
  • 网络Induction Lamp;lvd;Electrodeless Discharge Lamp;Electroless lamps
  1. 微波无极灯:一种具有前景的高效光催化光源

    Microwave electrodeless discharge lamp : a prospective light source for photocatalysis

  2. 但是对于绿色环保的高频无极灯,却没有一个合适的照度计算软件来帮助它走向市场。

    But for the Electrodeless Discharge Lamp , there is no proper illumination calculation software to help it enter the market .

  3. LVD无极灯的优良性能

    The high property of LVD lamp

  4. 利用自行研制的微波无极灯对模拟二硫化碳废气进行光解。

    A new process for microwave curing of cabtyre cables is presented .

  5. 矿井电致发光安全头灯低压无极灯汞蒸气压控制

    Control of mercury vapour pressure for low-pressure electrodeless lamp

  6. 采用更节能、更环保、更健康的无极灯光源。

    The use of more energy-efficient , more environmentally friendly , healthier electrode less lighting source .

  7. 首先分析了高频无极灯的特点,并与其他电光源进行比较。

    First it analyzes the characteristics of the lamp , with comparing with other kinds of lamps .

  8. 光效的提高不仅仅意味着更加节能,也意味着无极灯工作稳定性大大改善。

    If the luminous efficiency is high , it does not only mean more energy-saving , but also mean that the stability will be improved .

  9. 在无极灯通用模型基础上结合实际产品电路,建立并验证了等效电路模型。

    On the basis of general model of electrodeless fluorescent lamp , combining the circuit of actual product , he equivalent circuit model was built and verified .

  10. 在本文中我以提高高频无极灯用高频发生器的可靠性为目标。

    The aim of the paper is to improve the reliability of HF generator , which is the key to decide the life of HF electrodeless light .

  11. 本课题提出使用无极灯作为新型紫外消毒光源,已完成该新型光源的连续流小试装置以及其在不同影响因素下杀菌效果的初步研究。

    This study proposes that use a non-polar uv light lamp as the new energy-saving lamp in uv disinfection and has completed the new-type light source continuous flow of small device and its effect of disinfection under the different influencing factors .

  12. 降低高频无极荧光灯装置的工作电压的研究

    A Study on the Reduction of Operation Voltage for the High Frequency Electrodeless Fluorescent Lamp System

  13. 新型无极紫外灯的光氧化性能研究

    Study on light oxidation of a new type of electrodeless discharge lamp

  14. 本论文系统研究了微波无极紫外灯的特性,并把它用于染料废水的降解,取得了很好的效果。

    This thesis investigates the characteristics of ultraviolet light generated from microwave energy and its use in the degradation of dye wastewater .

  15. 研究结果表明:微波放电无极紫外灯和电容放电无极紫外灯对中低浓度的硫化氢废气和二硫化碳废气有较好的处理效果。

    The results are as follows : Medium-low concentration of hydrogen sulfide and carbon disulfide could be removed effectively by microwave discharge electrodeless UV lamp and condenser discharge electrodeless UV lamp .

  16. 在中试试验中还对无极紫外灯长度和直径、灯管根数等参数进行了优化。

    In model experiment , the paper also optimize several parameters about the microwave ultraviolet lamp such as the length and the diameter of the ultraviolet , the number of the ultraviolet lamp , etc.

  17. 高频无极紫外灯作为一种新型紫外光源,具有节能高效、辐射强度高、使用寿命长等诸多优点。

    As a new type of UV source , there are many advantages of High Frequency Electrodeless Lamp ( HFEL ) when compared with traditional UV lamp , such as high efficient , high radiation intensity and long length of life .

  18. 本文介绍了一种既可用于船电,又可用于蓄电池供电的低压高频无极诱鱼灯新光源.该光源由低压高频无极荧光灯,水密封系统和保护支架、沉降装量组成。

    This paper describes a new light source-the low-voltage high frequency electrodeless fish lamp , which can be Powered by either ship electricity or accumulator .

  19. 由此,作为一种高发光效率、高显色性、高发光稳定性、无频闪、长寿命并符合环保要求的新光源,高频无极灯应运而生。

    As a new light with high luminous efficiency , high color , high light stability , no flicker , long life and meeting the environmental requirements , Electrodeless Discharge Lamp came into being .