
  1. 钢琴作为乐器之王,在音乐发展历史上的每一个阶段都占有极其重要的地位。

    King of the piano as a musical instrument in the history of musical development at every stage occupies an extremely important position .

  2. 钢琴&西方乐器中的王者,在清朝中期传入我国。

    Piano-the king of Western musical instruments , into China in the mid-Qing Dynasty .

  3. 其特点是层层加深的音场,利用钢琴,电子乐器,创造大气环境。

    It features lush pads , dream piano and electronic sounds to create atmospheric environment .

  4. 此外,尚轩还在文化中心举办大型钢琴、打击乐器独奏会,演奏高难度的巴哈、莫扎特、肖邦等曲目。

    In addition , Shangxuan performs solo recitals in piano and percussion music at cultural centers , his repertoire including challenging compositions by Bach , Mozart and Chopin .

  5. 研究人员对167个弹钢琴或其他乐器的小孩进行了性格测试,发现从他们的回答可以预测出他们继续学音乐的可能性。那些性格更外向、更认真的小孩更可能继续弹奏乐器。

    In tests on 167 children who played piano or other instruments , they found their answer to personality tests could predict how likely it was for them to continue their music lessons . Those who were more outgoing and conscientious were more likely to continue to play .

  6. 钢琴比大多数弦乐乐器音准。

    Pianos stay in tune much better than most stringed instruments .

  7. 施坦威既把公司出品的钢琴当做耐用的乐器,也把它们当做奢侈的工艺品。

    Steinway has pitched its pianos both as durable instruments and luxurious artifacts .

  8. 用一段钢琴钢丝权充普通乐器琴弦。

    A stretch of piano wire was substituted for one of the ordinary strings .

  9. 泰恩:我主要是学钢琴,第二乐器是单簧管。

    Tyne : Well my main instrument is the piano and the clarinet is my second .

  10. 钢琴这一外来乐器在中国发展到今天,我国的音乐家们不仅努力的掌握西方音乐大师的优秀作品,同时为这一乐器创作了大量的、具有中国民族风格的音乐作品。

    With the developing of this foreign keyboard instrument , Chinese musicians have been working hard to master the great piano works by western musical masters , and meanwhile creating many piano works with unique traditional style .

  11. 中国在传入钢琴这件西洋乐器的同时,也传入了西方的作曲技术,中国钢琴曲的创作过程就是中国传统音乐和西方的作曲技术相融合的过程。

    The entering of non-Chinese musical instruments , the piano also leads the entering of western composition techniques . The process to create Chinese piano music works is the process of the combination of Chinese traditional music and western composition techniques .

  12. 此后,中国几代音乐家经历了近一个世纪的不懈努力,使钢琴这一西洋乐器在中国生根、发芽,并成为中国音乐艺术的一个重要组成部分。

    Since then , China has gone through several generations of musicians nearly a century of tireless efforts to make the piano the Western instruments in China , root , sprout , and become the art of Chinese music an important part .

  13. 铃木钢琴教学法的教学目标不是培养专门的钢琴演奏人才,而是在教学生如何使用钢琴这门乐器表达音乐的过程中,培养其音乐素养,丰富其精神世界,健全其人格品质。

    Its purpose is not cultivate professional pianists , but to teach the students how to use this instrument to express the beauty of music , to develop their musical ability , enrich their spiritual worlds and develop their personalities .

  14. 如:同步创作类合唱作品的钢琴声部与合唱声部的关系、后期创作类合唱作品的钢琴声部与合唱声部的关系、钢琴和其它乐器共同与合唱构成音乐表演的整体等等。

    Such as : the relationship of the synchronous creative class choral works , piano and choral voices , the piano department of the choral works of post-creative class and chorus Ministry , piano and other instruments , constitute the music and choral performances overall , and so on .

  15. 钢琴因其制作技术及工艺的不断完善,音域扩展到七个半八度,表现力得以大幅提升,使得钢琴成为乐器之王。

    Piano because of its production technique and process of continuous improvement , range extended to a seven and a half octave , performance boost , makes the piano became the " King of instruments " .