
  • 网络dream bar
  1. 好的,明天见,做个好梦吧。

    Ok , see you tomorrow and have a good dream .

  2. 就连你也有纯粹的梦吧。

    And even you have dreams that are just dreams .

  3. 你肯定听说过美国梦吧?

    You 've heard of the American dream , right ?

  4. 做个梦吧,梦见你杀了一个人。

    And make a dream you 've killed a man .

  5. 继续发梦吧,死开,遵命。

    Keep on dreaming . Uh , go away . Yes . Okay .

  6. 珠儿:去做你的猴梦吧!

    Jewel : In your little monkey dreams .

  7. 相信你们的梦吧,因为其中隐藏着通往永恒的门户。

    Trust the dreams , for in them is hidden the gate to eternity .

  8. 人生如梦,去梦吧。

    Life is a dream , dream it .

  9. 这也许会是个“伟大”的梦吧!

    Maybe someday it will come true .

  10. 这不是梦吧?

    Isn 't it a dream ?

  11. 这只是场梦吧?

    Was it all a dream ?

  12. 呵,趁现在时流还平静,作你的梦吧——且憩息,等醒来再哭泣。

    Whilst yet the calm hours creep , Dream thou-and from thy sleepThen wake to weep .

  13. 儿子,要是你不相信我那就相信美国梦吧

    AII right , son . If you don 't beIieve in me , beIieve in America .

  14. 当我孤独忧郁来袭,梦吧,只是小小的梦见我吧。

    While I 'm alone and blue as can be , dream a little dream of me .

  15. 可是这是你的梦想,这是你的人生,放心大胆的去追你的梦吧!

    Don 't wait until " someday . " Make today the first day of the rest of your new life .

  16. 不抛弃理想,再做一次白日梦吧感到沮丧的时候,想想自己的理想。

    Stay true to your vision . See it again in your mind If we are feeling discouraged , think about your vision .

  17. 哥们儿,《行尸走肉》第八季的预告片不会是想告诉我这一切只是瑞克昏迷时的一场梦吧

    Bruh , the trailer for The Walking Dead season 8 , don 't tell me everything that happened was just a dream when Rick was in a coma

  18. 齐兹:好的好的,去找点男人感兴趣的事怎么样?我们不能总是在洛杉矶圆你们女生天真的梦吧,我需要行动。

    Keatsy : ok , ok , what about some blokey stuff ? We cannot just go round chasing your girlish fantasies all over la . I want some action .

  19. 也许,不少人会象我那样记得,他们在梦境的危难和恐怖中,有时会自策自励而往往成功地喊道:“是梦吧,我索性梦下去呵!”

    and I imagine that many persons have reassured themselves amidst the perils of dream by calling out , " It is a dream ! I want it to go on . "

  20. 做你想做的梦吧,去你想去的地方,做你想做的那个自己,生命只有一次,你只有一次机会可以做你想做的事情。

    Dream what you want to dream ; go where you want to go ; be what you want to be , because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do .

  21. 做你想做的梦吧,去你想去的地方吧,成为你想成为的人吧,因为你只有一次生命,一个机会去做所有那些你想做的事。

    Dream what you want to dream ; go where you want to go ; be what you want to be , because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do .

  22. 趁天空还明媚,蔚蓝,趁着花朵鲜艳,趁眼睛看来一切美好,还没临到夜晚;呵,趁现在时流还平静,作你的梦吧&且憩息,等醒来再哭泣。

    Whilst skies are blue and bright , Whilst flowers are gay , Whilst eyes that change ere night Make glad the day ; Whilst yet the calm hours creep , Dream thou – and from thy sleep Then wake to weep .

  23. 这不会是一场梦而已吧~!?

    It can 't have been a dream & can it ?

  24. 可能世界上最美好的东西依旧还只是在你的梦里吧。

    So many the best things still only exist only in your dreams .

  25. 让你的梦飞翔吧,让你黑暗中的心灵屈服吧,屈服于我的音乐的力量,屈服于这夜之歌的力量。

    Let the dreams begin , let your darker side give in to the power of the music that I write , the power of the music of the night .

  26. 现在让我的幸福在梦中歌唱吧

    Now let my happiness sing inside my dream

  27. 在我的梦中入梦吧

    Rest with your dream in my dream

  28. 从梦中醒来吧!

    Come awaken from the dream !

  29. 而这一切只是场梦,你懂吧?

    And all of this is just a dream , you know ?

  30. 这不过是一个梦而已,对吧?

    But , I mean , it was only a dream , right ?