
  1. 对于巴西北部的亚诺玛米人来说,血液象征着宇宙中的熵。

    For the Yanomami people of northern Brazil , blood is a symbol of cosmic entropy .

  2. 产于巴西北部的高大的有坚硬带壳坚果的羽状叶棕榈,出产贵重的油和一种植物象牙。

    Tall feather palm of northern Brazil with hard-shelled nuts yielding valuable oil and a kind of vegetable ivory .

  3. 乔尔森在巴西北部帕拉伊巴的一个小山村中长大,从很小的时候就因为身高而被人欺负。

    Joelison grew up in a small rural village in Paraiba , northern Brazil and was bullied from a young age due to his height 。

  4. 年内,南亚地区遭受高温热浪袭击,欧洲中部和西部经历了极为严重的高温干旱,巴西北部亚马逊热带雨林遭遇了近60年来最严重的干旱。

    During the year , South Asia was hit by hot waves , central-western Europe experienced severe drought and in northern Brazil , drought conditions became the most severe on record .

  5. 警方说,她不能解释为何这位次中量级拳击手在公寓中被手袋勒死之后她还在巴西北部公寓中逗留了十个小时。

    They said she hadn 't explained how she had stayed in the apartment in northeastern Brazil for ten hours after the former welterweight champion was apparently strangled with a handbag strap .

  6. 出没于墨西哥与巴西之间的北部海湾。

    Found from the northern Gulf of Mexico to Brazil .

  7. 兹卡疫情在里约之外、巴西偏远的北部更为严重,但世界卫生组织已经宣布这种病毒为全球突发公共卫生事件,同时建议孕妇不要前往巴西任何地方。

    Zika is of greater concern outside Rio , in the far north part of Brazil , but the World Health Organization has declared the virus a global public health emergency and has advised pregnant women not to travel anywhere in Brazil .

  8. 普拉亚多海滩位于巴西港市萨尔瓦多北部,这里是25岁的海龟“大头”对本届世界杯进行预测的地方。工作人员在巴西国旗和克罗地亚国旗下分别放了一条鱼,让“大头”来选择。

    At the Praia do Forte turtle sanctuary north of Salvador , the 25-year-old male sea turtle was given the choice between eating a fish hung from a Brazilian flag or a Croatian flag .