
  • 网络mining safety
  1. 采矿安全法律与政策国际研讨会综述

    Review of International Forum on China Mining Safety Law & Policy

  2. 高陡边坡下采矿安全问题分析探讨

    Analysis and Discussion on Mining Safety Problem Under High and Steep Slope

  3. 地下采矿安全信息管理系统开发与应用

    The Development and Application of Safety Information Management System in Underground Mining

  4. 105号矿体的采矿安全环境再造探讨

    Reforge Mining Safe Environment of No.105 Ore Body

  5. 结果,保证了采矿安全,提高了预报准确率。

    As a result , the degree of prediction accuracy is increased , and mining safety is provided .

  6. 经过实践检验,在保证采矿安全的前提下,采用调整后的顶板形状对增加经济效益,降低采矿成本有一定的成效。

    It is proved that the adjusted trench roof can improve the economic benefit under the promise of safety .

  7. 采矿安全标准姗姗来迟后,许多小煤矿被关闭,导致了暂时性的缺煤。

    The belated enforcement of mining safety standards has led to closure of many small mines and temporary shortage of coal .

  8. 因此,控制地压和岩爆的预测预报是该矿采矿安全和采矿工作的顺利进行的重大课题。

    Therefore , controlling strata pressure and predicting the possible occurrence of rock burst have the very important project on the safety .

  9. 为确保采矿安全,减少采场空顶时间,采用了强采快充方法,并提出了快速充填具体办法。

    It is proposed to decrease exposure time of mining excavation to minimum and fill the excavation quickly using new filling method for security .

  10. 新立矿区主要可采矿体分布于海底岩体中,查明矿区工程岩体的渗透特征对保障海底采矿安全具有十分重要的意义。

    In order to ensure the safety of undersea mining , it is of great significance to verify the seepage characteristic of the rock mass in the Xinli mining area .

  11. 本文从白云铁矿边坡实际出发,分析了影响采矿安全的各项边坡因素,并指出目前存在的边坡问题,论述了加强边坡管理的必要性并提出今后的管理建议。

    From the real condition of slope , the paper analyzes the factors on mining safety , put forward the existing problems , and discusses the necessity on strength the management and some suggestions .

  12. 凿岩峒室的稳定性是VCR采矿法安全的重要保障。

    The stability of drilling chamber is an important facet to ensure the safe operation of VCR mining method .

  13. 铁路干线附近采矿爆破安全性论证研究

    Safety demonstrative research on Mining Blasting in the vicinity of railway trunk line

  14. 湘西金矿地下采矿方法安全性的数值模拟研究

    Numerical studies of the safety for the underground mining system in Xiangxi Gold Mine

  15. 基于我国采矿及安全防护技术变革的安全观的形成与发展研究

    Research of Safety Concept Formation and Development Based on Change of China 's Mining and Safety Technology

  16. 阐述采矿业安全文化管理体系的构成要素及各要素的主要内容。

    Constituents of the safety culture managing system for mining industry are related , and main contents of the constitutents are described .

  17. 本文介绍了509煤型铀矿床的地质特征及其在开采过程中的安全防护特点,较详细地叙述了与之相适应的开拓、采矿及安全防护措施,从而保障高效、安全回采有用矿物。

    This paper introduces the geological characteristics of uranium-bearing coal deposit in Mine No. 509 and safety protection in mining process - Moreover , it goes into detail on appropriate measures of developing , mining and safety protection , which ensure safety in high-efficient recovery of useful minerals .

  18. 煤与瓦斯突出危险性的多因素模式识别概率预测研究涉及到采矿工程、安全工程、地质工程、地理信息系统(GIS)、概率论、信息科学和人工智能(AI)。

    The study of coal and gas outburst with multi-factor pattern recognition method is related to coal mining , safety engineering , geology engineering , geographic information system ( GIS ), probability theory , information science , and artificial intelligence ( AI ) .

  19. 采矿业建立安全文化管理体系的设想

    Considerations on the Establishment of Safety Culture Managing System for the Mining Industry

  20. 负责矿山现场所有采矿工作活动安全、效地进行。

    Responsible for the overall safe and efficient operations of all mining activities .

  21. 地压问题成为这些矿山影响采矿生产和安全的主要问题。

    The ground pressure is a major factor affecting the mining production and safety .

  22. 露天转地下开采过渡期采矿方法及安全问题研究

    Research on Mining Method and Safety During Transition from Open Pit Mine to Underground Mine

  23. 为了确保目前和未来10多年期间井下的采矿作业能安全高效地进行,必须有一个可靠合理的通风系统作保证。

    In order to insure the mining production with high safety and efficiency currently and in the future , it is necessary to build a reliable mine ventilation system .

  24. 底柱连续采矿采场回采安全系统探讨

    Discussion on Stoping Safely System of Sill Continuous Mining Stope

  25. 地下采矿系统分析与安全生产管理

    System Analysis and Safety Management for Underground Mining

  26. 介绍国家煤炭工业重点实验室采矿工程实验室、安全工程实验室,以及地质工程实验室等概况。

    The article introduces the mining lab and safety lab , which are the key labs of national coal industry , and geology lab and environment lab .

  27. 深海采矿装置升沉补偿系统是保证深海采矿作业安全进行必不可少的装备之一。

    HCS for deep-sea mining device is one of the absolutely necessary instruments to secure the deep-sea mining production .

  28. 地下采矿活动引起上覆岩层移动变形和破坏,对覆岩变形破坏进行监测,可以为采矿设计和安全生产提供可靠的技术保障。

    Measurement the overburden deformation and failure caused by underground mining may provide reliable guidance for mining design and safe production .

  29. 因此,深海采矿移动机器人的控制相关问题是深海采矿技术诸多挑战中的重要研究问题之一,保障深海采矿机器人行驶的安全性成为一个亟待解决的问题,具有很重大的现实意义和科学意义。

    Therefore , the research on control of mining robot for deep seabed mining is an important problem among many challenges of deep seabed mining technique . It is high time to research how to control the slip to safeguard the running of the robot .