
  • 网络Basang;Bassens;Pa Sang;Pasang;Sebastien Bassong
  1. 很抱歉我不是黑人欧巴桑

    I 'm sorry I 'm not a middle-aged black woman .

  2. 我看到一个猪脸的坡脚欧巴桑。

    I gotta pig-face , gimpy limping Mama .

  3. 逛街的时候,迎面遇上一位啃鸡翅的欧巴桑,她正好在吐骨头,而骨头掉在你新买的勃肯鞋上。

    Walking on the streets , you bump into an old woman who is just spitting out a bone of a chicken wing and the bone falls on your new Birkenstock .

  4. 但他说,这听起来很奇怪,因为让他想起日语词汇“欧巴桑”这个对老年妇女不友善的称谓。

    But he said it sounded strange to the ear , reminding him slightly of the Japanese term " Obaasan , " which is a rather unkind way of referring to an old lady ( " Obaasan , " while Japanese , is widely understood by Chinese on Taiwan and in Hong Kong ) .