
yí lòu
  • omission;omit;leave out;miss out;drop
遗漏 [yí lòu]
  • [omit;leave out] 因疏忽而漏掉

遗漏[yí lòu]
  1. 在前面的例子中,假定正确键入了var,不过遗漏了database中的字母e。

    In the preceding example , suppose we get var right but omit the e in database .

  2. 一个常见错误就是在WSDL定义中遗漏了WSDL绑定和WSDL服务。

    One common mistake is to omit a WSDL binding and WSDL service from the WSDL definition .

  3. 你遗漏了你前雇主的名字。

    You neglected to mention the name of your previous employer .

  4. 多个部门都可干预的事实可能会导致一些孩子被遗漏。

    The existence of more than one agency with power to intervene can lead to children falling through the net .

  5. 饶这么细心核对,还是有遗漏。

    In spite of careful checking , there are still omissions .

  6. 任何细节不得遗漏。

    Not a single detail is to be omitted .

  7. 你的名单上遗漏了我的名字。

    You have omitted my name from your list .

  8. 一个逗号都没遗漏。

    Not a comma was left out .

  9. 那本书有许多遗漏之处,即使如此,尚不失为一本有用的参考书。

    It has many omissions ; even so , it is quite a useful reference book .

  10. 你知道有一页从那本书里遗漏了吗?

    Do you know to have omitted inside that book one page ?

  11. 由于疏忽,她的名字给遗漏了。

    Her name was omitted through an oversight .

  12. 她为被遗漏而恼怒

    She was very peeved about being left out .

  13. 第二条显示了轮询线程最终设法获得一个measurement对象时遗漏了多少个罐子。

    The second shows how many jars were missed when the polling thread finally managed to get a measurement object .

  14. 结论:3D计划存在遗漏靶区或过度扩大靶区的缺陷。

    CONCLUSIONS : The 3D plans have pitfalls of geometric miss or over coverage of target volume .

  15. 为什么单元测试经常遗漏并行bug?

    Why do unit tests consistently miss concurrent bugs ?

  16. 这里需要引起注意的遗漏是iPhone。

    The notable omission here is the iPhone .

  17. 虽然Java应用程序表现得像本机应用程序那样好,但是还是遗漏了某些地方,从而使用户注意到了差异。

    Although Java applications do a good job of appearing native , certain areas are missing that make users notice the difference .

  18. 典型错误是遗漏路径片断(PathSegment),以错误的顺序获取它们,或者忘记URL编码的东西。

    Typical mistakes are leaving out path segments , getting them in the wrong order , or forgetting to URL encode things .

  19. 通过使用IBMTivoliAssetManagementforIT查找您当前的基础设施,将填补在清理期间遗漏的空白。

    Using IBM Tivoli Asset Management for IT to find your current infrastructure will fill in the gaps that are missed during the walkthrough .

  20. 从DB2V8.2.2开始,向getdbconfig存储过程的输出添加了所有遗漏的参数。

    As of DB2 V8.2.2 , all of the missing parameters have been added to the output of the get_db_config stored procedure .

  21. 用escape分析清除一些分配,会带来更快的平均分配时间,简化的内存工作,更少的缓存遗漏。

    The use of escape analysis to eliminate some allocations results in even faster average allocation times , reduced memory footprint , and fewer cache misses .

  22. 结论成血管细胞瘤在CT、MRI、DSA上有特征性表现,多种影像学手段结合检查可避免病灶数目遗漏。

    Conclusion It is clear that intracranial angiorecticuloma has its own specific manifestation on CT , MRI , DSA , and combined examination could avoid missing mirror lesion .

  23. 我发现了一些问题(例如,XPath的符号空间是无限的),但我遗漏了这个问题。

    I saw some problems ( e.g.the symbol space for XPath is unlimited ) but I missed this one .

  24. TLSRFC中还包含很多我们这里遗漏的内容,它是一份可读性非常好的规范。

    The very readable TLS RFC covers many more details that were missed here .

  25. 2006至2009年,这些病人中有745人被诊断患有癌症,而凯泽并未接到有关遗漏的PSA检查的过失起诉。

    From 2006 to 2009 , 745 cancers were diagnosed among those patients & and Kaiser had no malpractice claims related to missed PSA tests .

  26. 空气质量日报中使用污染物指数API,评价结果比较明确,但取最大值的过程中,遗漏了其他污染物的信息。

    API was used in air quality daily , the result was definitude . But in the process of choose the max value ; the information of other pollutants was leaved out .

  27. vt.省略;遗漏;删除;疏忽他因漏掉字母犯了许多拼写上的错误。……

    omit He made many mistakes in spelling by omitting letters .......

  28. 本文决不是没有遗漏的,但是遵循本文所列的步骤,您现在就可以轻松地配置和演示SSL安全的通信。

    This article is by no means exhaustive , but by following the steps outlined in this article , you can now easily configure and demonstrate SSL-secured communication .

  29. 该领域的许多方面仍在不断发展之中,许多工作仍然非常活跃,如果我遗漏了什么,或者您有什么新的想法,请参与ThinkingXML讨论论坛。

    A lot is going on in this space and many of the pieces are still in motion , so if I missed something or you have new developments to note , please chime in on the Thinking XML discussion forum .

  30. 这些GQM集合是典型的和有代表性的,但他们并不是完全没有遗漏的。

    These sets of GQMs are representative and typical , but they are far from exhaustive .