
  1. ContributiontoHeap-按主要转储占全部堆大小的百分比列出数据结构/区域的大小。

    Contribution to Heap-lists the size of the data structure / region as a percentage of the total heap size of the primary dump .

  2. 双极板占燃料电池堆重量的60%~80%和总费用的40%~50%,是质子交换膜燃料电池的一个重要的组成部分。

    Bipolar plate is an essential component of PEMFC , taking up 60 % - 80 % of its weight and 40 % - 50 % of its total cost .

  3. 栏中的数字指明了CHAR[]对象正在使用的空间占总的Java堆空间的百分比。

    The number in the % column indicates the percentage of the total Java heap space that the CHAR [ ] objects are using .

  4. 在本例中,仅有一个可疑点,此数据结构占主要转储全部堆大小84%,从这一点可以看出该数据结构非常可疑。

    In this case , there is only one suspect and the fact that this data structure can account for84 percent of the total heap size of the primary dump identifies this as a very likely suspect .