
  1. 浅谈VTS机务管理

    Discussed shallowly the VTS machine matters manage

  2. NET技术、数据库设计、网络编程等先进技术进行了分析,并对船舶机务管理系统中的维修决策相关问题进行了探讨;

    NET technology , database technology , network programme etc , and makes discussion on the maintenance decision problem in the SMMIS ; lastly , this paper takes study on the ship spare part management ' decisions analysis .

  3. 立足VTS机务管理实际工作,从五个方面探讨了如何开展好VTS机务管理工作,以提高系统的可用率和完好率,为VTS运行提供可靠的物质保障。

    This article bases the VTS machine matters management practical work , Discussed how from five aspects has done the good VTS machine matters supervisory work , enhanced the system the availability factor and the integrity , Provides the reliable material safeguard for the VTS movement .

  4. 市场经济条件下公路机务管理思路初探

    Accidence discuss about Road mechanical management method under market economy condition

  5. 基于远程网络技术的船舶机务管理信息系统

    A Ship Machine Maintenance and Management System Based on Remote Microcomputer Networks

  6. 兰新线机务管理一体化后节能成效的分析

    Analysis Energy-saving after Locomotive Management Integration of Lanzhou-Xinjiang Railway Line

  7. 这些都对船舶机务管理工作提出了新的要求。

    These all provide new requirements the Ship Machinery Management Information System'work .

  8. 工程船舶机务管理体系及其信息系统研究

    Research on the Technical Management System and Information System of Working Ship

  9. 船岸一体化机务管理系统的设计

    Design of integrated marine engine management information system on board and shore

  10. 基于现代通信技术的机务管理方法

    Ship maintenance management system based on modern communication technology

  11. 网络化船舶机务管理信息系统的开发

    Development of internet management system for ship machinery superintendent

  12. 同时,对本课题的机务管理信息系统的构成作了具体阐述。

    Meanwhile , the structures of the TMIS are also introduced in this chapter .

  13. 公路施工企业机务管理浅析

    Machineries Management of Highway Construction Enterprises

  14. 其次介绍基于B/S(浏览器/服务器)模式的船舶机务管理信息系统的开发过程;

    Secondly , this paper introduces the development process of the SMMIS which is based on Browser / Server mode ;

  15. 因此,建立科学合理的工程船舶管理体系,开发高效的机务管理信息系统,是非常必要的。

    Therefore , it is necessary to build a reasonable management system and develop technical management information system for working ship .

  16. 健全机务管理保证民用航空持续运行安全

    To Perfect Maintenance Management and Ensure Continuous Safety Operation of Civil Aviation Analysis of Maintenance Management after Maintenance Separating from Operation Service

  17. 文章讨论了港口企业实现单车成本核算所需解决的关键问题,以及如何以此为依据来提高港口机务管理的水平。

    This paper discusses the major problems of single vehicle cost accounting in port , and how to improve the management efficiency .

  18. 对机务管理信息系统运行于船舶管理公司的局域网的工作模式、数据管理方式、系统操作方式进行了专门讨论。

    And the special discussion on working mode , data controlling , system operating mode of ship engineering MIS is also made in the paper .

  19. 随着公司不断发展,管理者对于机务管理的要求也日益提高,已有程序无法满足新的管理需要。

    With the continuous development , management for engineering management requirements also is increasing day by day , has program cannot meet the need of new management .

  20. 对防止列车二冒一超,减少列车运行事故的发生,改善旅客乘车环境,促进机务管理,减少机务行车责任事故等方面有显著的效果。

    It plays a very important role in prevention of mal-signaling and over-speed , and could reduce train running accidents , improve passenger environment and locomotive management .

  21. 通过基于B/S模式的船舶机务管理信息系统在船舶公司机务管理中的应用,表明所建立的机务管理信息系统满足船舶机务管理中各项主要工作的需要,提高了船舶机务管理工作的水平和效率。

    The results show that the SMMIS meets the requirement of each main job in ship machinery management , and raise the management level and efficiency of SMMIS .

  22. 建立全新的航运业标准,整合船舶机务管理信息,建立全新的管理制度,打造一个完整的、完善的船舶机务管理平台便是终极解决方案。

    The ultimate solution is to create new standard for Maritime Industry , integrate Ship Management System , and reorganize management processes , thus to build a completed , integrated platform for Ship Management .

  23. 件杂货生产中使用的设备种类较多,以至于相应的维修备件种类和型号繁杂,这给日常的机务管理工作造成很多困难。

    A general production equipment used in sort is more , so that the corresponding maintenance spare parts types and models of multifarious , this to the daily maintenance management caused a lot of difficulties .

  24. 对船舶机务管理模式与功能进行了较为详细的讨论,提出了现代船舶管理公司船舶管理信息网建设方案与用于船岸之间信息交换的途径。

    It discusses the model and the functions of vessel engine management in detail , and presents the scheme of vessel engine as MIS and the approach of ship-shore data exchange for modern ship operational companies .

  25. 介绍了为国内某港航企业所开发的基于B/S(浏览器/服务器)模式的船舶机务管理信息系统,介绍了系统的结构、数据库设计、系统网络化综合查询等。

    This paper introduces Ship Maintenance Management Information System of Chinese shipping enterprise based on B / S ( Browse / Server ) mode . It mainly discusses the system 's structure , database design and E-searching .

  26. 我国的经济体制正在从计划经济向社会主义市场经济转变,过去计划经济体制下建立的一系列公路机务管理办法已经不能适应市场经济条件下对公路机务管理的要求。

    Our country 's economic system is face the socialism market economy the change from the planned economy , a series of road management method that build under planned economy condition can 't adapt require of market economy condition .

  27. 第三部分是以成都公交具体的一个车队生产为例,分析车队的营运管理、机务管理、安全管理和服务管理的具体内容,找出管理中的薄弱点加以改进。

    The third part is to Public transportation of a specific team production as an example , analyses the operation management team , management , security management and service management content , find out the weak point of the improvement of management .

  28. 而机务管理部门对设备的维修管理,目前做法也只是通过厂家所给的说明书,有实船经验的船员,以及国际或国内公约和规则的要求,大都采用事后维修和定期维修的方式。

    But the control section of the equipment service management , at present the procedure also depends on the instruction , booklet which given by the factory , sometime on real ship experience crew , as well as international or domestic law and pact .

  29. 作者根据机务管理的特点和实际需要,对船舶维修保养体系软件总体构造、数据库的建立、操作界面的布置和功能的设置等方面的设计思路进行了归纳和总结,以飨读者。

    According to characteristic and realistic need of maintenance management , the author gives a summary and conclusion of general structure of software for marine maintenance system , setting of data-bank , fitting for operating interface , and arranging for functions , that will be helpful for the readers .

  30. 根据机务工程管理的发展需要,提出建立基于Web的应用工作流技术的机务工程管理系统的方法,并给出了设计思路及其实现方法。

    According to the requirement of the maintenance engineering , a way to realize the web-based workflow maintenance engineering management system is presented . Further more , an example is given to describe the method .