
cǎi zhū rén
  • pearl diver;pearler
采珠人[cǎi zhū rén]
  1. 一般的说,这些采珠人不能活得很久,

    But these fishermen generally don 't live to advanced age :

  2. 每只船有十个划船手和十个采珠人。

    Each boat is manned by ten oarsmen and ten fishermen .

  3. 采珠人分做两组,彼此轮流潜入水中,

    The latter divide into two groups , dive in rotation ,

  4. 在这采珠人聚会的场所,是沉重的孤寂。

    Profound solitude reigned over this gathering place of pearl fishermen .

  5. 尼摩船长首先关心的事是要救活这个不幸的采珠人。

    Captain Nemo 's first concern was to revive this unfortunate man .

  6. 是的,很有用,因为那些可怜的采珠人不能在水底下留得很久,

    Yes , since those poor fishermen can 't stay long underwater .

  7. 这个采珠人看不见我们。

    This diver didn 't see us .

  8. 至少,我问,这些采珠人可以得到足够的工资吧?

    At least , I asked , the fishermen are well paid , aren 't they ?

  9. 一百年前,它还是一个宁静的小城,贝都因商人和采珠人住在由珊瑚和石膏筑成的小屋里。

    A century ago , it was a tranquil town whose coral-and-gypsum huts housed Bedouin traders and pearl divers .

  10. 在边岸和我们之间,海上什么也没有,没有一只船,没有一个采珠人。

    Between us and the shore , the sea was deserted . Not a boat , not a diver .

  11. 它躲避了最强烈的风,海面也从没有很汹涌的波浪;对于采珠人的工作,这些都是很有利的条件。

    It 's sheltered from the strongest winds , and the sea is never very turbulent here , highly favorable conditions for diving work .

  12. 该塔曾是太阴历的观测平台,也是采珠人和渔民归来的信号塔,代表了卡塔尔人的辉煌记忆。

    The tower in Doha once served as an observatory of the lunar phases as well as a signal tower for approaching ships and pearl divers .

  13. 那是一个人,一个活人,一个印度人,一个黑人,当然是一个采珠人,一个可怜人,他未到采珠期就前来采珠了。

    It was a man , a living man , a black Indian fisherman , a poor devil who no doubt had come to gather what he could before harvest time .

  14. 鲨鱼正要咬这个不幸的采珠人的时候,看见了它的新来敌人,它立即又翻过肚腹,很快地向船长冲来。

    Just as it was about to snap up the poor fisherman , the man-eater saw its new adversary , repositioned itself on its belly , and headed swiftly toward him .

  15. 我认为这些采珠人可以留在水里面忍受的平均时间为三十秒,在这三十秒内,他们得赶快把自己采得的珍珠贝塞在一个小网中。

    I believe the average time underwater that these fishermen can tolerate is thirty seconds , during which they hastily stuff their little nets with all the pearl oysters they can tear loose .

  16. 于是,采珠人将返回自己的小船,而小岛又将渺无人迹。大战期间,采珠人不去那儿了,他多少年不见一个人影。

    Then the pearl fisher would go back into his dinghy and the island once more be deserted of man . During the war no pearlers came out and for years he never saw a living soul .

  17. 教授,就这样吧,尼摩船长对我说,您跟您的同伴们一同去参观马纳尔的礁石岩脉,如果有早来的采珠人已经在那里,那我们就看看他们采珍珠。

    On that note , professor , Captain Nemo told me , you and your companions will visit the Mannar oysterbank , and if by chance some eager fisherman arrives early , well , we can watch him at work .

  18. 他这岛周围礁石上盛产珍珠贝,他常常采集来卖给采珠人换烟抽;有时找到一颗好珠子就能卖挺大一笔钱。

    There is abundant pearl shell on the reef that surrounds his island and this he used to collect and sell to the pearlers for tobacco , and sometimes he found a good pearl for which he got a considerable sum .

  19. 采珠的人潜水寻找宝珠,商人在船上航行,孩子们却把鹅卵石拾起又丢掉。

    Pearl-fishers dive for pearls , merchants sail in their ships , while children gather pebbles and scatter them again .

  20. 采珠的人潜水寻珠,商人们奔波航行,孩子们收集了石子却又把它们丢弃了。

    Pearl fishers dive for pearls , merchants sail in their ships , while children gather pebbles and scatter them again .

  21. 每年的最后4个月,这一带也许有三两条采珠船。采珠人干完一天的活以后,常常把船划到岸边和他共度一个夜晚。

    During the last four months of the year there may be two of three pearlers about and not infrequently after the day 's worn they will row in and spend an evening with him .

  22. 甚至有人说,1814年,英国政府实行公营采珠,它的采珠人在二十天的工作中,一共采得七千六百万珍珠贝。

    It 's even said that in 1814 , when the English government went fishing on its own behalf , its divers worked just twenty days and brought up 76000000 oysters .

  23. 一个月后,就在这个地方,无数珍珠商的采珠船都齐集起来,船中采珠人要大胆去搜索的,也就是这一带的海水。

    A month from now in this very place , the numerous fishing boats of the harvesters will gather , and these are the waters their divers will ransack so daringly .