
hēi hé zi
  • Black box;cockpit voice-recorder
  1. 综合中,将ROM当成黑盒子来处理,从而解决了宏单元的综合问题。

    ROM is regarded as black box to synthesize .

  2. 对于黑盒子式的GWT,这是不可能的。(请参阅许可侧栏)。

    This isn 't possible with the black box of GWT ( see the Licensing sidebar ) .

  3. FDA称,新的年轻患者癌症注意事项将会加入到所谓的“黑盒子”中。

    A new caution about cancer in younger patients will be added to the so-called " black box ", the FDA said .

  4. (本文选自NiallFerguson的新书《西方文明的四个黑盒子》(TheGreatDegeneration:HowInstitutionsDecayandEconomiesDie)。该书已由企鹅出版社(PenguinPress)出版。

    Adapted from Mr. Ferguson 's new book , ' The Great Degeneration : How Institutions Decay and Economies Die , ' to be published by Penguin Press on Thursday .

  5. 把它看作一个黑盒子,这个servlet有两个主要作用:首先,对于公开的每个类,DWR动态地生成包含在Web页面中的JavaScript。

    Viewed as a black box , this servlet performs two major roles : First , for each exposed class , DWR dynamically generates JavaScript to include in your Web page .

  6. 但是,这些片段很难区分,所以最好把编译后的应用程序当成是黑盒子&Java字节码的GWT等价物。

    However , these are pretty much indecipherable , and the compiled application is best regarded as a black box & GWT 's equivalent of Java bytecode .

  7. 通过在电路的晶体管级、单元级和黑盒子级等三个不同层次进行LVS,解决逻辑单元和实例与版图单元和实例的一一对应问题。

    By LVS in transistor-level , cell-level and blackbox-level respectively , we can ensure that the cells and instances in the logic netlist would be consistent with those in the layout netlist .

  8. Cosworth公司PiGarda的心脏是一个黑盒子,将感应器传来的资料纪录在里面,例如加速度感测器计算G力和卫星定位仪判定位置和速度。

    The heart of Cosworth 's Pi Garda is a black box that logs data from sensors inside it , such as accelerometers to measure g-forces and a satellite positioning system to determine position and speed .

  9. 谷歌表示,无线操作、球形的nexusq“不只是又一个黑盒子”,并强调了nexus7的媒体功能:高清显示屏、高速显示芯片,而且只有一本平装书的重量。

    The wireless , spherical nexus Q was " not just another black box " , Google said , while stressing the media capabilities of the nexus 7 , which it said had a high-definition display , fast graphics chips and is the weight of a paperback book .

  10. 我敲了那个黑盒子好几百次

    I hit that black box like a hundred times ,

  11. 黑盒子复杂度之线性度量

    The Complexity of Black-box in Term of Linear Span

  12. 军事人员带着黑盒子。

    The military staff carries the black box .

  13. 它是自包含的,对使用者而言它是一个“黑盒子”。

    It is self-contained and is a " black box " to its consumers .

  14. 把它想象成一个黑盒子。

    Think of it as a black box .

  15. 我感到很好奇,就打开黑盒子。

    With curiosity , I opened the black .

  16. 但黑盒子却依旧轻省。

    The black was as light as before .

  17. 为嵌入式应用构建黑盒子

    Building a Black Box for Embedded Applications

  18. 所以需要用经验的或者黑盒子模型来表征这些影响。

    So we use the experience model or black-box model to characterize this kind of effects .

  19. 黑盒子实验中的电容器

    Capacitors in black box experiments

  20. 光学黑盒子实验

    Optical experiment on black box

  21. 利用无线网络升级黑盒子

    Update the black boxes wirelessly

  22. 模型将这些活动表示为“黑盒子”并不提供更多的细节。

    The model denotes these activities as " black boxes " and no more details can be provided .

  23. 到了另一个时代,这种外星工具可能就变成其他某种能够提升心智的黑盒子或可注射的药物。

    In another era the alien device would have been some other mind-enhancing black box or injectable drug .

  24. 这个角色可能会帮助尼基塔完成一个任务:破坏组织的黑盒子。

    Look for his character help Nikita with a mission : breaking into Percys and Divisions black boxes .

  25. 一个黑盒子安放在监视器下面,有多有的滑块和按钮的是视频混合控制台。

    That black box located under the monitor with all the sliders and buttons is a video mixer .

  26. 新方案具有多服务性、抗共谋、非对称性、用户密钥的耐用性、黑盒子追踪等优越特性。

    It has many advantages such as multi-service , collusion-resistance , asymmetry , long-lived subscriber 's key and black-box tracing .

  27. 现在再三强调,让你们彻底了解这一点,一个函数就像是一个黑盒子。

    So just to hammer home this point , for now , a function really is like a black box .

  28. 在该方案中,供应商无法诬陷无辜用户,而且该方案支持黑盒子追踪。

    In this scheme , broadcaster can not frame innocent users and the traitors can be traced by black-box tracing .

  29. 因此,“黑盒子”是我的一个实验工厂,他可大可小,可近可远。

    Therefore , black box is my experimental factory , it could be big or small , near or far .

  30. 如果有任何问题,每个黑盒子都进行游戏的前测,就像游戏图书馆一般,以确保在游戏推出前完成测试。

    And if there are any problems , they have a library of every Xbox game every published ready for testing .