
  • 网络Mechanical and Electronics
  1. 机械与电子可靠性在真空断路器中的应用

    Application of Mechanical and Electronic Reliability in Vacuum Circuit Breaker

  2. 采用机械与电子线路相结合的方法,可以有效地的增加动力传递机构的阻尼。

    The method of combining the machine and electronic circuits has been proposed to the damping of transmission effectively .

  3. 机电产品采用的是机械与电子的一体化技术,所谓一体化并不是机械和电子等的简单组合,而是取其所长、有机融合,以实现系统的最佳化。

    Mechatronics usually employs some integration technologies , which will cover technology of machinery and electronics for optimizing the system .

  4. 除了基本的机械与电子技术,本领域还需要学习电脑诊断设备,电脑故障排除和计算机体系结构方面的知识。

    Besides basic mechanics and electronics , this field requires knowledge of computer diagnostic equipment , circuit troubleshooting , and computer architecture .

  5. 近年来,随着物理学、材料科学、生物医疗及机械与电子技术等领域的快速发展,超声技术在各工业领域的应用得到了人们广泛重视。

    With the rapid development of physics , material science , biomedicine , and mech-electronic technology , the application of ultrasonic technology in various industrial fields has attracted wide concern .

  6. 本文对装载机的电子控制进行了综合的分析与探讨,以机械与电子相结合为目的,从多方面阐述了电子控制技术在装载机上的应用。

    Electronic controls on loader were comprehensively discussed and studied in the article . The applications of electronic control technique on loaders were described from different aspects with the purpose to combine mechanical technology with electronics .

  7. 他每个作品使用的技巧与物料皆不同,有以机械与电子模拟水、光、火及声音的「流动艺术」;

    Technique and materials in his work vary : from mechanical or electronic " mobile art " for water , light , fire sound , to " stable art " made of ceramic , wood , concrete metal .

  8. 介绍了灸药包装自动线中定长模切,软基带纠偏,人机对话触摸屏等机械与电子结合的创新技术的设计原理。

    The paper introduces the design scheme of innovation technique combined with mechanism and electron , such as pattern cutting with the fixed-length , the soft base band rectified deviation , and man-machine dialog touch screen etc in packaging production Line of Moxibustion Medicine .

  9. 机械工程与电子计算机、自动控制的协同集成,组成了种类多样的机电一体化(Mechatronics)产品或系统。

    The collaboration and integration of mechanics engineering , computer and automatic control , composes many kinds of Mechatronic products or systems .

  10. 保留对自动的,机械的与电子的设备校正,检验,检查的记录。

    Records are available of calibrations , inspections , and checks of any automated , mechanical , or electronic equipment .

  11. 所有仪器;控制;自动的,机械的与电子的设备须有校正程序。

    Procedures have been established for calibration of all instruments , controls , automated , mechanical , and electronic equipment , etc.

  12. 客车半自动换挡系统是在原有的手动变速器基础上进行改进,将机械设计与电子技术紧密结合起来,充分发挥二者优势,采用电控气动方式换档,实现客车换挡的半自动操作。

    Based on the original manual mechanical transmission , the system integrates electronical technology and mechanical design , exerts their advantage , and utilizes method of the electronic pneumatic shift to complete the semi-automatic operation .

  13. 分析了力平衡式加速度计中机械平衡力与电子反馈力之间的比例关系;

    The mechanical balance force to electrical feedback force ratio in a force-balanced accelerator is give .

  14. 根据现代技术的变化,在此融合过程中艺术经历了机械复制时代与电子时代两个阶段,形成了不同的精神特质。其次,对技术与艺术关系的问题史进行了梳理。

    According to modern technological changes , art has gone through two stages in the process of integration and formed its special Spiritual characteristics . Secondly , the author summarized and reviewed the research history of the relationship between technology and art .