原则和模糊等诸多问题。

    In modern China , the legislation of no-fault liability is not perfect .

  4. 无过失责任原则免责条件适用中的缺陷&兼论公平原则在解决环境污染纠纷中的作用

    Limitations for the Application of Duty-exempt Term in the Principle of Non-blame Responsibility

  5. 正是这种差异体现了无过失责任的基本特征,即不以行为人的过错为责任构成要件,但该特征并不足以揭示其内涵。

    It is the differences that tell us the basic characteristics of no-fault liability .

  6. 论医疗损害无过失责任

    On Medical Damage No - Fault Liability

  7. 这些问题导致法院在司法实践中无法正确地适用无过失责任。

    The existent problems led to the errors of the application of no-fault liability in judicial practice .

  8. 在环境侵权领域,无过失责任原则已成为主流。

    In the area of environmental rights infringement , the principle of non-liability fault has become a mainstream .

  9. 当前,无过失责任和因果关系推定制度已经成为世界各国的立法通制。

    Today , liability without negligence and presumption of causation have environmental tort law all over the world .

  10. 日本的环境侵权法并非单纯由过失责任原则直接发展为无过失责任原则,而是经历了从客观过失理论到过失推定,再从过失推定到无过失责任主义的演进过程。

    The Development of Environmental Law Tort is not directly from liability for fault to liability without negligence .

  11. 后者分散风险的能力更强,我国若采用医疗损害无过失责任,宜采后一种型态。

    The latter pays more attention to diversification of risk , which is more appropriate for china to adopt .

  12. 无过失责任是近代科技迅猛发展和社会进步的产物。

    NO-fault liability is the product of the social progress and the rapid development of modern science and technology .

  13. 从理论性和合理性两方面,对环境侵权适用无过失责任进行了分析。

    The author of this paper conducts both theoretical and rational analyses of the environmental rights infringement applicable to the non-liability fault .

  14. 此章重点谈了无过失责任在版权法中的适用问题,主张直接侵权采无过失责任,间接侵权采过失责任。

    Limitations for the Application of Duty-exempt Term in the Principle of Non-blame Responsibility And author advocates that fault liability in indirect copyright infringement .

  15. 在医疗损害赔偿中,适当采用无过失责任原则,引进责任保险制度,能够缓解医患双方直接对立的局面,使医患双方当事人和其他有关的关系人的利益都得到有效的保护。

    Applying no-fault liability to medical injury compensation and adopting the liability insurance system can mitigate the conflict between the hospital and patients and is beneficial to both sides .

  16. 允许危险原则注重在适当的场合,允许行为人实施一定限度以内的危险行为,对此行为人无过失责任。

    The principle of necessity stresses that under appropriate circumstances actors are allowed to execute dangerous acts beyond certain limit where the actor is free from liability for negligence .

  17. 侵权法规定承运人在从事高度危险作业时承担无过失责任,同时受注意义务理论的影响又产生了承运人作为经营者违反安全保障义务时的推定过失责任和过失责任。

    The tort law stipulates carrier 's negligence in highly dangerous work . Influenced by attention-duty theory , the deduce negligence and negligence appear while carriers , as operator , violate security duty .

  18. 无过失责任的引入,责任保险制度和社会保障制度的建立,给侵权法带来了一定的冲击,但侵权法赖以生存的基础尚未受到动摇。

    Although the introduction of unpremeditated liability and the establishment of the liability insurance system and social security system pose a challenge to the tort law , the fundamental principles of the law remain unchanged .

  19. 世界上多数国家对司法裁决错误的赔偿(冤狱赔偿)用无过失责任原则,而对非司法裁决错误的职务侵权赔偿采用过错或者违法原则。

    Most states over the world adopt attribution principle of non-negligence in compensations for erroneous judgments , and attribution principle of negligence or breach of law in compensations for duty torts resulting from non-judicial rule mistakes .

  20. 总之,医疗损害赔偿采纳无过失责任制度是一种发展趋势,实践和理论都证明它在减少医疗纠纷、弥补损害等方面是行之有效的,也是值得我们追求的。

    In conclusion , it is a trend to adopt no-fault liability system in medical damages compensation , which practically and academically proves to be an effective and worth-pursuing approach in reducing medical disputes and compensating damages .

  21. 于是,现代环境侵权救济制度的一般发展趋势为损害赔偿责任的社会化,其主要表现为无过失责任原则的兴起、损害填补保障制度的建立等。

    Accordingly , the general trend of the modern relief system for environmental infringement is the socialization of the liability of compensation for relevant damages , which is mainly embodied in the rise of non-fault liability principle and the establishment of guarantee system of damage compensation .

  22. 本文通过对环境污染赔偿归责原则产生的历史考察,证实在环境污染损害赔偿中无过失责任原则的适用存在其社会基础和法学理论基础,所以构成要件中排除了行为具有违法性的要件。

    Through the inspection of the history of the liability principle , the article confirm the principle of liability without fault is used in the damages for the environmental pollution has the foundation of society and law theory , so " illegal act " is eliminated in constitution requirements .

  23. 失去控制或者不负责任。无过失民事赔偿责任

    Free from control or responsibility . no-fault civil liability for damages

  24. 无过失民事赔偿责任

    No-fault civil liability for damages

  25. 在课予国家跨界损害责任时,应适用传统的过失责任还是无过失的严格责任呢?

    When the state bear the responsibility of transboundary harms , should the traditional liability for fault principle be applied ?

  26. 承运人的侵权损害赔偿责任又分两种:无过失损害赔偿责任和违反安全保障义务的侵权责任。

    The carrier 's responsibility of tort can be divided into two types : the responsibility of no-negligence and the responsibility of violating security duty .

  27. 中日公害赔偿法律制度在无过错(过失)责任的含义、因果关系的认定、损害赔偿范围和原则上存在差异。

    The legal system of compensation for the lose caused by public nuisance in China and Japan differed in meaning of faultless responsibility , difinition in causality , range and principle of compensation .

  28. 通过探究各国环境侵权过失和无过失概念的含义得知,支撑环境侵权过失责任和无过失责任理论的概念体系是一个由过失和无过失概念构成的二元概念体系。

    By comparing and analyzing the meanings of fault and no-fault of environmental tort in various countries , it is concluded that fault and no-fault liabilities are supported by a dualistic conception system which consists of fault and no-fault conceptions .