
wú xiàn tōnɡ xùn
  • telecommunications
  1. 你的文字概述了各种无线通讯媒介,如地面微波,通信卫星,蜂窝和PCS系统。

    Your text outlines a variety of wireless telecommunications media such as terrestrial microwave , communications satellites , cellular and PCS systems .

  2. 个人通讯服务-是一种双向、音频和数字无线通讯系统。

    Personal Communications Services ( PCS ) - Two-way , voice and digital , wireless telecommunications system .

  3. 她的汽车里有一部无线通讯电话机。

    She has a cellular telephone in her car .

  4. PLC无线通讯在幕墙清洁机器人系统中的应用

    Application of PLC Wireless Communication in the Cleaning Robot for High-rising Buildings

  5. 无线通讯技术与Internet技术的迅猛发展推动了无线数据业务的发展。越来越多的移动用户开始通过无线终端访问Internet,使用基于分组域的无线数据业务。

    The rapid development of wireless communication and Internet technology speeds up the evolution of wireless data service ( WDS ) .

  6. 结果:成功实现了PC控制中心与医院导诊服务机器人的无线通讯。

    Result : The communication between the PC control center and the service robot was implemented successfully .

  7. GPRS无线通讯模块在热力管道流量计数据上传中的应用

    Application of GPRS Communication Module in Transmitting Data of Flux Computer

  8. GPRS无线通讯在无功补偿控制系统中的应用

    The Application of GPRS Wireless Communication in VAR Compensation System

  9. 接收器部分由主控制器、无线通讯和USB通讯等部分组成。

    The receiver section by the main controller , wireless communication and USB communication components .

  10. 基于无线通讯和GPS授时的便携式MOA检测系统

    Portable MOA Detection System Based on Wireless Communication and GPS Time Giving

  11. 一种基于GPRS无线通讯的分布式设备远程监控系统终端的研制

    The Research of a Terminal of Wireless Monitor System of Distributed Equipments Based on GPRS

  12. OFDM技术正是由于其抗干扰能力强的特点,成为了当今无线通讯的核心技术。

    OFDM is precisely because of its anti-interference capability features and become the core technology of wireless communications .

  13. 通过WAP协议,手机和其它无线通讯终端可以访问互联网资源。

    Mobiles and other wireless terminals can access Internet resources via WAP .

  14. 以无线通讯方式实现多台PLC之间以及PLC与微机之间的数据交换,在遥控监控站上完成对移动设备的控制与监视。

    Exchange data between PLC 's , PLC and computer in the way of wireless , control and monitor mobile equipment is introduced .

  15. 针对AGV与自动化仓库控制中心之间的通讯问题,提出了一种实用的无线通讯方法。

    A practical communication method between AGV and auto-warehouse is presented .

  16. 系统采用GPRS无线通讯方式实现数据与监控中心之间的远程传输。

    This system applies GPRS wireless communication between the data and the monitoring center of the long-distance transmission .

  17. 基于VB6.0的远程无线通讯的实现

    The Realization of the Remote wireless communication Based on VB6.0

  18. 本文介绍了一种基于USB接口的无线通讯键盘控制器的设计方案,包括硬件设计、设备驱动程序设计及应用软件设计。

    This paper introduces the design of wireless USB keyboard controller , including hardware design , driver design and internet applications design .

  19. 它是GPS技术、GIS技术和无线通讯技术结合的产物,被广泛地应用在交通、导航、定位等各个方面。

    It consists of GPS , GIS and wireless communication technology . And it 's widely used in traffic , navigation , vehicle location and so on .

  20. 对J2EE进行了探讨,并在此基础上结合发展迅速的无线通讯设备提出了一个无线移动办公系统模型。

    J2EE was discussed , and furthermore , combining quickly developed wireless communication equipment , a wireless office system model was brought forward .

  21. 蓝牙技术,作为一种短距离无线通讯技术,在手机和PC等设备领域中有着广阔的应用前景。

    Bluetooth technology , as a short-range wireless communication technology , still has a broad application prospects such as in mobile phone and PC and other devices .

  22. 基于CDMA无线通讯技术的G3传真实现

    G3 FAX Based on CDMA Wireless Technology

  23. 其中CCD摄像机提取图像实现移动载体的路径跟踪,超声传感器实现避障,无线通讯模块实现远程控制。

    The CCD sensor provides the video signal , ultrasonic sensors are used for collision avoidance , the wireless communication module charges for remote control .

  24. 蓝牙无线通讯技术在AGV中的应用

    The Application of Bluetooth Technology in AGV

  25. 通过基于RPC协议的无线通讯模块,无线控制面板可以实现对数控机床的控制。

    The wireless control panel can operate the CNC machine tools at distance based on the RPC protocol .

  26. 三是GPRS无线通讯技术解决了自动气象站与气象局间的数据通讯问题。

    Third , the GPRS wireless communication technology to solve the Bureau of Meteorology automatic weather station and data communications between issues .

  27. 计算机技术、无线通讯技术、定位技术的快速发展,拓展了GIS服务的领域,使GIS由原来的PC转移到了移动设备上。

    The rapid development of computer technology , wireless communication technology and positioning technology expands the field of GIS services , and also transfers GIS from PC to mobile devices .

  28. TDMA无线通讯仿真中的时间算法

    Algorithm of time in TDMA wireless communication

  29. 并将此系统成功地用于佛山米高电梯远程监控系统中,利用微处理器的采集电梯状态信息,通过GPRS无线通讯方式,与监控中心进行数据传输。

    Using MPU to collect the elevators state information and adopt GPRS communication method , the monitoring station transmit datum with the center .

  30. 近近场无线通讯技术(NFC)是否能打消人们的安全顾虑,成为一种常态?

    Or will near-field communications overcome security concerns and become the norm ?