
hēi dào
  • underworld;robbery;dark/unlighted road/path;dark deeds
黑道 [hēi dào]
  • (1) [dark road]∶夜间没有光亮的道路

  • 拿着电筒,省得走黑道

  • (2) [robbery]∶指盗贼的行径

  1. 这项运动长期以来都与非法赌博及黑道人物联系在一起。

    The sport has long been associated with illegal wagers and unsavoury characters .

  2. 《黑道家族》引发的制作高质量电视剧的趋势,则比针对HBO母公司的“金融工程”更有生命力、也更加持久。

    The upheaval that The Sopranos caused was more potent and enduring than the financial engineering inflicted on HBO 's parent company .

  3. 凭藉《黑道家族》(TheSopranos)和《六尺风云》(SixFeetUnder),HBO一度成为现在雄霸各类大奖的有线电视网络的领头羊。

    With ' The Sopranos ' and ' Six Feet Under , ' HBO once led the charge of cable networks that now dominate the top awards categories .

  4. 在1990s后期,HBO率先开拓了一种智慧的耐心的叙述方法,因模糊的结尾及在道德摇摆的人物而闻名,“黑道家族”式既是一个缩影。

    In the late1990s HBO pioneered an intelligent , patient style of storytelling that gloried in loose ends and morally ambiguous characters , a style " The Sopranos " came to epitomise .

  5. 在用《黑道家族》的播放向别人展示了如何制作警匪片之后,HBO为用《权力的游戏》为奇幻系列剧定下了标准。

    Having shown others how to make gangster dramas with " The Sopranos ", HBO is laying down the standard for fantasy with " Game of Thrones " .

  6. 第一部挑起电视剧争霸赛的剧集是《黑道家族》(TheSopranos),由美国家庭电影频道(HBO)制作,开播于15年前。

    The first series of The Sopranos , the HBO series that started the race to the top in television production , began 15 years ago .

  7. 即使比不上HBO最有名的热播剧&《黑道家族》,但无论编剧还是表演,都非常优秀。《扪心问诊》第二季将在2009年开播。

    Very well acted and written , if not quite to the stellar standards set by The Sopranos , HBO 's most famous show , its second season is set to air sometime in2009 .

  8. 一周前,曾在HBO的热播剧集《黑道家族》(TheSopranos)中扮演黑手党大佬托尼•斯普拉诺的美国演员、艾美奖得主詹姆斯•甘多菲尼在罗马去世,享年51岁。

    It 's been a week since James Gandolfini , the Emmy Award-winning actor who played Tony Soprano on the HBO drama The Sopranos , died in Rome at the age of 51 .

  9. 听说他认识一些黑道的朋友。

    I have heard he has some friends in the underworld .

  10. 哎呀,这地方看起来像黑道经营的场所。

    Uh - oh , this looks like an underworld operation .

  11. 不要走黑道,否则会挨刀。

    Don 't go there , otherwise you will get knife .

  12. 你找黑道朋友帮你解决纠纷。

    You 've called gangster friends to help you settle a dispute .

  13. 黑道上也有所谓的道义。

    There is so called " rules " on the back street .

  14. 警探们曾经得到黑道朋友的协助。

    Detectives had enlisted the aid of their underworld friends .

  15. 区长问小二黑道:“刘二黑!你愿意不愿意?”

    The district chief asked young blacky : " do you agree ?"

  16. 还有我替黑道做事多久。

    And how long I 've worked for the mob .

  17. 黑道小混混,比你还敬业。

    Those little rascals are more hardworking than you .

  18. 你看我像混黑道的吗?

    What you think I look like , ma , a gang banger ?

  19. 学生都认为当黑道分子很正点。

    Kids in school think it 's neat .

  20. 香港“黑道”电影是香港电影中一道独特的文化景观。

    Especially , the " underworld " in the Hongkong film is not completely negative .

  21. 这个黑道份子迟早被关进监狱了。

    The gangsters ended up in jail .

  22. 你黑道的朋友要做坏事?

    Your mobster friend gonna do something ?

  23. 你为什么要入黑道?

    So why are you a ganster ?

  24. 他们都是不轻易出马的黑道人物。

    These are serious secretive men .

  25. 何鸿燊则始终否认与澳门或香港犯罪团伙或黑道有任何关系。

    Mr Ho has consistently denied any connections with Macao or Hong Kong criminal gangs , or triads .

  26. 黑道里有名的冰仙子,也是残死在她的手上呢。

    Well-known ice pretty woman in the mafia , is creature also cripple the dead on her hand .

  27. 但自从2007年的《黑道家族》以来,该付费频道的剧作再也没有获奖。

    However , none of the premium channel 's dramas have won since ' The Sopranos ' in 2007 .

  28. 随着社会、政治、经济快速变迁,使得近年来的黑道活动型态呈现多样化与成长化。

    As the society , politics , economy change fast , the underworld appear diversified and growth-up in recent years .

  29. 最近,日本政策也对整顿黑道势力进行了援助,切断了其长期存在的与工业和政治活动的联系。

    Japanese police have recently bolstered efforts to crack down on the yakuza and sever its long-standing ties to industry and politics .

  30. 所以无论在黑道白道的人都听过他的名字并且非常避忌他。

    So regardless in the mafia the persons of the white way all heard his name and avoid to hate him very much .