
  • 网络machine translation system;MTS
  1. 基于Web服务的多引擎机器翻译系统

    Multi-Engine Machine Translation System Based on Web Services

  2. 基于CFC(正确性信心指数)的学习型可信赖机器翻译系统

    Confidence Factor of Correctness Based Trustworthy Machine Translation System of Learning Ability

  3. 日汉机器翻译系统中的多Agent研究

    Research of Multi Agent in MTS from Japanese to Chinese

  4. 基于Web平台的机器翻译系统

    The Machine Translation Service Bassed on Web

  5. 本文提出将机器翻译系统包装为Web服务的机制,使企业和个人能够以更低的代价方便地享受更高质量的翻译服务。

    In this paper , we propose a mechanism that wraps machine translation methods as web services , so that both enterprises and individuals can conveniently enjoy these translation services with high translation quality and dramatically low cost .

  6. N-gram统计模型在机器翻译系统中的应用

    Model . Statistical N-gram Method Used in Machine Translation System

  7. 一种与UNL接口的机器翻译系统ETAP-3概要

    An Outline of Translation System ETAP-3 for the Interface with UNL

  8. 多语言机器翻译系统JF-111的基本原理

    Fundamental principles of jf-111 , a Multilingual Machine Translation System

  9. MulTran多语言机器翻译系统实现的语言学基础

    The Linguistic Basis of Realizing MulTran & a Multilingual Machine Translation System

  10. 本文采用的方案,已经在NIHAO日中机器翻译系统中经过测试,证实了其有效性。

    This method has been applied to " NIHAO " Japanese-Chinese Machine Translation System to authenticate the validity .

  11. 机器翻译系统基于面向对象技术(OOT),通过句法、语法分析,建立语言模型。

    The translation system is built by the technique of object-oriented program so that the sentences and syntax in the patent abstract be analyzed and a kind of language model constructed .

  12. 文章讨论了汉法机器翻译系统(CFMT)中的汉语分析和法语生成问题。

    This paper introduces a Chinese-French machine translation system ( CFMT ) including Chinese analysis and French generation .

  13. 介绍了MTS2000英汉机器翻译系统中译文选择和转换生成的实现策略。

    The translation choice and transfer modules in the English Chinese machine translation system of MTS2000 are introduced .

  14. 本文介绍基于德语单词的词性自动识别和综合德语题录的结构类型的德汉题录机器翻译系统TJTITR。

    TJTITR German-Chinese Title Translation System is based on automatic recognition of the features of a word and the synthesis of structure patterns of a German title .

  15. 英蒙机器翻译系统(EMMT)是把源语言(英语)转换成目标语言(蒙古语)的系统,其中转换规则库是最重要的知识库之一。

    From English to Mongolian Machine Translation ( EMMT ) System would be a kind of system converting the source language-English into the target language-Mongolian . Transforming rules are one of the most important knowledge base .

  16. 基于实例的汉英机器翻译系统研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of an Example-based Chinese-English Machine Translation System

  17. 而对于机器翻译系统,语料是不可或缺的重要资源,所谓巧妇难为无米之炊。

    For these SMT systems , corpus is an indispensable resource .

  18. 基于统计的蒙汉机器翻译系统研究

    Machine translation system of Mongolian and Chinese based on statistics

  19. 日-维机器翻译系统中词典的研究

    A Study on the Dictionary in Japanese-Uyghur Machine Translation System

  20. CEMT-Ⅲ汉英机器翻译系统的研究

    Research on cemt - ⅲ machine translation system from Chinese to English

  21. 英汉机器翻译系统的设计和软件实现

    Design and Software Implement of English Chinese Machine Translation System

  22. 日汉机器翻译系统的完善与改进

    Sophistication and Amelioration of Japanese to Chinese Machine Translation System

  23. 格语法在英汉机器翻译系统中的应用研究

    Application of Case Grammar in English - Chinese MT Systems

  24. 对几种英汉机器翻译系统的测评

    An evaluation of some popular English Chinese machine translation systems

  25. 基于短语的汉英统计机器翻译系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of a Phrase-based Statistical Chinese-English MTS

  26. 面向机器翻译系统句法分析器的研究与实现

    Research on Parsing Technology in Machine Translation System Syntactic Transfer

  27. 机器翻译系统中概念词典的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Concept Lexicon in Machine Translation System

  28. 机器翻译系统中基于机器学习的目标词选择

    Target word selection in machine translation based on machine learning

  29. 机器翻译系统中词类搭配规则的自动获取方法

    Automatic Acquisition Method of Part of Speech Collocation Rules in Machine Translation

  30. 日汉机器翻译系统中的词典讨论

    Discuss the dictionary in the system of Japanese-Chinese Machine Translation