
  1. 过渡的节点&黑龙江科学技术馆

    Nodal point of transition : Heilongjiang Science Museum

  2. 本文是基于黑龙江省科学技术馆的呼叫中心CRM系统的设计与实现过程而撰写的。

    The article is based on the process of design and realization of CRM Systemin the Call Center of Heilongjiang Science and Technology Museum .

  3. 《黑龙江农业科学》办刊现状及建议

    The Situation and Suggestion on Heilongjiang Agricultural Sciences

  4. 黑龙江省科学技术进步在国民经济中的作用的估算和预测

    Estimation & Prediction of Function of Science and Technology Progress in Heilongjiang Province National Economy

  5. 黑龙江省农业科学院大豆科研进展

    The Research Advance on Soybean of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences

  6. 黑龙江省农垦科学院成立于1979年。

    Heilongjiang Academy of Land Reclamation Sciences was established in1979 .

  7. 《黑龙江大学自然科学学报》总目次

    Journal of natural science of Heilongjiang University contents

  8. 聚合物砂浆是黑龙江省水利科学院研制的新型砼修补材料,具有工艺简单,造价低的特点,经过实践检验,质量可靠。

    Polymer mortar is a new concrete repair material which researched by Heilongjiang Province water research Institute .

  9. 黑龙江省农业科学院植物新品种保护的状况及发展对策

    Analysis of the Situation of Plant Variety Protection and Developing Countermeasure in Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences

  10. 黑龙江省农业科学院农业科技园区建设实践与思考

    The practice and ideas in the building process of agricultural sci-tech demonstration garden of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences

  11. 关于黑龙江省以科学发展观为统领实现又快又好发展若干重大问题的研究报告

    Report on an Investigation of the Major Issues in Achieving Rapid and Effective of Heilongjiang Province under the Guidance of a Scientific Outlook on Development

  12. 本论文在研究过程中得到黑龙江省自然科学基金资助项目木材视频检测结果的数学描述与视频动态模拟理论的研究的资助。

    The paper is supported by the project of Nature Scientific Foundation of Heilongjiang Province ," The Research of Video Frequency Dynamic Simulation and Mathematics Description of Log Video Frequency Result " .

  13. 据黑龙江省气象科学研究所资料,干旱和半干旱区占黑龙江省16个农业气候区的50%,其大豆种植面积占全省大豆种植面积的60%。

    Data from Meteorological Science Research Institute of Heilongjiang province indicated that 50 % of 16 agro-climatic zone were arid and semi-arid which occupied 60 % of the total soybean planting area of Heilongjiang province .

  14. 分类分析了《黑龙江大学自然科学学报》1996-2000年这5年中论文情况,特别对国家、省部基金项目论文的情况和外稿的发表情况作了统计分析。

    The authors analyze all the papers in 《 Journal of Natural Science of Heilongjiang University 》 between 1996-2000 , especially the papers supported by National Foundations and Province Foundations , and the papers from outside Heilongjiang University .

  15. 本课题结合黑龙江省自然科学基金项目护士助手机器人基础技术研究,对涉及的关键技术进行研究。论文首先介绍了护士助手机器人在美国、日本和中国的研究和发展现状。

    The research of this paper is supported by project of " Key Technologies of Nurse assistant robot ", funded by the " Hei Longjiang Natural Science Fund " . The paper overviews the research and developing situation of Nurse Assistant Robot in America , Japan and China .

  16. 第五部分进行理论研究之后,论文将构建的绩效评价指标体系应用于对黑龙江省轻工业科学研究所的绩效评价中,进行实证检验。

    The fifth part , after the theoretical studies , the thesis will build a performance evaluation index system used in light industry in Heilongjiang Province to have a empirical test .

  17. 该项目从创新的角度对黑龙江省哲学社会科学项目网络综合管理的多个工作流程进行了的整合,其实现了真正意义上哲学社会科学项目的网络化管理。

    The project integrated the processes of the philosophy and social sciences project network Management in our province from the innovative perspective and realized the network management of the philosophy and social science projects in the real sense .

  18. 对2001年黑龙江省高校自然科学学报的总体水平作出了初步评价,得出了排行榜,分析了评价结果的合理性和评价方法的缺陷。

    And it briefly evaluated the overall level of Heilongjiang colleges and universities natural science journals in 2001 , builds up the billboard and analyzes the rationality of the evaluated result and the defect of the evaluated method .